Powerful, Inspiring Pictures vol. 2009

I just wanna know how those Kobe pictures are "powerful" ?
Originally Posted by Dam itz Lou

I just wanna know how those Kobe pictures are "powerful" ?
gotta read man...

these are pretty good pictures but if you really think about it any picture is inspirational people have different mindset of what inspires them like the wrestling dan gable and the mexican immigrant olympic medalist cejudo?
b. Any picture can be emotionally powerful to a human being if it somehow it relates to them. You used MMA (thats what the sport is called, not UFC) so i will give you why its Powerful and/or Inspiring to someone. If you fight MMA, Coach MMA and/or are extremly involved in it as I am then these Pictures, What Happened in the pictures, Who these people are, or what these people have done and anything else that might be posted Would be Inspiring to someone like me.

You could say the same for someone who Does anything with music. Put a Picture of John Lennon, 2pac, Led Zeppelin or someone else it could be an insperation to that person although music isnt in comparisson to World History say like the Kennedy Assination, its still Extremly Important to someone. Good Talkin to you buckeroo.

and i thank you
Originally Posted by ctdaprince

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

is there a story behind this pic
Edit: Youve seen the picture underneath this one right? Thats him, Emmett Till was murdered, he had been beaten and his eye had been gouged out,before he was shot through the head and thrown into the river. There was no reason he was murdered, he was just playing in a yard (as far as i know anyway).This was the leading event to lead the American Civil Rights movement.
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by ctdaprince

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

is there a story behind this pic
Edit: Youve seen the picture underneath this one right? Thats him, Emmett Till was murdered, he had been beaten and his eye had been gouged out, before he was shot through the head and thrown into the river. There was no reason he was murdered, he was just playing in a yard (as far as i know anyway). This was the leading event to lead the American Civil Rights movement.

thanks i knew about Emmett Till i juss had never seen the pics
i think emmet till said something to a white lady at a store and her people dealt with him
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by ctdaprince

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

is there a story behind this pic
Edit: Youve seen the picture underneath this one right? Thats him, Emmett Till was murdered, he had been beaten and his eye had been gouged out, before he was shot through the head and thrown into the river. There was no reason he was murdered, he was just playing in a yard (as far as i know anyway). This was the leading event to lead the American Civil Rights movement.

he whistled at a white women
Wow, man that Emmett Till pic just makes me want to cry. Its a damn shame what hate, unwarranted hate can bring.
saw some comments about him, so heres what I have, Mr. President:
New York greeting the great ally of the US in South Asia, Pakistani President Ayub Khan in 1961

How a President of Pakistan was received in Washington D.C. in 1961





"Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can becredited with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three. "
"Gandhi died by the hands of an assassin; Jinnah died by his devotion to Pakistan."
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