Powerful, Inspiring Pictures vol. 2009

Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

Why do people try to be funny in threads like this?
its more like......you know its coming, 6 pages of powerful inspirational pictures then you see luchiano's puddle pants !+%% just cracked meup
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

Why do people try to be funny in threads like this?
its more like......you know its coming, 6 pages of powerful inspirational pictures then you see luchiano's puddle pants !+%% just cracked me up
Originally Posted by northparkblind

Originally Posted by Si3xers55

at the lack of obama pics until the 5th page

at you for not realizing that there are way more powerful pictures then a black president.
Most of the pictures posted arent even powerful.
i look up to my older brother dearly (RetroJTino)
NTer for a long while now you probably knowhim
^man selena was bad. easily was beating jLo in every department in my opinion too. too bad her life was cut short
Most of these pictures aren't even powerful at all... this post is a joke.


Does anyone else think that it's not a big deal that we have a Black president?
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

^man selena was bad. easily was beating jLo in every department in my opinion too. too bad her life was cut short

She had a lot of talent. It's crazy and sad how she's gone
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

Father trying to protect in son, against Israeli gun fire.

But he's clearly a terrorist, look at how hes trying to hide and protect his child all terrorist like. Also, its a border fence, not wall.

The disgusting things that are ignored by our country.

The cartoon of the Three Wise Men is gold.

My Bad I took what you said out of context..... This is one of the most depressing moments in recent History for me....
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

^man selena was bad. easily was beating jLo in every department in my opinion too. too bad her life was cut short
How did she die?
man on wire was a great documentary. It's a shame the amount of stuff goin on while we're completely oblivious of it happening. Of course we take timeout to notice but there's so little that we can do about it. The powers above us has so much domination over everything that goes on.
That was horrendous how Selena died. Over nothing. I give Selena's father mad props for not killing that woman.

Keeping up with the Elvis pics. (Dont want no arguements guys, just posting pics of the Elvis photos that are powerful to me.)

Elvis in his last broadcasted television special. Dude wasso sick but he had no choice but to perform because he was damn near broke.



^info on these please


^this picture right here is pretty crazy, just the stance they are in speaks volumes
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