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Originally Posted by jaysfiend23

i wanted to buy one of two games mass effect 2 or dead space?

Mass Effect 2, I cannot possible emphasize it enough. Ridiculous replay value. 1/2 are prob in the top games of this gen for me.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by jaysfiend23

i wanted to buy one of two games mass effect 2 or dead space?

Mass Effect 2, I cannot possible emphasize it enough. Ridiculous replay value. 1/2 are prob in the top games of this gen for me.

does mass effect 2 has online?
new L.A. Noire shots from R*

Screens from L.A. Noire Crime Desk #1 of 5: Homicide

Posted 5 hours, 38 minutes ago | Author: R* Q | Filed Under: Games

As Detective Cole Phelps in L.A. Noire, you'll rise through the ranks of the LAPD, along the way facing cases across five different department crime desks. One of the most brutal and harrowing will be that of Homicide.

Los Angeles is being terrorized with a series of horrific murders perpetrated on young women. As these cases get reported, it will be up to you to bring the guilty to justice. Is this the work of a lone killer or sick copycats? Some glimpses of Phelps’ pursuit of the killer or killers were seen in Monday's big Official Trailer #2 – and today, we present the below brand new screens taken from murders on that desk.

Tomorrow, look for the launch of the new official L.A. Noire website with a bit more on the Homicide crime desk including high-res versions of these and other new crime scene screens too grisly for the Rockstar Newswire.


From "The Red Lipstick Murder". An eagle’s eye for detail. The smallest and most insignificant seeming item could be the entire key to the case. 


Another unfortunate victim.  Phelps examines the corpse for telling signs of trauma. 


A rogue’s gallery of suspects. Only the most savvy and unrelenting interrogation will yield who’s hiding a truth amongst men such as this.


A psychopathic killer leaves a message on the victim. 


Another victim falls prey in a string of brutal killings around Los Angeles.
Originally Posted by 2sappy

whats it for?

"security" whatever that means these days, probably nothing to hackers

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

I wonder if thos Noire shots are PS3 or 360?

pretty sure theyre all ps3, the only indications of shots ive seen previously have been for ps3, not necessarily the ones posted but most likely

it started development on ps3 and was later ported, not to mention sony practically gave it to rockstar for free
The killzone games have always LOOKED nice, but there is some element whether it's controls or just feel that it's always missed. That's why I'm not really too excited about it, it looks great and the the trailors are sick, but I have a feeling what once it comes out there is gonna be something missing again, I hope I'm wrong though.
Originally Posted by kash55

there is some element whether it's controls or just feel that it's always missed
i think its the weight they put in character movement that throws people off, so many people are accustom to that COD type fluidity
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by kash55

there is some element whether it's controls or just feel that it's always missed
i think its the weight they put in character movement that throws people off, so many people are accustom to that COD type fluidity

aside from the weight which i love, killzone 2 had noticeable lag when played on my hdtv vs none my sdtv, didnt bother me at all since i just played it on my sdtv

then came that control update which just !%#*#% everything up and i pretty much stopped playing

OG killzone 2 controls on my sdtv is still money in my hands
, and i dont even like first person shooters
Firmware 3.56 is out now on PSN. I'm downloading it now.

I googled it and PS says it's a minor security update.
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