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Playstation Home can even make Killzone look wack 
Dead nation def worth copping. Lara croft isnt as great as all the reviews. Very easy dn>Lara. Anyway any good coop games worth getting on this 11 sale?
Originally Posted by Mister916

I'm still not thrilled with the jetpacks and other vehicles being in multiplayer for Killzone 3.
I think it is great because each person can play the game in so many different ways now

Kinda random but that is why I think Bad Compnay 2 is so ill is because there are so many different ways to play it.

I have a PSP thats about 4 years old and the UMD "drive" is faulty. If hold the PSP wrong the game will stop and I am forced to turn it off and back on. Anyone know how to mod a PSP so i can just download games to it? Its for my son. Thanks.
Yea no mic support was def a setback. Had to play with speakerphone on. Anyone know any good coop on psn? So far I have tmnt xmen dead nation and Lara croft. What am I missing?
How many of y'all got Dead Space 2?? 

I picked up the Collectors Edition tonight. $20 bucks more for a plasma cutter and other goodies? Why the %%$% not? But the plasma cutter is small... like 'size of my hand' small. And the made in China sticker isnt a sticker, it's painted on
BUT it does have little lights that are pretty bright. It makes for a pretty cool, yet weak flashlight
All in all it's a cool little toy.

Haven't played it yet; got some school work I need to get done
Originally Posted by Noskey

How many of y'all got Dead Space 2?? 

I picked up the Collectors Edition tonight. $20 bucks more for a plasma cutter and other goodies? Why the %%$% not? But the plasma cutter is small... like 'size of my hand' small. And the made in China sticker isnt a sticker, it's painted on
BUT it does have little lights that are pretty bright. It makes for a pretty cool, yet weak flashlight
All in all it's a cool little toy.

Haven't played it yet; got some school work I need to get done
yea i got it the first boss is a %#@!$  on zealot. trying to finish the game this weekend to try hard core
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by Noskey

How many of y'all got Dead Space 2?? 

I picked up the Collectors Edition tonight. $20 bucks more for a plasma cutter and other goodies? Why the %%$% not? But the plasma cutter is small... like 'size of my hand' small. And the made in China sticker isnt a sticker, it's painted on
BUT it does have little lights that are pretty bright. It makes for a pretty cool, yet weak flashlight
All in all it's a cool little toy.

Haven't played it yet; got some school work I need to get done
yea i got it the first boss is a %#@!$  on zealot. trying to finish the game this weekend to try hard core
imma have to pick DS2 on sale, right now im backlog on games ...freaking BF + X-Mas sale got me spending too much $$ on games
whats yall thoughts on bulletstorm

i played the demo its pretty crazy, graphics look wild and the game play is fast...i dont see it making a splash though because of killzone
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Speedy0990

Rumor: Sony to implement PC-style serial key system for PS3
January 21st, 2011 @ 16:30
By Stephany Nunneley


A source close to PS3-sense is claiming Sony will introduce a serial key system for PS3 games, like the one already in place with PC games.

According to the site’s source, this is Sony’s way of closing the backdoor to its system, which was blown wide open by hacker GeoHot earlier this month.

The source said that new games released for PS3 will include aunique serial key related to the specific disc, which then must beentered for verification before the game can be played. The key can beentered up to five times before it becomes useless.

If true, this has at least two implications for genuine consumers:it will restrict how many time a game can be authenticated, not tomention the impact it will have on used PS3 game sales.

Sony has supposedly already updated PS3’s firmware with the newprotection system, and is working on implementing it with new gamescoming out.

Older games without serial keys will, of course, still work the same.

We’ve sent a mail to Sony asking for confirmation.
Via TechEye

I swear if this is true, these damn hackers are idiots. What if you want to play game over your friends house? What if you have multiple ps3s? I swear they tried this with digital copies of movies and I had to wipe my hard drive clean and now I can't use my Dark Knight.

Hackers suck.

I hate this. I hate how companies think like this. This is not going to stop anything, they will figure another backdoor around this. Just like they did the other one, and the one before that, and the one before that....
By adding all these things it just makes the lives of the people following the rules more difficult. 

There needs to be a reality check here for these companies. This doesn't work. And by doing this it not only makes it more difficult for the average user, but it takes away rights and functionality like you pointed above with multiple consoles.

Now I know this is still just a rumor, but this sort of action won't be the first time a company takes such stupid actions and it won't be the last.
The hackers will figure out a way to hack those though. They got crackers for serials for PC programs it's just a matter of time IF they happen to do it that they'll have a bypass. I can't lie I have Medal of honor, Fallout and AC Brotherhood backed up on my ps3 and I love it. All games I'd never buy just borrowed off a friend. 
Originally Posted by Capo617

The hackers will figure out a way to hack those though. They got crackers for serials for PC programs it's just a matter of time IF they happen to do it that they'll have a bypass. I can't lie I have Medal of honor, Fallout and AC Brotherhood backed up on my ps3 and I love it. All games I'd never buy just borrowed off a friend. 

Yes, might as well get myself ready to own 2 PS3
Originally Posted by kash55

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Speedy0990

Rumor: Sony to implement PC-style serial key system for PS3
January 21st, 2011 @ 16:30
By Stephany Nunneley


A source close to PS3-sense is claiming Sony will introduce a serial key system for PS3 games, like the one already in place with PC games.

According to the site’s source, this is Sony’s way of closing the backdoor to its system, which was blown wide open by hacker GeoHot earlier this month.

The source said that new games released for PS3 will include aunique serial key related to the specific disc, which then must beentered for verification before the game can be played. The key can beentered up to five times before it becomes useless.

If true, this has at least two implications for genuine consumers:it will restrict how many time a game can be authenticated, not tomention the impact it will have on used PS3 game sales.

Sony has supposedly already updated PS3’s firmware with the newprotection system, and is working on implementing it with new gamescoming out.

Older games without serial keys will, of course, still work the same.

We’ve sent a mail to Sony asking for confirmation.
Via TechEye

I swear if this is true, these damn hackers are idiots. What if you want to play game over your friends house? What if you have multiple ps3s? I swear they tried this with digital copies of movies and I had to wipe my hard drive clean and now I can't use my Dark Knight.

Hackers suck.

I hate this. I hate how companies think like this. This is not going to stop anything, they will figure another backdoor around this. Just like they did the other one, and the one before that, and the one before that....
By adding all these things it just makes the lives of the people following the rules more difficult. 

There needs to be a reality check here for these companies. This doesn't work. And by doing this it not only makes it more difficult for the average user, but it takes away rights and functionality like you pointed above with multiple consoles.

Now I know this is still just a rumor, but this sort of action won't be the first time a company takes such stupid actions and it won't be the last.

Yea man. Heaven forbid they try to prevent these hackers from cracking their system.
They should just sit back and let it happen, right? They've made enough money, it's time to give back to the community.


How does this affect a legit consumer? They can only use a key 5 times? It's been standard practice for Sony that a 5 download max is set on the titles through the PS Store, so I don't see why this is an issue. The used games side of it is easily remedied too. 

I think it's hilarious that people think a company OWES them. These hackers think they're on some noble Robin Hood type deal. 
 Whatever, there will always be people who try to cheat the system and make it worse for the rest.
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Originally Posted by kash55

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Speedy0990

Rumor: Sony to implement PC-style serial key system for PS3
January 21st, 2011 @ 16:30
By Stephany Nunneley


A source close to PS3-sense is claiming Sony will introduce a serial key system for PS3 games, like the one already in place with PC games.

According to the site’s source, this is Sony’s way of closing the backdoor to its system, which was blown wide open by hacker GeoHot earlier this month.

The source said that new games released for PS3 will include aunique serial key related to the specific disc, which then must beentered for verification before the game can be played. The key can beentered up to five times before it becomes useless.

If true, this has at least two implications for genuine consumers:it will restrict how many time a game can be authenticated, not tomention the impact it will have on used PS3 game sales.

Sony has supposedly already updated PS3’s firmware with the newprotection system, and is working on implementing it with new gamescoming out.

Older games without serial keys will, of course, still work the same.

We’ve sent a mail to Sony asking for confirmation.
Via TechEye

I swear if this is true, these damn hackers are idiots. What if you want to play game over your friends house? What if you have multiple ps3s? I swear they tried this with digital copies of movies and I had to wipe my hard drive clean and now I can't use my Dark Knight.

Hackers suck.

I hate this. I hate how companies think like this. This is not going to stop anything, they will figure another backdoor around this. Just like they did the other one, and the one before that, and the one before that....
By adding all these things it just makes the lives of the people following the rules more difficult. 

There needs to be a reality check here for these companies. This doesn't work. And by doing this it not only makes it more difficult for the average user, but it takes away rights and functionality like you pointed above with multiple consoles.

Now I know this is still just a rumor, but this sort of action won't be the first time a company takes such stupid actions and it won't be the last.

Yea man. Heaven forbid they try to prevent these hackers from cracking their system.
They should just sit back and let it happen, right? They've made enough money, it's time to give back to the community.


Here's my post from the PS3 hacking thread, as a developer I think measures should be taken to protect our hard work. Most companies give out free demos of their games so you can try before you buy. There's plenty of videos and reviews for consumers to look at before you purchase. If you given into the hype and purchase something on release day knowing you're taking a shot in the dark don't complain you got ripped off. Stealing games is like stealing music in the sense that they're both stealing. However, that's where the similarities end. There's a completely different structure in place for revenues off of video games vs. musical artists. There's also a lot more people involved. I could go on and on about how you guys are taking money out of my paycheck but I understand this is the nature of our digital society. So what's left to do but put measures in place to ensure I get paid adequately for my hard work?

HybridSoldier23 wrote:
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

All this is doing is creating a system where users will HAVE to be online to authenticate.
Doubtful since there's a TON of people who don't use their PS3 online, even more who don't have internet at home
It's not doubtful since it's already being heavily discussed and used at the developer level.

Look at EA's model for DLC and online play... having to register your game online or pay up $10 to play madden online if you got it used.

The developer I work for is in the process of implementing such a system. It's only a matter of time where it moves away from devs hands and into the console makers.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Originally Posted by kash55

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Speedy0990

Rumor: Sony to implement PC-style serial key system for PS3
January 21st, 2011 @ 16:30
By Stephany Nunneley


A source close to PS3-sense is claiming Sony will introduce a serial key system for PS3 games, like the one already in place with PC games.

According to the site’s source, this is Sony’s way of closing the backdoor to its system, which was blown wide open by hacker GeoHot earlier this month.

The source said that new games released for PS3 will include aunique serial key related to the specific disc, which then must beentered for verification before the game can be played. The key can beentered up to five times before it becomes useless.

If true, this has at least two implications for genuine consumers:it will restrict how many time a game can be authenticated, not tomention the impact it will have on used PS3 game sales.

Sony has supposedly already updated PS3’s firmware with the newprotection system, and is working on implementing it with new gamescoming out.

Older games without serial keys will, of course, still work the same.

We’ve sent a mail to Sony asking for confirmation.
Via TechEye

I swear if this is true, these damn hackers are idiots. What if you want to play game over your friends house? What if you have multiple ps3s? I swear they tried this with digital copies of movies and I had to wipe my hard drive clean and now I can't use my Dark Knight.

Hackers suck.

I hate this. I hate how companies think like this. This is not going to stop anything, they will figure another backdoor around this. Just like they did the other one, and the one before that, and the one before that....
By adding all these things it just makes the lives of the people following the rules more difficult. 

There needs to be a reality check here for these companies. This doesn't work. And by doing this it not only makes it more difficult for the average user, but it takes away rights and functionality like you pointed above with multiple consoles.

Now I know this is still just a rumor, but this sort of action won't be the first time a company takes such stupid actions and it won't be the last.

Yea man. Heaven forbid they try to prevent these hackers from cracking their system.
They should just sit back and let it happen, right? They've made enough money, it's time to give back to the community.


Here's my post from the PS3 hacking thread, as a developer I think measures should be taken to protect our hard work. Most companies give out free demos of their games so you can try before you buy. There's plenty of videos and reviews for consumers to look at before you purchase. If you given into the hype and purchase something on release day knowing you're taking a shot in the dark don't complain you got ripped off. Stealing games is like stealing music in the sense that they're both stealing. However, that's where the similarities end. There's a completely different structure in place for revenues off of video games vs. musical artists. There's also a lot more people involved. I could go on and on about how you guys are taking money out of my paycheck but I understand this is the nature of our digital society. So what's left to do but put measures in place to ensure I get paid adequately for my hard work?

HybridSoldier23 wrote:
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

All this is doing is creating a system where users will HAVE to be online to authenticate.
Doubtful since there's a TON of people who don't use their PS3 online, even more who don't have internet at home
It's not doubtful since it's already being heavily discussed and used at the developer level.

Look at EA's model for DLC and online play... having to register your game online or pay up $10 to play madden online if you got it used.

The developer I work for is in the process of implementing such a system. It's only a matter of time where it moves away from devs hands and into the console makers.

Anybody else feel getting rip off by developers? i mean, they pump out sequels after sequels every year ...with no major changes and more bugs, basically that crap coulda been a DLC ... but companies have the nerve to charge us $60 a pop ....i just see this console hacking as a way to light a fire under the developer to step there game up, and stop giving us consumer crappy game and ripping us off...if the game is worth $60 i have no problem dropping the dough for it.
Originally Posted by i3allistic

Anybody else feel getting rip off by developers? i mean, they pump out sequels after sequels every year ...with no major changes and more bugs, basically that crap coulda been a DLC ... but companies have the nerve to charge us $60 a pop ....i just see this console hacking as a way to light a fire under the developer to step there game up, and stop giving us consumer crappy game and ripping us off...if the game is worth $60 i have no problem dropping the dough for it.

Explain how you're getting ripped off? If you don't want to play pumped out garbage then stop buying it. As I said before there's plenty of resources to see if a game is going to be crap or not. If you don't like paying 60 bucks for the game buy it used, pick it up on gamefly, rent it, play it at a friends, or borrow it from a friend.

If you have no complaints about buying a $60 game that is legit then why would you bother wasting your time to steal one and then play it when you know it is utter crap?

How the hell does stealing money out of my pocket motivate me to "step my game up"? The only thing I'm going to get lit up about is how to stop you from stealing my %**%.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by i3allistic

Anybody else feel getting rip off by developers? i mean, they pump out sequels after sequels every year ...with no major changes and more bugs, basically that crap coulda been a DLC ... but companies have the nerve to charge us $60 a pop ....i just see this console hacking as a way to light a fire under the developer to step there game up, and stop giving us consumer crappy game and ripping us off...if the game is worth $60 i have no problem dropping the dough for it.

Explain how you're getting ripped off? If you don't want to play pumped out garbage then stop buying it. As I said before there's plenty of resources to see if a game is going to be crap or not. If you don't like paying 60 bucks for the game buy it used, pick it up on gamefly, rent it, play it at a friends, or borrow it from a friend.

If you have no complaints about buying a $60 game that is legit then why would you bother wasting your time to steal one and then play it when you know it is utter crap?

How the hell does stealing money out of my pocket motivate me to "step my game up"? The only thing I'm going to get lit up about is how to stop you from stealing my %**%.
that fine with me, maybe you can stop posting on the internet forums and look for bugs to code , stop crying about it and do something about it i said i don't mind paying $60 a game and i dont pirate games, but if these pirate making game developer step there game up and making it worth while for consumer to buy there crap, i don't care ...
this post is off topic.  i would post it in my blog but i has no blog cus im not a gay man.

i needs advice on friendship here:

does any1 has a friend irl they go over they house and play video games?
i had a friend that use to come over and kick it.  he is being a punk tho and hasn't been wanting to hang out much.

i mean back in the day we use to stay up late (like 6 in the morn) playin battlefield.
we suffer thru hell tryna to beat pixal junk monster and spent late nights beating each other off in fight night rd 3.

things change though and lately i feel im more of a gooder friend to him than he is to me.
anyone has been in my situation b4?

months ago i called him 3x in a week to see if he is down to play some games over my house.
and all 3 days he said he had to wash clothes at the laundry mate and yet i always see him in a dirty white tee for some reason.

yeaterday i told him to come over and chill for 4 hours until i go to school and he flaked on me (this got my super pissed).
he made an excuse saying his dad asked him to do a chore or something.

i donno why im so mad for reals.  i just hate ppl like that and flakes.  and he is my only frend who plays games hardcore (or use to).
its mostly online gamers i play with nowadays but it doesn't feel the same like havin a freidn right next to u talking talk while playing.

thanks 4 reading, anyone bean in my position b4?
Originally Posted by i3allistic

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by i3allistic

Anybody else feel getting rip off by developers? i mean, they pump out sequels after sequels every year ...with no major changes and more bugs, basically that crap coulda been a DLC ... but companies have the nerve to charge us $60 a pop ....i just see this console hacking as a way to light a fire under the developer to step there game up, and stop giving us consumer crappy game and ripping us off...if the game is worth $60 i have no problem dropping the dough for it.

Explain how you're getting ripped off? If you don't want to play pumped out garbage then stop buying it. As I said before there's plenty of resources to see if a game is going to be crap or not. If you don't like paying 60 bucks for the game buy it used, pick it up on gamefly, rent it, play it at a friends, or borrow it from a friend.

If you have no complaints about buying a $60 game that is legit then why would you bother wasting your time to steal one and then play it when you know it is utter crap?

How the hell does stealing money out of my pocket motivate me to "step my game up"? The only thing I'm going to get lit up about is how to stop you from stealing my %**%.
that fine with me, maybe you can stop posting on the internet forums and look for bugs to code , stop crying about it and do something about it i said i don't mind paying $60 a game and i dont pirate games, but if these pirate making game developer step there game up and making it worth while for consumer to buy there crap, i don't care ...

I'm not even going to respond to the personal attack. You still didn't answer the question about how hacking the system to play stolen games or cheat online helps developers in any way.

Let me break it down, developers and the console makers have already "stopped crying" and are implementing systems to stop piracy and recoup costs on used sales. This is what Sony is going to do with the PS3 and what EA has done with their online play business model. The time and money that is spent on trying to stop piracy or other exploits takes away from the development budget and time allocation. If we didn't have to dedicate time and resources to dealing with this you (the consumer) would benefit  from having a more polished and stable game.

Having to deal with hackers does not help in getting you a better game. Having to put restrictions on media, authentication, registration, network monitoring etc. sucks for EVERYONE
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