President Obama Bows to Saudi "King" Abdullah

Since when did American Diplomatic heads not be able to show respect to Foreign Diplomatic heads?

So we must walk around and just give everybody the headnod?

First it was a fistbump, now it's a bow...what's next?
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

i am not an obama fan but what hell is wrong with these conservatives.

Bowing is just a sign of respect, its not like Obama was bowing down on his knees...

also, its just culture....
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Since when did American Diplomatic heads not be able to show respect to Foreign Diplomatic heads?

So we must walk around and just give everybody the headnod?

First it was a fistbump, now it's a bow...what's next?

respect? the king didn't bow back did he? do you see the prime minister of England bowing to the king of saudi arabia? Did the Chinese leader bow?

at least when bush was kissin and holding hands they were seen as PEERS.

you bow to your superior correct?

and no this is not a huge deal...but he ****** up. and it's not even in my opinion. His own aides know he ****** up. You don't deny something that isobvious and you belive is right.

people saying "why you scrutinizing my man Obama"

BECAUSE HE IS THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD!! I admit People did not go so hard on Bush but we all know that was a huge mistake. the president must bescrutinized and critiqued.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315


In other news, the Dow AND Nasdaq went up today. Post that...Lazy B.
Obama stans getting mad. People on the left and right areupset about this.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

We do this in Jujutsu to our peers. I don't see the problem, it's respectful if anything.

No you don't. You can't even spell jujitsu.

On another note, its extremely naive to see how this is not a big issue.

My school has a very traditional strictly Gi master, but thank you moron for correcting my spelling mistake.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by jeenewed

Why is EVERYTHING Obama does a huge thing?
Seriously?!?! Maybe because he is PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and (obviously this title is up for debate and is outdated, etc... etc... but) THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.

ORLY? I didn't notice. But he shook his hand and bowed. I don't understand how that can make the news.
You guys do know who that was that he bowed to right? I think if you guys really knew who that man was and what "connection" he has to Obama youwould realize why it is a big deal

...because no one cares

this is what happens to a body of people when they become so nationalist, xenophobic, and unaware of the practices of others. "oh no, thepresident/"leader of the free world" is bowing and showing respect to another country's leader! this is a national crisis!" get the helloutta here and shut the front door with all that mess.
Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

Originally Posted by 100PROOF

I'd rather my prez bow and shake hands then the alternative...


Bush & old boy looking like they about to go on a damn date
its a custom to kiss i believe and their probably just trying to show friendship
ignorance sucks.
in the Middle Eastern culture - men who are good friends hold hands in public. thats what they do in Dubai and etc.
Clash of Civilization.
dude cant open his own chicken store, yet bow....people really care that much now a days? Obama coulda done the stanky leg with him while on hydro and I stillwouldnt care.
We live in a country where a possible Vice president didn't know that Africa was a CONTINENT. So how do you expect some
americans to understand the value of other culture in the world. Self-absorbed FTW!

This is done in Asia, the Middle East as well as parts of Africa (I'm sure more). No biggie, Obama is doing you a favor.
I'm sorry if you guys can't grasp the importance of him bowing... but he ****** up.

his administration is going out of their way to say HE DID NOT BOW.... wonder why?? cause he ****** up. If it isn't a big deal why would he hide the fact that he bowed?

I am an obama fan but you guys need to hop off his ****. Our presidents are not the subordinate to the king of saudi arabia. He is not a subject of the king, you do not bow.

I don't think he should've bowed. To me it goes beyond "cultural respect" or whatever. I also agree that it gives the appearance of Obamatherefore the country he represents as being some kind of subordinate to the sultanate of Saudi Arabia and in a way we are if you know about the relationshipbetween the two countries. They got us by the balls. Anyone watch the most recent episode of Frontline they showed this past Tuesday?
Looked like he was going for a peck on the cheek. Why didn't someone tackle Mr President? Anyways, why hasn't the Prince bought the 49ers yet?!
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]isn't it common practice to show respect to a person while visiting them in there own country, intheir own customs? i can see if dude pulled up to the white house and Obama bowed but %++% just like if you go to your boys crib, you follow what theydo[/color]
Yeh he did bow - doing prostrations to the Saudi King is a no no...

He was only couple inches from his feet, might as well kissed em'
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