Products You Will Never Buy Again

Invisible Shield... after the first month, they just get so annoying you eventually peel them off.
i got u but if someone returns a product that much. no one wins. the person gets a new product that will likely go through the same misfortune as the others. what will they do once that plan runs up? as for best buy. they really win on bigger plans. thats where they get their hustle on bc like u said the amount of people who dont ever have to return or replace items far outweighs those that do. best buy either breaks even or actually loses money on small items like this that get returned over 2 times so in this instance. its not a hustle but just something they can offer and most likely take the loss as its nothing at the end of their quarter since they make it up in other a consumer. id buy something better. as best buy. the loss is negligible and id def make up the minimal loss elsewhere while still offering the plan just to offer it. but ur right. its still a hustle. its just that not many people bother w that plan on such a cheap product. thats why i think its funny that dude paid $10 on a $50 product
Actually bestbuy is losing MILLIONS because of issues like this.
- Generic brand personal care items (mouthwash, face wash, etc.)
- Astringent since Witch Hazel is :pimp:
- Vitamins from GNC, I found a brand of vitamins that offer the same exact values for 1/4 the price
Blackberry phone..each one I had started freezing every other day after a while...and the apps suck.
Trader Joe's cereal called "Puffins". I thought it would taste like Cinnamon Toast Crunch - little did I know it would taste more like a cardboard box.

As a person who sweats a lot I will not use any other deodorant than Certain Dry and Certain Dry AM. With these two products I don't sweat at all under my arms and smell fresh. Its crack
certain dri didnt work for me and just burned so bad. i felt like putting on before i go to sleep was just to much. i just opted for the botox. the injections lasted over 6 months.
Pepperoni Pizza from 7 Eleven; decided to eat some on break one day and had the worst mud butt ever that night :smh: . Never again.
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