Procastinators unite.... still doing / haven't done your taxes?

i waited until tonight to drop do them and just got back from dropping the check off at the post office. when you owe you tend to put it off until the lastsecond.
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

I never understood why people wait so long to file their taxes, you don't want your money quick, fast and in a hurry?

Unfortunately, not everyone gets money back.
I'll be damned if I give the gov't my money before April 15th.
I filed and wrote my two checks today.
1) For owing
2) For now having to pay quarterly.

******ed, since I can damn near guarantee getting all of it back next year.
Having a CPA with a good 30 years of experience FTW? But honestly, my taxes were done in january the second I got my W2 and I've been enjoying the refundever since.
huhhhhhhhhhhh........Just paid the $505 i owe for federal, gonna pay the $68 tax i owe tomorrow.........huhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i did mine in like January bought a PSP and two pairs of shoes with money i got
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