PS3 or XBOX 360

im a playstation guy at heart. got both systems, recently getting the 360. I have to admit the controller for xbox is much more comfy to use.

and xbox live is a bit better than the psn connection wise, i noticed less lag.

having both systems %$%%# tho.
theres NO damn lag in PSN, dudes really need to stop LYING. Majority of you dudes have %**#+*%@ routers a/b/g. Step it up and get a N router and you'llnotice A huge DIFFERENCE.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

free online play, lulz, seriously thats all you guys got? its pathetic, a mere 3 bucks a month. here, Ill pay for you Live *throws money in face*
That's ok, I don't want your parents money, lulz.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl


See I hate when dudes say 360 is for people who like to play online.

I've logged way more online time with PS3 than I have with the 360.

They online that 360 has over it is Cross Game Chat! That's it and that's all.

Does PSN have an equivalent of Xbox Live Parties?

Playing a shooter in an Xbox Live party with 5 of your friends
>>>>>> playing multiplayer with a single friend
>> playing multiplayer

And yes, 360 is most definitely for people who like to play online to a higher degree than PS3 is. The 360 has been built as an online system from day 1. Its
biggest exclusives (Halo and Gears of War) are more about multiplayer than the campaign. Headphones are spread out way more in the 360 community than the PS3,
where I hear that you rarely meet someone with headphones.

The ONLY argument PSN has over Xbox Live is that its free, and that
is a good argument. But in the end, the reason PSN is free is because
it's flat out
inferior.. If you have both consoles
and play both on PSN and Xbox Live but still think there isn't any
difference, then it's simply because you
aren't using Xbox Live's capabilities to the fullest and are playing
multiplayer like it was played 10 years ago on Counter Strike or

  • A higher degree?
    Son said higher. How is that possible?
  • It's been built as the biggest videogame system failure since day 1.
  • Headphones? Blu-tooth >
  • It's FREE because it's dumb as in hell in today's market to pay to play online. You same oil tycoon %%% *#*%+* applauding XBL fee are the same dudes in the non existent 360 thread asking for FREE 48hr codes
    buuh buuh it's only $3 a month
  • He's right, I've yet to use cross-game chat, shucks, one day I TEH WILL!!!!1

* I don't know. I guess I picked up the expression somewhere. "Higher degree" gets 2.760.000 hits on google. Either way, just goes to show howdesperate you are trying to turn this into something that it isn't about.
* Keep playing the RROD card all you want. Personally, I've had my 360 for 2 years and have only missed 9 days out of 700 of gaming time because of theRROD. The service was excellent. Sent my 360 and a little over a week later I got a brand new one with a 30 day Xbox Live card. One thing about you PS3 fanboysconstantly playing the RROD card and mentioning the 55% failure rate is that you conveniently overlook the newer 360 consoles, which have a much lower failurerate. And isn't this what this thread is about? Which system people should buy today, not yesterday? If you decide to buy a 360, obviously itwould be dumb to buy a console that was built in 2006. Buying a new 360 with the "Jasper" chip will reduce the chances of a RROD significantly. Andyou will still get a 3 year warranty if you're unlucky to get a RROD on your Jasper.
* What good are blu-tooth headphones if so many gamers are without them. Besides, you can get a wireless headset for the 360 as well.
* I've never asked for any 48-hour trials, so I don't know who these people are. Those people probably pay for Xbox Live per month instead of per year,which is stupid anyway. But since you mentioned it, yeah, there are plenty of 48-hour and 1 month trials that come with some 360 games, so in the end, if priceis what bothers you, Xbox Live can be even cheaper than the $2.50 per month you can get off eBay.
*Cross-game chat? Why PS3ers keep mentioning this as if this is the 360's strongest argument? Who cares about cross-game chat? Although it's a nicefeature, Xbox Live parties >>> anything chat related. Those are automatically cross-game chat BTW.
get a 360...i have one....only reason i want a ps3 is because of MGS4.....besides that i have no interest in it
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

theres NO damn lag in PSN, dudes really need to stop LYING. Majority of you dudes have %**#+*%@ routers a/b/g. Step it up and get a N router and you'll notice A huge DIFFERENCE.
i have no idea where people get that PSN is laggy? PSN runs the same as live, with some games having dedicated servers
Originally Posted by Lemonade41

so I should get the PS3 first?

get a 360 first because you will have more choices when it comes to quality games across different genres
it is pathetic that the ps3 isnt even the RPG leader this gen

I got a wii, 360, and a ps3
the wii is trash...the ps3 is nice...the rechargeable controller, big hdd, blue ray...I own MGS4 and LBP and they are collecting dust as I type this
wow 15 pages?...meh do like I did. Get the 360 first(All my friends are on it)...then get the PS3 later on. simple.
get the PS3 first. No entrance fees required to play online plus there's a pretty solid block of releases in this period of time.

Only thing extra needed is a monoprice hdmi cable.

The games argument is bull@#$ since most of those extra games are trash.

If y'all say otherwise prove it.
*Cross-game chat? Why PS3ers keep mentioning this as if this is the 360's strongest argument? Who cares about cross-game chat? Although it's a nice feature, Xbox Live parties >>> anything chat related. Those are automatically cross-game chat BTW.
Somebody please break down for me why this makes XBL > PSN and why it's worth $50. I've asked this same question to some of my friendsand have yet to get any actual answer.
Originally Posted by sherwin100s

wow 15 pages?...meh do like I did. Get the 360 first(All my friends are on it)...then get the PS3 later on. simple.
listen to this man..

i copped the ps3 twice already, sold both times....but im pretty sure im going to re-cop later on.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

free online play, lulz, seriously thats all you guys got? its pathetic, a mere 3 bucks a month. here, Ill pay for you Live *throws money in face*
That's ok, I don't want your parents money, lulz.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl


See I hate when dudes say 360 is for people who like to play online.

I've logged way more online time with PS3 than I have with the 360.

They online that 360 has over it is Cross Game Chat! That's it and that's all.
Does PSN have an equivalent of Xbox Live Parties?

Playing a shooter in an Xbox Live party with 5 of your friends
>>>>>> playing multiplayer with a single friend
>> playing multiplayer

And yes, 360 is most definitely for people who like to play online to a higher degree than PS3 is. The 360 has been built as an online system from day 1. Its
biggest exclusives (Halo and Gears of War) are more about multiplayer than the campaign. Headphones are spread out way more in the 360 community than the PS3,
where I hear that you rarely meet someone with headphones.

The ONLY argument PSN has over Xbox Live is that its free, and that
is a good argument. But in the end, the reason PSN is free is because
it's flat out
inferior.. If you have both consoles
and play both on PSN and Xbox Live but still think there isn't any
difference, then it's simply because you
aren't using Xbox Live's capabilities to the fullest and are playing
multiplayer like it was played 10 years ago on Counter Strike or
  • A higher degree?
    Son said higher. How is that possible?
  • It's been built as the biggest videogame system failure since day 1.
  • Headphones? Blu-tooth >
  • It's FREE because it's dumb as in hell in today's market to pay to play online. You same oil tycoon %%% *#*%+* applauding XBL fee are the same dudes in the non existent 360 thread asking for FREE 48hr codes
    buuh buuh it's only $3 a month
  • He's right, I've yet to use cross-game chat, shucks, one day I TEH WILL!!!!1
* I don't know. I guess I picked up the expression somewhere. "Higher degree" gets 2.760.000 hits on google. Either way, just goes to show how desperate you are trying to turn this into something that it isn't about.
* Keep playing the RROD card all you want. Personally, I've had my 360 for 2 years and have only missed 9 days out of 700 of gaming time because of the RROD. The service was excellent. Sent my 360 and a little over a week later I got a brand new one with a 30 day Xbox Live card. One thing about you PS3 fanboys constantly playing the RROD card and mentioning the 55% failure rate is that you conveniently overlook the newer 360 consoles, which have a much lower failure rate. And isn't this what this thread is about? Which system people should buy today, not yesterday? If you decide to buy a 360, obviously it would be dumb to buy a console that was built in 2006. Buying a new 360 with the "Jasper" chip will reduce the chances of a RROD significantly. And you will still get a 3 year warranty if you're unlucky to get a RROD on your Jasper.
* What good are blu-tooth headphones if so many gamers are without them. Besides, you can get a wireless headset for the 360 as well.
* I've never asked for any 48-hour trials, so I don't know who these people are. Those people probably pay for Xbox Live per month instead of per year, which is stupid anyway. But since you mentioned it, yeah, there are plenty of 48-hour and 1 month trials that come with some 360 games, so in the end, if price is what bothers you, Xbox Live can be even cheaper than the $2.50 per month you can get off eBay.
*Cross-game chat? Why PS3ers keep mentioning this as if this is the 360's strongest argument? Who cares about cross-game chat? Although it's a nice feature, Xbox Live parties >>> anything chat related. Those are automatically cross-game chat BTW.
I'm really too tired to read all that, I kinda feel sorry that you wrote all that but Hollywood Parties > XBL parties.
I got the 360 right now and I've gotten the RROD twice... Service for the first time took six weeks
... The 2nd time only took about 10-12 days...

I was thinking about getting the slim PS3, but I don't got the change to be copping games for both systems... I don't think you can go wrong witheither system...
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

theres NO damn lag in PSN, dudes really need to stop LYING. Majority of you dudes have %**#+*%@ routers a/b/g. Step it up and get a N router and you'll notice A huge DIFFERENCE.
you DO know that YOU DO NEED a wireless adapter that can RECEIVE an N signal...PS3's DO NOT have that out of the box. So youre still playingon a/b/g.
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