Products You Will Never Buy Again

any electronic related products that are not apple branded. to me that includes personal computers aka pc's, which to me can be considered desktops or laptops, tablets, phones and bags. since apple does not manufacture bags for laptops i carry mine
Unless I was working on zero sleep I never took a whole bottle at once. Usually half and if I needed some later I would finish the other half. But most of the time half did the trick
Was doing a draft at 9pm for my fantasy baseball league, draft ended at 3 and i was bouncing off the walls till 7. 
Windows Mobile. Yeah, WM is no more and now replaced by Windows Phone, but that means, I'll never buy a Window Phone.

That Windows Mobile phone I had way back sucked so bad. The only thing good about it was a physical QWERTY keyboard.
Blackberry Bold 9900. Yeah, definitely regret buying that phone.
I'm currently looking at a couple bottles of cologne, a few of which I've had since 04, that are all pretty much full.
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