PS3|PSP THD: Dirty is shutting us down, help us get to 25k before tomorrow!

I watched more videos on Warhawk and i think i might have to pick this up tomorrow, get paid today too.
imma dl that tekken patch today after bout to hand out a**whoopings :pimp:
PSN ID:THEh8er83​
Courtesy of blu-ray.comStudio Canal Now Supports Blu-ray
The American audience may not be as familiar with Studio Canal as the European crowd and that's okay. Fact of the matter is, they were an HD DVD exclusive studio since the beginning of the format scuffle (calling it a war has become a bit disingenuous). Until now. They've listed for release a 3-disc Blu-ray box set of the "Les Bronzes" films. If you check out something that lists all the major motion picture rights and releases from Studio Canal, you'll see that this may just be the beginning of yet another extensive library of movies that Blu-ray consumers will have a choice to pick up.


Courtesy of Gamespot.comUbisoft Confirms: Haze Now PS3 Exclusive
It had been rumored for quite some time, ever since the game was announced only for the PS3 in 2007. But now, it appears it will only be for the PS3...forever. Won't help ya to wait for this one, Xbox 360 owners, because Haze is now officially a PS3 exclusive.

At first, Free Radical had said the PS3 was the "leading platform," and their highly anticipated and atmospheric FPS would arrive on the 360 and PC next year. But now, according to GameSpot UK, the games' publisher, Ubisoft, said they have "no other versions in development." They specifically said they'd "leave the door open for new partnerships," but as of now, the game is only planned for the PS3. As one spokesperson said- "The official statement on PC and Xbox 360 is that these platforms are not confirmed."

It's unfortunate that other major platforms won't see Haze, but hey, let's face it...the PS3 really needed a top-notch exclusive. And we expect this title to be nothing less than top-notch.

My Take: Wow, talk about a turn of events. Nevertheless this is one game I will be checking for as it actually looks pretty damn good and reminds of highly anticipated Crysis for PC.


Courtesy of Kotaku.comSony's Hirai Sparks FF VII Remake Rumor
To celebrate ten years of Final Fantasy VII and stir longings for a FFVII remake, Square Enix held a Final Fantasy VII 10th Anniversary Gallery in Tokyo. The exhibition is on display until September 2nd in the Spiral Garden and features original art and illustrations for Final Fantasy VII and its spin-offs. Sony Computer Entertainment honcho Kaz Hirai was also in appearance and wrote an English note on the message board (above), which reads:

"Congratulations on 10 fantastic years! The best is yet to come"

If by "best," he means more spin-offs, then no thanks. But if he means "best" by a big ol' FFVII remake, then I just might agree. Though, he could be talking about FFXIII or just in general. Who knows? Kaz does!

My Take:
We're Feeling Lucky.​
VII remake = system seller.

I'd like an VIII remake too. The fact that monsters got stronger with you made the game :pimp:

I want a rematch against the T-rexuar that ethered my @#%$ too. Had me thinkin he was a regular enemy and @#%$ then next thing I see is the game over screen. >:
I want a ps3 and if they remake ffvii I will copp no questions asked I am saving now to get one
<!-----<span style="color:lime;font-family:verdana;"><!-----<div style="text-align:center">I need no team seems to be too many catty people.......<br>Ex team list: Goonies, Negrodamus, team Chicago bulls, and Team quipe chique....Funny how only one team was all females and they disbanded in peace</div><!-----<blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>damn...i didnt think it would jump like this we got females making lists, dudes stripping, posting full albums,i think i saw a proposal or two...shows you the power of the P -<hr></blockquote><!----- <br>[/center]
lol if they remade ffvii will that make the DS copies on ebay go for more or less than 300?
Team Otaku​
^ tech demo = non-playable but it made NOISE. wasn't a gaming site on the net that didn't mention that tech demo.
I'm not a big tech head. I own a Wii but am hoping in picking up a PS3. What are the major advantages in the 80g over the 60g? What do I really need the 80g for? Can I fully enjoy PS3 experience with a 60g over the 80g? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Sacramento Kings
they probably just shipped from where ever they were at to amazon...your still gonna have to wait for amazon to ship it to you...when i order stuff off amazon i usually get an email the next day saying my order has shipped from where ever you made the purchase then it comes a week later

Team Bay Area
FF7 is the best FF for me all time

i would @#%$ my pants if they remade it. I think i was in 6th grade when I first played it.
T R A N S F O R M E R S​
i'm really happy with making the switch over from nintendo to sony. i needa play a bunch of these final fantasy games, still working on kingdom heart, and gotta work on MGS too...any other suggestions? i really hope they remake FFVII
Azubuike - Barnes - Belinelli - Biedrins - Croshere - Davis - Ellis
Harrington - Jackson - Jasikevicius - Lasme - O'Bryant - Perovic - Pietrus - Wright
ff ix is Hironobu Sakaguchi's favorite ff title, so if any game is going to get a remake i wouldnt mind if it was this one or if it was ffviii.
We are the dreamer's dreams.
We are what you're fighting in the dark
When you are fighting the unseen.​
^^^ I don't know how that game is going to play...but I dig how it looks, and how the damage/destruction/character impacts are closer to what you'd expect from a super hero's power than anything we've ever seen before.

             Once I wanted to be the greatestNo wind or waterfall could stall me...
I really want to scoop a PS3 but I want to know is the 80GB really dropping after all the 60GB sell out. If so ill wait but I hate to wait and then all of the 60GB sell out and the 80GB dont drop. What do I do?
<Be Easy> Member #6- Tha Cutta
Dekalb County​

Wanted: Jordan II & playoff XII's Sz. 12-13 AIM: vcof2006 email [email protected]
Got my Tekken Online. Come get some!!!! lol

PSN: NCtwin

Oh and here's the review.
-|Sophistifunk at work...|-
Free: "We're gonna flip a coin to see whose video plays first! Dre, what you callin'?"
Dre: "I want heads."
Big Boi: "I want some head too."​
Realtalkm I havent cared about games in a good 3 or 4 years. But if FFVII is remade I will be copping a PS3 and a copy of it. That was the 1st RPG i ever cared about. I even got the whole squad up to level 99, everybody's last weapons, limit breaks, beat emerald weapon. I was a beast, and I was only like 8 or 9 or some @#%$ :lol:
Looking to get a new plan? Want unlimited text, data, nights/weekends at 7PM for $30(or less) a month?Want a Sprint mogul for $38PM me for details :pimp:
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