PS3|PSP THD: Dirty is shutting us down, help us get to 25k before tomorrow!

lol you guys talking about ffvii made me remember that old school games>ps3 360 wii in replay value and actually caring to complete the game 100%
Team Otaku​
FFVII or FFIX remake and I'm copping a PS3.
Use code RA9498 when checking out for 20% off everything @
Don't have a PS3 yet... But if they remake FFVII for it I'm goin to cop one quick fast!!!! Till then ill wait till lata.

..No Sleep Till Brooklyn..
I gotta lot of respect or you love your hold it near and dear to your heart :pimp:
I don't even have to look for what's poppin on the ps3 anymore....u got it locked from blu-ray news :pimp:
Team Negrodamus​
*stands and claps*


From Gamespot:

Lair is a beautiful disaster.
-|Sophistifunk at work...|-
Free: "We're gonna flip a coin to see whose video plays first! Dre, what you callin'?"
Dre: "I want heads."
Big Boi: "I want some head too."​
Remakes don't the OG justice. Just play the OG.

IHB I feel u o th ff8 love it was my fav too prolly cuz it was the first of the series I eva played although I been addicted to them since then
Mil-City Prince
reppin that 414
FF6 >>> FF7
James,Hughes,Gooden,IIgauskas,Varejao,Marshall,Snow,Jones,Newble,Gibson,Brown, Sasha​
How do i add ppl to my friends list?

BTW psn :b
I think I'm about to download Warhawk...Kinda bored...anybody on now?

PSN: Itachi23
             Once I wanted to be the greatestNo wind or waterfall could stall me...
y'all are REACHING with this ffvii remake news...NOTHING in that not suggests that ff7 will be remade,lol. I loved the game too,but square wont remake this game till they see their profits take a huge nose dive
SMH @ Warhawk freezing everytime a match ends... I bought a PS3 just to play and this happens, they better patch this up ASAP. |I
SMH @ Warhawk freezing everytime a match ends... I bought a PS3 just to play and this happens, they better patch this up ASAP
             Once I wanted to be the greatestNo wind or waterfall could stall me...
ff8 was the truth.. squall was a cool character.. i like the way you used the summons and the materia flowing out of the ground.. I now remember that i never beat it.. nor did i beat ff7.. i need a ps1 memory card because i have ff7 right here but no way to save it.

but if anyone is playing madden or r6:vegas online holla.. or if you need friends.. psn id - justreason
i guess it really is get rich or die tryin'
because i tried to stack bundles and ended up dyin'​
Ayo, thanks everyone! I appreciate it, no doubt. Just wanted to provide yall a place for PS3 news, info and support. Didn't know it would take off like this and I got YALL to thanks, props to you guys MORE! The OG PS3 thread and this second edition wouldn't be nothing with yall, :pimp:
Courtesy of Xperinet.comAnother company goes Blu-ray exclusive -- Xperinet
Xperinet has announced their full support for the Blu-ray format recently. This company previously worked on both formats, but has decided to go exclusive with the Blu. We're not trying to make this seem as big a deal as the Paramount/Dreamworks defection, but it's still another company we can welcome into our fold, give them a soft bathrobe, and play classical music to. For those not in the know, like us, Xperinet creates media servers that network all your home entertainment together -- for example, storing DVDs onto its hard drive for viewing on any TV in your house. Now they plan to do that with Blu-ray.

Xperinet's media servers are a real good bolster to the Blu-ray camp, though, since they'll help deliver the full HD experience in ways we probably haven't gotten to yet -- without a disc. This is the first custom electronics integration company to throw all their weight behind a single format, and with upcoming USB upgrade kits for existing media servers, it's going to be pretty significant ... so long as you have a MIRV server sitting around. When Xperinet's new client launches, it will allow 1080p video to be seen throughout one's home from a single source. That's pretty cool.
Courtesy of gameradar.comGuerilla: Killzone 2 Impossible On Any Other Console
Obviously, the issue of console power fuels most "system wars" arguments, and people have been tackling the PS3 vs. Xbox 360 debate for quite some time now. While it seems clear the PS3 is the more powerful machine on paper, those in the 360 camp claim ease of development and accessibility as a bonus of Microsoft's machine. On the other hand, more and more developers are starting to recognize the massive potential of the PS3...Guerilla being one of them.

According to Guerilla's managing director, Hermen Hulst, no other platform could handle Killzone 2:

"Xbox 360 doesn't have Blu-ray," said Hulst (source: GamesRadar). "PlayStation 3 does. [A single level] is 2GB. We really need Blu-ray to make the game. I don't know how you could fit it on Xbox 360 without taking some shortcuts."

Hulst also added that Blu-Ray isn't important for movies; they "need it for making games." However, most are aware of the storage capability of Blu-Ray, and that's not the only reason Guerilla's massive project is only possible on the PS3. During a recent interview with OPM, Hulst said-

"I firmly believe that what we've shown we can get out of [PS3] would be difficult, if not impossible, to deliver on a competing machine." Another Guerilla representative added- "We literally can't do this stuff on any machine other than PlayStation 3. If you're developing a multi-platform game, you have to find a common denominator between the systems and say: that's what I'm developing for. Whereas someone focused on a single platform can really take advantage of everything it has to offer."

Well, without any doubt, we're excited about Killzone 2, and even more excited about what the PS3 might be able to deliver in the future.
We're Feeling Lucky.​
If Square was really smart they'd do what most FF fans have wanted for years------- a direct sequel to FF7. No remake, spin off or straight to dvd movie but a DIRECT SEQUEL.

Also, get crackin' on a new Chrono game...
James,Hughes,Gooden,IIgauskas,Varejao,Marshall,Snow,Jones,Newble,Gibson,Brown, Sasha​
anyone still gonna cop heavenly sword? after hearing the gameplay gets repetitive and that it's only 6 hrs, i don't think i can justify the purchase. i guess i'll have to wait for GoW 3 to drop in the next 2 yrs.

not sure how they would make a direct sequel to the final fantasy with the most convoluted story line in the history of square games. that story had more holes in it than a block of swiss cheese.
^^^ 6 hours?!?!?! damn, thats weak sauce. Hell no then. If a game is only 6 it hours, it better have the most kick @#%$ gameplay of all time.

I'ma a grip Stranglehold though...even though thtats only 8 hours. Gameplay looks solid though.
             Once I wanted to be the greatestNo wind or waterfall could stall me...
SMH @ Warhawk freezing everytime a match ends... I bought a PS3 just to play and this happens, they better patch this up ASAP
i put my name on the map through dismantling, embarrassing arrogant cats and battling because their raps ain't astonishing​
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