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Good Job Sony, PS3’s Now Profitable, What’s Next?[/h2]
Ernice Gilbert on January 29th, 2010, under
Can you remember? I sure can, articles about the PS3’s doom andgloom were circulating carelessly across the web. ‘PS3 is dead’ somewould say, betting on the demise of Sony’s flagship console. But whereare they now? No place to be found, palely they hide behind the scenesor have made a 180 and suddenly singing PS3 praises. lessoned learned?Never bet against the PlayStation brand.
It’s a brand that has been around for decades, making games longbefore some of us could even read; far less write, but now things haveclearly turned around for the hardware giant and we all should feelgood about that.
Just yesterday, we learnt in a report from Japanese new paper Nikkei(via reuters) that Sony is poised to announce a ¥100 Billion ($1.1billion) surge in profit for the period of October through December2009. Not only that but the profits will be much higher than thecompany’s own forecast, great news which will surely send its stockshooting for the stars. The reason for the profits? Well the sameconsole that some journalists weere singing its swan song, is the sameone responsible for this burst of growth. See how fast things couldchange?
Ever since PS3 launched back in August of last year and with a newlower price tag of $299, Sony has seen its PlayStation business wentfrom struggling to reach its goals to struggling to keep up with highdemand. For consecutive months the PS3 outsold Xbox 360 and NintendoWii in all regions making the Slim down console an instant hit. Greatjob Sony, we’re proud of you, but now you must keep up the pace, youcan’t sit and get comfortable, there’s no room for complacency. So wewant to know you have big things and big plans in store for us, wehoping to know…. what’s next?