President Obama Bows to Saudi "King" Abdullah

Why is a white house rep denying it if its' no big deal?

Serious question, because I don't know why it would be considered disrespectful or not and really have no knowledge on world relations and stuff likethat. I do know that a white house rep is denying something that clearly happened, though . .
Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

We do this in Jujutsu to our peers. I don't see the problem, it's respectful if anything.

No you don't. You can't even spell jujitsu.

On another note, its extremely naive to see how this is not a big issue.
I'd rather my prez bow and shake hands then the alternative...


Bush & old boy looking like they about to go on a damn date
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by jeenewed

Why is EVERYTHING Obama does a huge thing?
Seriously?!?! Maybe because he is PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and (obviously this title is up for debate and is outdated, etc... etc... but) THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.

so everytime he uses the bathroom we need a thread on it? if its a political decision that he made then i understand but not this
Now THIS is serious news.

Here I am worried about high unemployment and the financial markets, head bowing is what I need to be concerned about
Does anyone know if he bowed to the Queen of England when they met? .. still don't see why this is a big deal, I would bow to a king if I met one
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

I'd rather my prez bow and shake hands then the alternative...


Bush & old boy looking like they about to go on a damn date
its a custom to kiss i believe and their probably just trying to show friendship
Originally Posted by DubA169

I'm sorry if you guys can't grasp the importance of him bowing... but he ****** up.

his administration is going out of their way to say HE DID NOT BOW.... wonder why?? cause he ****** up. If it isn't a big deal why would he hide the fact that he bowed?

I am an obama fan but you guys need to hop off his ****. Our presidents are not the subordinate to the king of saudi arabia. He is not a subject of the king, you do not bow.
EXACTLY!!! Thank you, someone who GETS IT! Tell me this obamatards...if its not a big deal, why is he denying that he did it? Why no just say"so...whats the problem?" Becuase he knows EXACTLY WHAT HE DID! This guy is a joke...and a huge douche.

So...since it was "just a sign of respect" why didn't he bow to anyone else? Why didn't the "King" bow back?
WTH? Whats the big deal?

@ some people getting mad...that goes to show you how some Americansstill feel about Muslims..
I see it as a sign of respect to culture nothing more, nothing less. I could see if he actually got down on his knees and started praisin dude and what not
Wow, we got a lot of subjective thinkers in here . .

I'm not involved in politics, don't know much about them and I'm not involved with either side . .

Can someone PLEASE explain to me why a white house rep would so vehemently deny this ever happened if it isn't a big deal?
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

WTH? Whats the big deal?

@ some people getting mad...that goes to show you how some Americans still feel about Muslims..
hahahaha easy now, don't try to paint everyone with a broad brush. The public response has little to do with anti-muslim sentiment. I meanits been re-hashed several times already but it has to do with his position (as President of the US) relative to that of the Saudi King. This isn't aboutsome dude named Barack kickin it with his buddy named Abdullah and the mutual respect they have. This is about the President/leader of the USA and theKing/leader of Saudi Arabia.

Someone mentioned the hoopla around Obama's Special Olympics joke, and how it was unwarranted. Similar situation (well kinda not really). If its just youand your boy sittin around and one of you cracks a joke about yourself saying you belong in the Special Olympics, it aint no thing. But if you arerepresentating a nation of half a billion people, or however large the population is, as their leader, you are held to a higher standard.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Now THIS is serious news.

Here I am worried about high unemployment and the financial markets, head bowing is what I need to be concerned about
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by DubA169

I'm sorry if you guys can't grasp the importance of him bowing... but he ****** up.

his administration is going out of their way to say HE DID NOT BOW.... wonder why?? cause he ****** up. If it isn't a big deal why would he hide the fact that he bowed?

I am an obama fan but you guys need to hop off his ****. Our presidents are not the subordinate to the king of saudi arabia. He is not a subject of the king, you do not bow.
EXACTLY!!! Thank you, someone who GETS IT! Tell me this obamatards...if its not a big deal, why is he denying that he did it? Why no just say "so...whats the problem?" Becuase he knows EXACTLY WHAT HE DID! This guy is a joke...and a huge douche.

So...since it was "just a sign of respect" why didn't he bow to anyone else? Why didn't the "King" bow back?

I see you dont make any points, just resort to personal attacks. Nice. Maybe I can call you a republicant, and call Bush a ******ed %@#$ up! But, I was raisedto respect people, so I wont. Now kindly exit the discussion since you have nothing substantial to add.

Its only as big as people make it to be. I'm not a fan of Obama's policies, but I sure as hell wont attack him for 'bowing' to a king. Sincewhen does that matter? Tell me how this will affect anyone in the world, please.
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

I'd rather my prez bow and shake hands then the alternative...


Bush & old boy looking like they about to go on a damn date

end of discussion
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