President Obama Bows to Saudi "King" Abdullah

Jun 29, 2008
What do you think about this? Some of you already know my political affiliation so I don't need to tell you how I feel. Anyways, the White House is doingmajor damage control concerning this incident by claiming that he simply shook his hand and didn't bow to the fake king.

A photo of President Obama apparently bowing in front of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is stirring a royal-size controversy.

The photo and a video were largely ignored by mainstream media outlets but created outrage in some quarters.

"Such an act is a traditional obeisance befitting a king's subjects, not his peer. There is no precedent for U.S. presidents bowing to Saudi or any other royals," said the conservative Washington Times.

An Obama aide speaking anonymously denied that the president was bowing.

"It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah," the aide was quoted as saying by Wednesday.

That explanation was "absurd," the conservative Weekly Standard said. And the caption attached to the Getty Images photo said the president was bowing.

The setting was world leaders mingling before their official photo at the G-20 economic summit in London on April 1.

The heads of state were being photographed with Queen Elizabeth II - to whom Obama did not bow, online commenters said.

Some on the Hot Air Web site had fun with the whole affair, offering:

- "That is how they do it in Chicago . . ."

- "He wasn't bowing . . . he was ducking in case someone threw a shoe."

I'll look for more articles concerning the matter later.

hes just respecting the culture

plus its not like he got on his knees and kissed dudes feet
I can see that he shook with only one hand. Obama definitely bowed.

but why is it such a big deal?
i am not an obama fan but what hell is wrong with these conservatives.

Bowing is just a sign of respect, its not like Obama was bowing down on his knees...
Your title is misleading

He definitely does not, "Bow down"...he just bows. It's a sign of respect. You're reaching.
Right, a show of resepect. These dudes kill me trying to make a big deal out of nothing. Like he just sold missle launch code secrets or some issh.
From a Military/Super Bureaucratic enviroment standpoint, I can see what all the fuss is about. It's like a 4 Star General saluting an E5.

But on a normal human being standpoint, they need to calm down, it's not that serious.
Why is EVERYTHING Obama does a huge thing?

I mean the dude can't even make a joke without it being on the news.

On topic i don't think its a big deal. Just respecting the culture.
Originally Posted by kevin1479

hes just respecting the culture

plus its not like he got on his knees and kissed dudes feet

word. AM radio hosts have blown this "bow down" WAAAY out of proportion already.
Its things like this that cause me to dislike politics. I bet places like the stormfront are going crazy with this.

Originally Posted by jeenewed

Why is EVERYTHING Obama does a huge thing?

I mean the dude can't even make a joke without it being on the news.

On topic i don't think its a big deal. Just respecting the culture.

Its less to do with him being Obama and more to do with him being a newly elected president.
Originally Posted by jeenewed

Why is EVERYTHING Obama does a huge thing?
Seriously?!?! Maybe because he is PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and (obviously this title is up for debate and is outdated, etc... etc... but)THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.
Originally Posted by MHT214

He should have given him some Dap & dipped...
did you forget about the whole terrorist fist jab fiaso... i can only imagine how bad it would be if he had done that
I'm sorry if you guys can't grasp the importance of him bowing... but he ****** up.

his administration is going out of their way to say HE DID NOT BOW.... wonder why?? cause he ****** up. If it isn't a big deal why would he hide the factthat he bowed?

I am an obama fan but you guys need to hop off his ****. Our presidents are not the subordinate to the king of saudi arabia. He is not a subject of the king,you do not bow.
yeah well I didn't see the king bow back, he just nodded his head. The king went in for a handshake he wasn't expecting no damn bow
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