Prime Iron Mike VS Alpha Silverback Gorilla Vol. "I pay 15k to fight a gorilla"

Originally Posted by Master Zik

If you tell Mike he can do anything to win I guarantee that even if the gorilla beats or kills him it'll eventually die from internal injuries.

are you serious look at that gorilla on the first page, dont even got a neck, his ability to absorb Mike's blows will be one of the reasons mikewouldn't survive more than 15 seconds
Originally Posted by StonedFace

Originally Posted by Master Zik

If you tell Mike he can do anything to win I guarantee that even if the gorilla beats or kills him it'll eventually die from internal injuries.

are you serious look at that gorilla on the first page, dont even got a neck, his ability to absorb Mike's blows will be one of the reasons mike wouldn't survive more than 15 seconds
I cant believe your being serious.... actually trying to counter that nonsense
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

must be crazy.... Mike would DIE in like 5 mins....

and anyone who thinks other wise will soon be weeded out by mother nature.

I think otherwise.

a human being won't last more than 15 seconds in a fight with with a silverback.

At first I was like...


but then I saw what you did I'm like...


Had me there for a min...

are some of yall n's serious with yall replies?
this aint a game of man will prosper over a animal like that..that gorilla looks like he could rip your head off literally with one swing

mike wouldnt even have a chance if he went in with a banana in his hand carrying monkey vagina
in his prime, mike tyson had the punching power of something stupid like 40lbs per square inch or somethin... (i cant remember the specific stuff)
but they said one of his fists is equiv. to throwing a 200lb man 55mph at whatever he's aiming at.

if he could land one solid powershot.... he may kill the gorilla.
Gorilla has fangs. Mike has teeth.

Gorilla has strength to RIP a human apart. Mike has strength to break bones.

Gorilla has agility and is much faster. Mike can simply dodge and weave.

Mike dies within 2 minutes.
unfortunately this isn't the dumbest thing i've seen on NT. Gorilla via Destruction in 10-15 seconds
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

in his prime, mike tyson had the punching power of something stupid like 40lbs per square inch or somethin... (i cant remember the specific stuff)
but they said one of his fists is equiv. to throwing a 200lb man 55mph at whatever he's aiming at.

if he could land one solid powershot.... he may kill the gorilla.
I don't know why but this had me rolling on the floor

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

in his prime, mike tyson had the punching power of something stupid like 40lbs per square inch or somethin... (i cant remember the specific stuff)
but they said one of his fists is equiv. to throwing a 200lb man 55mph at whatever he's aiming at.

if he could land one solid powershot.... he may kill the gorilla.
Gorillas have thicker bone density than humans. I'm sure they can take alot of shots from Mike.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

in his prime, mike tyson had the punching power of something stupid like 40lbs per square inch or somethin... (i cant remember the specific stuff)
but they said one of his fists is equiv. to throwing a 200lb man 55mph at whatever he's aiming at.

if he could land one solid powershot.... he may kill the gorilla.


Just stop it.

Real talk, I seriously don't think some o'yah understand what Mike would be going up against.

In his prime, Mike wasn't even the strongest human. The strongest human would easily get destroyed by an average silver back. That said, Mike wouldn'teven stand a chance. I mean, the layers of muscle on the silver back would alone negate any possible damage Mike's shots could cause.

Humans are dangerous only because of the weapons we've developed to aid us in our various conquests against each other and/or mother nature. You take awayour weapons, and the products of our ingenuity, and it becomes very very lucid just how fragile of species we are.

Our closest primate cousins will always fare better than us when it comes to sheer strength and brute power. The only reason why they haven't dominated usis because we moved away from their habitats, and via our ability to imagine and conceive (traits/skills that differentiate us from all other species), wedeveloped "tools" that have aided us in our survival, proliferation, and domination of the planet.

Still, we are nothing without our "tools". You put Mike in a cage with prime silver back and he will get massacred.

Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

must be crazy.... Mike would DIE in like 5 mins....
I promise you I laughed loud as $*## at the 1st two responses.


Seriously though...Ya'll saw what that chimp did to that woman.... Imagine a gorilla.

Have Mike lookin like...


... afterward.
Originally Posted by jbeezie

gorilla. is this even a thread?

Originally Posted by MC OTAKU

id take the sb gorilla with one hand tied behind his back

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Oh hell no.
the fact that all 3 of you guys, with your unique renditions of the smiley face, all replied one after another makes this thread even funnier.

seriously though, silverbacks weigh like 500+ pounds - rip mike
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

in his prime, mike tyson had the punching power of something stupid like 40lbs per square inch or somethin... (i cant remember the specific stuff)
but they said one of his fists is equiv. to throwing a 200lb man 55mph at whatever he's aiming at.

if he could land one solid powershot.... he may kill the gorilla.

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

in his prime, mike tyson had the punching power of something stupid like 40lbs per square inch or somethin... (i cant remember the specific stuff)
but they said one of his fists is equiv. to throwing a 200lb man 55mph at whatever he's aiming at.

if he could land one solid powershot.... he may kill the gorilla.

My man, a gorilla is much, MUCH stronger than Mike Tyson. You know what gorillas fight in the wild? Cmon... you can get it. That's right! Other gorillas!
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