Prime Iron Mike VS Alpha Silverback Gorilla Vol. "I pay 15k to fight a gorilla"

Originally Posted by StonedFace

Originally Posted by Master Zik

If you tell Mike he can do anything to win I guarantee that even if the gorilla beats or kills him it'll eventually die from internal injuries.
are you serious look at that gorilla on the first page, dont even got a neck, his ability to absorb Mike's blows will be one of the reasons mike wouldn't survive more than 15 seconds
That gorilla aint ready. Mike would cave in it's sternum and proceed to crush it's genitalia and after that eat it's children.
The better question is would 5 Mike Tyson's be able to beat one silverback gorilla???� I think that is a more legit question.� There was some Animal Planetshow on this stuff and it said if you had the equivalent strength of a gorilla you would be able to lift 4600 pounds over your head.� I honestly think 5 MikeTyson's wouldn't stand a chance.� I think if you let a prime Tyson throw his strongest punch 10 times to the chin of a silverback it still wouldn'tbe knocked out.� It'd be damn sore..but i don't think it'd be knocked out.
Watch starting at 3:52
FIRST OFF: on a show on animal planet they have said all that talk about chimps being stronger is FALSE!
they are way stronger than a human their size
which is like 4ft?
so a strong guy is more than enough for a chimp. even though all chimps do is bite, and rip your testicles off.
a gorilla with gloves on and a muzzle vs prime iron mike..
that is a toss up.. but mike FTW.
technique wins strength anyday.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

in his prime, mike tyson had the punching power of something stupid like 40lbs per square inch or somethin... (i cant remember the specific stuff)
but they said one of his fists is equiv. to throwing a 200lb man 55mph at whatever he's aiming at.

if he could land one solid powershot.... he may kill the gorilla.
so tyson has never hit a man with a solid powershot ever? they didnt die. or are u saying his opponents were also stronger than a gorilla? Do ueven hear what youre saying?
Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

FIRST OFF: on a show on animal planet they have said all that talk about chimps being stronger is FALSE!
they are way stronger than a human their size
which is like 4ft?
so a strong guy is more than enough for a chimp. even though all chimps do is bite, and rip your testicles off.
a gorilla with gloves on and a muzzle vs prime iron mike..
that is a toss up.. but mike FTW.
technique wins strength anyday.

In tests at the Bronx Zoo in 1924, a dynamometer - a scale that measures the mechanical force of a pull on a spring - was erected in the monkey house. A 165-pound male chimpanzee named "Boma" registered a pull of 847 pounds, using only his right hand (although he did have his feet braced against the wall, being somewhat hip, in his simian way, to the principles of leverage). A 165-pound man, by comparison, could manage a one-handed pull of about 210 pounds. Even more frightening, a female chimp, weighing a mere 135 pounds and going by the name of Suzette, checked in with a one-handed pull of 1,260 pounds. (She was in a fit of passion at the time; one shudders to think what her boyfriend must have looked like next morning.) In dead lifts, chimps have been known to manage weights of 600 pounds without even breaking into a sweat.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

FIRST OFF: on a show on animal planet they have said all that talk about chimps being stronger is FALSE!
they are way stronger than a human their size
which is like 4ft?
so a strong guy is more than enough for a chimp. even though all chimps do is bite, and rip your testicles off.
a gorilla with gloves on and a muzzle vs prime iron mike..
that is a toss up.. but mike FTW.
technique wins strength anyday.

In tests at the Bronx Zoo in 1924, a dynamometer - a scale that measures the mechanical force of a pull on a spring - was erected in the monkey house. A 165-pound male chimpanzee named "Boma" registered a pull of 847 pounds, using only his right hand (although he did have his feet braced against the wall, being somewhat hip, in his simian way, to the principles of leverage). A 165-pound man, by comparison, could manage a one-handed pull of about 210 pounds. Even more frightening, a female chimp, weighing a mere 135 pounds and going by the name of Suzette, checked in with a one-handed pull of 1,260 pounds. (She was in a fit of passion at the time; one shudders to think what her boyfriend must have looked like next morning.) In dead lifts, chimps have been known to manage weights of 600 pounds without even breaking into a sweat.


give me a test were a chimp is somewhat standing straight pulling LIKE a human does.
plus i know a chimp isnt going to throw punches MAYBE big looping hooks and hammer fist. they just bite and tear.
mike? not a chance. he couldnt even beat an old holyfield even though he bit his ear off. now Fedor! that could be interesting. hed arm bar the sh*t out ofthat monkey!
cmon man. i dont think you fully understand what a gorilla really is. it would squash mikes head in like a grapefruit
Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

FIRST OFF: on a show on animal planet they have said all that talk about chimps being stronger is FALSE!
they are way stronger than a human their size
which is like 4ft?
so a strong guy is more than enough for a chimp. even though all chimps do is bite, and rip your testicles off.
a gorilla with gloves on and a muzzle vs prime iron mike..
that is a toss up.. but mike FTW.
technique wins strength anyday.

In tests at the Bronx Zoo in 1924, a dynamometer - a scale that measures the mechanical force of a pull on a spring - was erected in the monkey house. A 165-pound male chimpanzee named "Boma" registered a pull of 847 pounds, using only his right hand (although he did have his feet braced against the wall, being somewhat hip, in his simian way, to the principles of leverage). A 165-pound man, by comparison, could manage a one-handed pull of about 210 pounds. Even more frightening, a female chimp, weighing a mere 135 pounds and going by the name of Suzette, checked in with a one-handed pull of 1,260 pounds. (She was in a fit of passion at the time; one shudders to think what her boyfriend must have looked like next morning.) In dead lifts, chimps have been known to manage weights of 600 pounds without even breaking into a sweat.

give me a test were a chimp is somewhat standing straight pulling LIKE a human does.
plus i know a chimp isnt going to throw punches MAYBE big looping hooks and hammer fist. they just bite and tear.

This kid actually believes what he's saying.
Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

FIRST OFF: on a show on animal planet they have said all that talk about chimps being stronger is FALSE!
they are way stronger than a human their size
which is like 4ft?
so a strong guy is more than enough for a chimp. even though all chimps do is bite, and rip your testicles off.
a gorilla with gloves on and a muzzle vs prime iron mike..
that is a toss up.. but mike FTW.
technique wins strength anyday.

In tests at the Bronx Zoo in 1924, a dynamometer - a scale that measures the mechanical force of a pull on a spring - was erected in the monkey house. A 165-pound male chimpanzee named "Boma" registered a pull of 847 pounds, using only his right hand (although he did have his feet braced against the wall, being somewhat hip, in his simian way, to the principles of leverage). A 165-pound man, by comparison, could manage a one-handed pull of about 210 pounds. Even more frightening, a female chimp, weighing a mere 135 pounds and going by the name of Suzette, checked in with a one-handed pull of 1,260 pounds. (She was in a fit of passion at the time; one shudders to think what her boyfriend must have looked like next morning.) In dead lifts, chimps have been known to manage weights of 600 pounds without even breaking into a sweat.

give me a test were a chimp is somewhat standing straight pulling LIKE a human does.
plus i know a chimp isnt going to throw punches MAYBE big looping hooks and hammer fist. they just bite and tear.

Deadlift 600.........?!

That ##$$ is madness....
I can barely manage a 225lb max DL
Mike would get murked in 2 seconds.

A real fight would be between a grizzly bear and a gorilla
Gorillas bone structure are up to 12 times denser than our own

Their strength lies IN THEIR ARMS. 11 average adult men = 1 Gorilla.

Their bites measure 1200 lbs/sq. inch. more than enough to crush our bones should their hands not be enough.

I'd give Mike 25 seconds before his arms are ripped off.
Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

FIRST OFF: on a show on animal planet they have said all that talk about chimps being stronger is FALSE!
they are way stronger than a human their size
which is like 4ft?
so a strong guy is more than enough for a chimp. even though all chimps do is bite, and rip your testicles off.
a gorilla with gloves on and a muzzle vs prime iron mike..
that is a toss up.. but mike FTW.
technique wins strength anyday.

In tests at the Bronx Zoo in 1924, a dynamometer - a scale that measures the mechanical force of a pull on a spring - was erected in the monkey house. A 165-pound male chimpanzee named "Boma" registered a pull of 847 pounds, using only his right hand (although he did have his feet braced against the wall, being somewhat hip, in his simian way, to the principles of leverage). A 165-pound man, by comparison, could manage a one-handed pull of about 210 pounds. Even more frightening, a female chimp, weighing a mere 135 pounds and going by the name of Suzette, checked in with a one-handed pull of 1,260 pounds. (She was in a fit of passion at the time; one shudders to think what her boyfriend must have looked like next morning.) In dead lifts, chimps have been known to manage weights of 600 pounds without even breaking into a sweat.

give me a test were a chimp is somewhat standing straight pulling LIKE a human does.
plus i know a chimp isnt going to throw punches MAYBE big looping hooks and hammer fist. they just bite and tear.

Did you read the post you even quoted? Re-read the Bronx Zoo excerpt.
A chimp would KO you with gloves on, refs, and rules
The silver back gorilla easy, but against Muhammed Ali its a whole different story.
This thread is funny. No human is going to beat a gorilla, that is all riled up, with or without gloves and a muzzle, period.
Just imagine that for a minute. A gorilla's power would KO you so fast. It would be like a baby giving love taps to a grown man.
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