Prime Iron Mike VS Alpha Silverback Gorilla Vol. "I pay 15k to fight a gorilla"

Oct 27, 2002
Okay, so after the mauling of the women by a 200lb chimp and that post regarding person vs pitbull. I got the idea of strong man vs stronge ape. I recallway back when iron mike actually wanted to fight a gorilla and offered 15k to a zoo to fight one of its gorillas.

So lets take a prime mike, no gloves vs a alpha silverback gorilla that is inclined to fight, or lets say mike just killed and ate its offspring in front ofpapa ape. They are placed in a 12x12 cage, no weapons.

Yall think Iron will give the big monkey that one hitter quitter chin check?





Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

must be crazy.... Mike would DIE in like 5 mins....

and anyone who thinks other wise will soon be weeded out by mother nature.

Gorilla doesn't know what boxing is, hes gonna just overwhelm him and maul the $#+# outta him, hed be paying the zoo for a 15K death by gorilla
Gorilla, more fast-twitch muscles=easily stronger. Think about it, if a chimp is 7 times stronger than a human and gorillas make chimps look weak....I'msure you get my point.

Tyson would get ripped apart by a gorilla. A bear v.s. a gorilla would be more interesting.
He all talk. If he wanted to fight a silverback he coulda got a plane ticket and a guide for 15 racks. Probably woulda had enough leftover for the coffintoo.

Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

WHats up with all these smiley avy's?

I had mine for a long time now. Just sayin'.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

must be crazy.... Mike would DIE in like 5 mins....

and anyone who thinks other wise will soon be weeded out by mother nature.


couldnt have put it better myself. what a silly question. the Gorilla would rip his arms out in an instant.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

must be crazy.... Mike would DIE in like 5 mins....

and anyone who thinks other wise will soon be weeded out by mother nature.

I think otherwise.

a human being won't last more than 15 seconds in a fight with with a silverback.
Originally Posted by SuperVi11ain

iron mike vs maybe a full grown orangutan. no way in hell he has a chance against a silverback though
Five times the strength of humans. He still wouldn't have a chance. I don't even think he can match up with a Bonobo.
If you tell Mike he can do anything to win I guarantee that even if the gorilla beats or kills him it'll eventually die from internal injuries.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

If you tell Mike he can do anything to win I guarantee that even if the gorilla beats or kills him it'll eventually die from internal injuries.

word, like mike will bite it back.
ha id say the gorilla for sure but who knows if Mike connects with one solid hit to the jaw Might Joe Young would fall
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