Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

And people still have the audacity to argue that PSN is the same except free whenever someone mentions that XBL is better.

hasnt xbl been down for a long period of time before?
not for four days.
but this is a different animal all together, when xbl goes down its due to technical issues not because someone messed with it
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

And people still have the audacity to argue that PSN is the same except free whenever someone mentions that XBL is better.

hasnt xbl been down for a long period of time before?
not for four days.
but this is a different animal all together, when xbl goes down its due to technical issues not because someone messed with it
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

And people still have the audacity to argue that PSN is the same except free whenever someone mentions that XBL is better.

hasnt xbl been down for a long period of time before?
not for four days.
but this is a different animal all together, when xbl goes down its due to technical issues not because someone messed with it
your right it was for like fifteen....

They need to %%^^& hurry...
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

PS3 thread bruh

This.I've been trying to cope with it for the past two days... Quite a waste of the weekend.
Good thing Black Ops didn't have a double XP weekend going on... Or else people would be livid.
Hopefully it's gonna be back to normal real soon.
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

PS3 thread bruh

This.I've been trying to cope with it for the past two days... Quite a waste of the weekend.
Good thing Black Ops didn't have a double XP weekend going on... Or else people would be livid.
Hopefully it's gonna be back to normal real soon.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

And people still have the audacity to argue that PSN is the same except free whenever someone mentions that XBL is better.

hasnt xbl been down for a long period of time before?
not for four days.
but this is a different animal all together, when xbl goes down its due to technical issues not because someone messed with it
your right it was for like fifteen....

They need to %%^^& hurry...
Originally Posted by gil23

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

hasnt xbl been down for a long period of time before?
not for four days.
but this is a different animal all together, when xbl goes down its due to technical issues not because someone messed with it
your right it was for like fifteen....

They need to %%^^& hurry...
Originally Posted by gil23

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

hasnt xbl been down for a long period of time before?
not for four days.
but this is a different animal all together, when xbl goes down its due to technical issues not because someone messed with it
your right it was for like fifteen....

They need to %%^^& hurry...
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by gil23

Originally Posted by omgitswes

not for four days.
but this is a different animal all together, when xbl goes down its due to technical issues not because someone messed with it
your right it was for like fifteen....

They need to %%^^& hurry...

People are beginning to lose it...
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by gil23

Originally Posted by omgitswes

not for four days.
but this is a different animal all together, when xbl goes down its due to technical issues not because someone messed with it
your right it was for like fifteen....

They need to %%^^& hurry...

People are beginning to lose it...
def don't remember it being down that long.
When was this? Longest time I remember was a couple days one year after Christmas
def don't remember it being down that long.
When was this? Longest time I remember was a couple days one year after Christmas
Good thing we dont have to pay for psn lmao. I'd be mad as #$%! When it come back on, and you have black ops, add me! ALLDAY1214
Good thing we dont have to pay for psn lmao. I'd be mad as #$%! When it come back on, and you have black ops, add me! ALLDAY1214
to be honest i don't care when the Network comes back online.  Just as long as any personal information (credit card info, etc) is okay.  Also if the servers or whatever are in Japan they got more important things to worry about. 

might just have to watch the NBA playoffs....maybe not
to be honest i don't care when the Network comes back online.  Just as long as any personal information (credit card info, etc) is okay.  Also if the servers or whatever are in Japan they got more important things to worry about. 

might just have to watch the NBA playoffs....maybe not
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