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Originally Posted by env

Sorry if I wasnt clear. When i first plugged in my PS3 using HDMI cables it worked flawlessly. I turn it off, come back later, HDMI is not working. I look up what could be the problem, go through trouble shooting. Try to reset video settings, does not work. I goto Best Buy to ask what the hell is wrong with it. They reset the video settings and when I get home I plug in HDMI, it works. Today I come back from work, turn on PS3, black screen! I try to reset video settings to get HDMI to work, Best Buy told me to do this, doesnt work. I plug in A/V (if thats what its called: red, white, yellow). It works.

I want HDMI back!
same problem. anyone?
Demon's Souls New Game+ = The hardest game I've played in a LONG TIME. It's like a completely different game now.
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Demon's Souls New Game+ = The hardest game I've played in a LONG TIME. It's like a completely different game now.
im on new game+7
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Reports covered by Kotaku this morning indicated that the Natal would use 10-15 percent of the Xbox 360's "computing resources." Those reports gave way to comments we received from a source familiar with the development of Project Natal who said that the peripheral would actually need to use up to 33 percent, a third, of the 360's CPU.

The source explained to Kotaku that, while Natal wouldn't use the horsepower of a full core of Microsoft's three-core central processor, it would need to use a core on its own in order to reduce latency between human input and what happens on a TV screen. That would leave the CPU's other two cores for the other processes needed to run Natal-compatible Xbox 360 games.
PS3>360 in this respect. I can confirm that in the test kits we have it uses at max 30% of the 360's processor. Now that it's out in the open

This has been a developer complaint for the last 6 months. However, who knows what changes still can be made.

The original model shown @ E3 had it's own processor but M$ has apparently removed it to save costs.

yeah, supposedly the onboard processor was a huge part of natal originally being able to do all those computations on the fly but now it has to send all that info uncompressed over usb 2.0 for the xenon to crunch

what about the wand, how taxing is that? dr marks said it would also use about 10-15% of the cell, have you messed with it yet?

We have test wands which are in various design stages I honestly don't know what Sony's final design is since we have three iterations. Iwould say in tests it maybe uses 11% at it's highest peak. I would still point out that the cell is "untapped" in terms of max raw consumptionfor a game.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Reports covered by Kotaku this morning indicated that the Natal would use 10-15 percent of the Xbox 360's "computing resources." Those reports gave way to comments we received from a source familiar with the development of Project Natal who said that the peripheral would actually need to use up to 33 percent, a third, of the 360's CPU.

The source explained to Kotaku that, while Natal wouldn't use the horsepower of a full core of Microsoft's three-core central processor, it would need to use a core on its own in order to reduce latency between human input and what happens on a TV screen. That would leave the CPU's other two cores for the other processes needed to run Natal-compatible Xbox 360 games.
PS3>360 in this respect. I can confirm that in the test kits we have it uses at max 30% of the 360's processor. Now that it's out in the open

This has been a developer complaint for the last 6 months. However, who knows what changes still can be made.

The original model shown @ E3 had it's own processor but M$ has apparently removed it to save costs.

yeah, supposedly the onboard processor was a huge part of natal originally being able to do all those computations on the fly but now it has to send all that info uncompressed over usb 2.0 for the xenon to crunch

what about the wand, how taxing is that? dr marks said it would also use about 10-15% of the cell, have you messed with it yet?
We have test wands which are in various design stages I honestly don't know what Sony's final design is since we have three iterations. I would say in tests it maybe uses 11% at it's highest peak. I would still point out that the cell is "untapped" in terms of max raw consumption for a game.

Yeah, I didn't believe that 10 - 15% PR junk that dude was taking either.

I still don't believe in this new advance gaming hardware, I mean force feedback and something that you can hold or feel (controller) is still the besttech out there IMO. I could be wrong though.
Quick ive decided to go buy another PS3 so i can smoke around one and keep theother one smoke-free in my bedroom just running games no blu rays even (yes I am this finicky about my electronics).....which do you guys suggest is sturdierthe new Slims or the fat OG 80 Gig unit i bought summer 09?

which do you guys think will not break as easy due to my ceaseless barrage of smoke tendrils???? my guess is the fat OG's but i'd just like guys are pretty smart in here
Can someone recommend me a $10 game on PSN? I bought the $20 network card and got the new Borderlands DLC, so I have $10 left.
I was thinking about either Magic Ball, FF VII, or Pixeljunk Monsters, but I'm open to any suggestions.

Edit- Never mind. I went ahead and dl'd FF VII.
Originally Posted by kiuyt856

Can someone recommend me a $10 game on PSN? I bought the $20 network card and got the new Borderlands DLC, so I have $10 left.
I was thinking about either Magic Ball, FF VII, or Pixeljunk Monsters, but I'm open to any suggestions.

Edit- Never mind. I went ahead and dl'd FF VII.

Good choice. I really liked FF: Crystal Defenders too.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Reports covered by Kotaku this morning indicated that the Natal would use 10-15 percent of the Xbox 360's "computing resources." Those reports gave way to comments we received from a source familiar with the development of Project Natal who said that the peripheral would actually need to use up to 33 percent, a third, of the 360's CPU.

The source explained to Kotaku that, while Natal wouldn't use the horsepower of a full core of Microsoft's three-core central processor, it would need to use a core on its own in order to reduce latency between human input and what happens on a TV screen. That would leave the CPU's other two cores for the other processes needed to run Natal-compatible Xbox 360 games.
PS3>360 in this respect. I can confirm that in the test kits we have it uses at max 30% of the 360's processor. Now that it's out in the open

This has been a developer complaint for the last 6 months. However, who knows what changes still can be made.

The original model shown @ E3 had it's own processor but M$ has apparently removed it to save costs.

yeah, supposedly the onboard processor was a huge part of natal originally being able to do all those computations on the fly but now it has to send all that info uncompressed over usb 2.0 for the xenon to crunch

what about the wand, how taxing is that? dr marks said it would also use about 10-15% of the cell, have you messed with it yet?
We have test wands which are in various design stages I honestly don't know what Sony's final design is since we have three iterations. I would say in tests it maybe uses 11% at it's highest peak. I would still point out that the cell is "untapped" in terms of max raw consumption for a game.

Where do you work?
Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Reports covered by Kotaku this morning indicated that the Natal would use 10-15 percent of the Xbox 360's "computing resources." Those reports gave way to comments we received from a source familiar with the development of Project Natal who said that the peripheral would actually need to use up to 33 percent, a third, of the 360's CPU.

The source explained to Kotaku that, while Natal wouldn't use the horsepower of a full core of Microsoft's three-core central processor, it would need to use a core on its own in order to reduce latency between human input and what happens on a TV screen. That would leave the CPU's other two cores for the other processes needed to run Natal-compatible Xbox 360 games.
PS3>360 in this respect. I can confirm that in the test kits we have it uses at max 30% of the 360's processor. Now that it's out in the open

This has been a developer complaint for the last 6 months. However, who knows what changes still can be made.

The original model shown @ E3 had it's own processor but M$ has apparently removed it to save costs.

yeah, supposedly the onboard processor was a huge part of natal originally being able to do all those computations on the fly but now it has to send all that info uncompressed over usb 2.0 for the xenon to crunch

what about the wand, how taxing is that? dr marks said it would also use about 10-15% of the cell, have you messed with it yet?
We have test wands which are in various design stages I honestly don't know what Sony's final design is since we have three iterations. I would say in tests it maybe uses 11% at it's highest peak. I would still point out that the cell is "untapped" in terms of max raw consumption for a game.

Where do you work?

I'm a programmer for a well known video game developer

Any 1 play games on a plasma? better look? have any issues yet or do u just limit ur time on it 2 avoid screen burn?
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Reports covered by Kotaku this morning indicated that the Natal would use 10-15 percent of the Xbox 360's "computing resources." Those reports gave way to comments we received from a source familiar with the development of Project Natal who said that the peripheral would actually need to use up to 33 percent, a third, of the 360's CPU.

The source explained to Kotaku that, while Natal wouldn't use the horsepower of a full core of Microsoft's three-core central processor, it would need to use a core on its own in order to reduce latency between human input and what happens on a TV screen. That would leave the CPU's other two cores for the other processes needed to run Natal-compatible Xbox 360 games.
PS3>360 in this respect. I can confirm that in the test kits we have it uses at max 30% of the 360's processor. Now that it's out in the open

This has been a developer complaint for the last 6 months. However, who knows what changes still can be made.

The original model shown @ E3 had it's own processor but M$ has apparently removed it to save costs.

yeah, supposedly the onboard processor was a huge part of natal originally being able to do all those computations on the fly but now it has to send all that info uncompressed over usb 2.0 for the xenon to crunch

what about the wand, how taxing is that? dr marks said it would also use about 10-15% of the cell, have you messed with it yet?
We have test wands which are in various design stages I honestly don't know what Sony's final design is since we have three iterations. I would say in tests it maybe uses 11% at it's highest peak. I would still point out that the cell is "untapped" in terms of max raw consumption for a game.

Where do you work?

I'm a programmer for a well known video game developer


picked up d rksiders and im liking the game alot........feels alot like god of war.....

it looks alot like world of warcraft
Originally Posted by celtixhalfshell

Any 1 play games on a plasma? better look? have any issues yet or do u just limit ur time on it 2 avoid screen burn?
I game 2-3 hours on mine all the time. And I watch a lot of football with the scoreboard on there. No burn ins. Just limit the content early init's lifetime. I had the life meter from Batman on mine the first week I had the TV, but it went away within seconds of watching regular TV. You'll beok.

EDIT, one thing I do recommend is turning down the contrast and brightness for the first month or two of it's lifetime. It will minimize IR that you mayget. I'm not going to lie, you might see image retention early but don't fret it. It's reversible. Another setting I would enable is the pixelorbiter. What set do you have? If it's a Panasonic, set it instead of Auto to Force and every minute. You won't notice it, but it will constantly movethe pixels to ease any retention you may encounter.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

picked up d rksiders and im liking the game alot........feels alot like god of war.....

it looks alot like world of warcraft
Man right now it sure as hell looks like other game developers are copying & trying to cash in on the same type of game genre before God OfWar III comes out this spring. Look at the games released recently Bayonetta, Darksiders, and next month Dante's Inferno.

- Darksiders only got a 7.8 on the review from IGN. Saying the game had uneven gameplay and weak boss fights.

- Bayonetta got a 8.2 on the review from IGN because of being a bad port from the XBOX 360 version, lots of slow down in gameplay, and excessive loading.

As for Dante's Inferno after downloading and playing the demo a couple times I'm still un decided and really don't think I'll have time tofinish the game before God Of War III comes out in less than 2 months. Also besides for me right now I'm still busy and working on God Of War I & II onthe HD collection. I didn't play God Of War I & II on the PS2 before.

So probably for me Bayonetta, Darksiders, and Dante's Inferno will all probably be rentals this summer after I've beaten God Of War III a couple times
And thats if I'm not totally immersed with playing Final FantasyXIII and Gran Turismo 5 by then
. If anything Bayonetta, Darksiders,and Dante's Inferno would probably be worth getting when they eventually hit the $29 to $40 buck range sometime next fall when black friday hits.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by celtixhalfshell

Any 1 play games on a plasma? better look? have any issues yet or do u just limit ur time on it 2 avoid screen burn?
I game 2-3 hours on mine all the time. And I watch a lot of football with the scoreboard on there. No burn ins. Just limit the content early in it's lifetime. I had the life meter from Batman on mine the first week I had the TV, but it went away within seconds of watching regular TV. You'll be ok.

EDIT, one thing I do recommend is turning down the contrast and brightness for the first month or two of it's lifetime. It will minimize IR that you may get. I'm not going to lie, you might see image retention early but don't fret it. It's reversible. Another setting I would enable is the pixel orbiter. What set do you have? If it's a Panasonic, set it instead of Auto to Force and every minute. You won't notice it, but it will constantly move the pixels to ease any retention you may encounter.
i play on a plasma too...same amout of time as the above statement no tv contrast goes down when a image is on for longer than 5minutes (ie like doing a madden draft)
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