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To: Anybody who I played black ops w/ on the regular .. If you're thinking about converting over to XBOX I will hook you up with my Green Halo Edition 360.. Only thing is it has the red rings and isnt under warranty anymore so you'll have to pay the $100 to get it fixed

From Kotaku:

Rockstar Made L.A. Noire So Big, They Could Barely Fit It On One Disc (or Three)

By Stephen Totilo, May 5, 2011 12:20 PM
You can't judge a video game by the number of discs it ships on&emdash;not unless you're prepared to declare the four-disc Lost Odyssey as the best Xbox 360 game of all time. You can, however, judge the intent of the developer to give you a whole lot for your dollar.

The folks at Rockstar, never ones to skimp on the amount of content they put on a game disc, have made, in L.A. Noire, a game that spreads across three discs on the Xbox 360, the company confirmed to Kotaku. The forthcoming game about being a detective in 1947 Los Angeles fills a single-layer, 25 GB Blu-Ray disc on the PlayStation 3.

In fact, the developers made so much game that it spilled over into downloadable content.
"L.A. Noire was always going to be a massive game, from the size and detail of the world to the length of the cases, and of course, the sheer amount of MotionScan data required for the faces of over 400 actors in-game," Jeronimo Barrera, one of the company's top people, told me. "To tell the story and make the game we wanted to make, we knew that it was going to take an entire single layer Blu-ray disc and three Xbox discs."

Rockstar doesn't tend to ballpark the number of hours it will take to complete their games, and the number of discs on this one doesn't exactly mean the game will take, say, three times as long to play as the single-disc Grand Theft Auto IV. It does indicate, as Barrera explained, that the MotionScan data—the heavily-promoted new technique for rendering realistic facial expressions from the game's actors—requires a significant amount of storage.

The only down-side to a multi-disc game is that it could require a lot of disc-swapping. You don't want to play, say, the two-disc Mass Effect 2 and want to keep changing discs. Not to worry, Barrera said. "Since the game is built around the concept of progressing through individual cases from desk to desk, players on Xbox will find disc-swapping is hassle-free. In fact, players will only need to swap discs twice at natural breaks between cases without interrupting the flow of the game."

I've seen several of the game's cases, each of which is presented as a discrete episode, though players can diverge and tinker with some side-missions. Rockstar people have likened the game to a couple of seasons of a TV show. And it turns out they made some episodes they didn't have disc space for. "Throughout development, we created lots of great cases, the bulk of which were central to the main story of Cole Phelps and his rise through the ranks of the LAPD, alongside other cases that felt more like strong stand-alone episodes," Barrera said. "This gave us a powerful main story, and left us with quality extra content that we wanted to put out as DLC, that would slot seamlessly into the existing game."

L.A. Noire is sounding like another massive Rockstar game. Will it rival the length of the the dozens-of-hours-long GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption? It probably doesn't matter. But if for some reason you were wondering if L.A. Noire was a small experiment or a tiny game, that's not the case.
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by SamDUH562

good lookin out ill just call a few around my area
Wait, does this work for Gamestop too since they bought ebgames?
Or is it only a Canada thing
As far as i know this promo is only in Canada
%@%! im in america i cant trade my old 360 in for 20bucks?

oh well i dont use it anyways
Originally Posted by GeneGreenRKO

I cant wait to play L.A. Noire! Game sounds really good

Really good is an understatement
I fully expect game of the year, and not some undeserved GotY like GTA4 was. Ugh Tuesday feels so far away.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by GeneGreenRKO

I cant wait to play L.A. Noire! Game sounds really good

Really good is an understatement
I fully expect game of the year, and not some undeserved GotY like GTA4 was. Ugh Tuesday feels so far a iway.
i thought the game releases on the 17th
Ah yeah it does. That's how excited I am for the game 
Oh well, one more week where I actually care about school *shrug*
[h1]Important Step for Service Restoration[/h1]
+ Posted by Patrick Seybold // Sr. Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media

Today our global network and security teams at Sony Network Entertainment and Sony Computer Entertainment began the final stages of internal testing of the new system, an important step towards restoring PlayStation Network and Qriocity services.

As previously mentioned, we’ve been working around the clock to rebuild the network and enhance protections of your personal data. It’s our top priority to ensure your data is safe when you begin using the services again.

We understand that many of you are eager to again enjoy the PlayStation Network and Qriocity entertainment services that you love, so we wanted you to be aware of this milestone and our progress. We will provide additional updates as soon as we can.


[h1]Sony Offering Free ‘AllClear ID Plus’ Identity Theft Protection in the United States through Debix, Inc.[/h1]
+ Posted by Patrick Seybold // Sr. Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media

Last weekend, Sony Computer Entertainment announced that we will provide complimentary enrollment in an identity theft protection program. Here are the details of this program for PlayStation Network and Qriocity account holders in the United States only. We are working to make similar programs available in other countries/territories where applicable. Information will be posted on local websites/blogs when available.

Sony Computer Entertainment and Sony Network Entertainment International have made arrangements with Debix, Inc., one of the industry’s most reputable identity protection firms, to offer AllClear ID Plus at no cost to PlayStation Network and Qriocity account holders for 12 months from the time an account holder registers for the program.

Please note that we will start sending out activation emails for this program over the next few days, and you will have until June 18th to sign-up and redeem your code. You will need to sign up directly through AllClearID, not on Sony’s websites, and details, including step-by-step instructions for the program, will be emailed to United States PSN and Qriocity Account holders soon.

The details of the program include, but are not limited to:
  • Cyber monitoring and surveillance of the Internet to detect exposure of an AllClear ID Plus customer’s personal information, including monitoring of criminal web sites and data recovered by law enforcement. If his/her personal information is found, the customer will be alerted by phone and/or email and will be provided advice and support regarding protective steps to take. The customer will also receive monthly identity status reports. Debix works with an alliance of cyber-crime experts from the government, academia and industry to provide these services.
  • Priority access to licensed private investigators and identity restoration specialists. If an AllClear ID Plus customer receives an alert, or otherwise suspects that he/she may be the victim of identity theft, the customer can speak directly, on a priority basis, with an on-staff licensed private investigator, who will conduct a comprehensive inquiry. In the case of an identity theft, the customer can work with an identity restoration specialist to contact creditors and others, and take necessary steps to restore the customer’s identity.
  • A $1 million identity theft insurance policy per user to provide additional protection in the event that an AllClear ID Plus customer becomes a victim of identity theft. This insurance would provide financial relief of up to $1 million for covered identity restoration costs, legal defense expenses, and lost wages that occur within 12 months after the stolen identity event.
More information will be available on the enrollment page, a link which will be included in the email you will receive.

We continue to work around the clock to have some PlayStation Network services and Qriocity services restored, and will be providing you specific details shortly.

Thank you.
Originally Posted by henz0

To: Anybody who I played black ops w/ on the regular .. If you're thinking about converting over to XBOX I will hook you up with my Green Halo Edition 360.. Only thing is it has the red rings and isnt under warranty anymore so you'll have to pay the $100 to get it fixed


bless me Henzgod
More updates from psn, these dudes have got to get an exact date, they stay with the "expect it to be soon" for the last 2 weeks hopefully its tomorrow
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

Originally Posted by henz0

To: Anybody who I played black ops w/ on the regular .. If you're thinking about converting over to XBOX I will hook you up with my Green Halo Edition 360.. Only thing is it has the red rings and isnt under warranty anymore so you'll have to pay the $100 to get it fixed


bless me Henzgod
Henzgod make 2 out of one and send it this way.
I'll let you $+*+ my +*@#+... no wait, I don't have one, uuhhhhh. I'll be forever greatful?
Some good sales in Canada this week

Portal 2 is 39.99 at Best buy

fallout New Vegas 19.99 at best buy

And Asscreed: BH is 19.99 at Toy r us and Best Buy/Future shop ( lesson to Canadian NEVER Buy UBISOFT games when they are release cause they drop in price FAST)

Pretty good deals for sure im getting Portal 2 and fallout
More updates from the PlayStation Blog:
[h1]A Letter from Howard Stringer[/h1]
+ Posted by Patrick Seybold // Sr. Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media

Please see below for a letter from Howard Stringer:
Dear Friends,

I know this has been a frustrating time for all of you.

Let me assure you that the resources of this company have beenfocused on investigating the entire nature and impact of thecyber-attack we’ve all experienced and on fixing it. We are absolutelydedicated to restoring full and safe service as soon as possible andrewarding you for your patience. We will settle for nothing less.

To date, there is no confirmed evidence any credit card or personalinformation has been misused, and we continue to monitor the situationclosely. We are also moving ahead with plans to help protect ourcustomers from identity theft around the world. A program for U.S.PlayStation Network and Qriocity customers that includes a $1 million identity theft insurance policy per user was launched earlier today and announcements for other regions will be coming soon.

As we have announced, we will be offering a “Welcome Back
$%+% Howard Stringer.

Sony keeps beating around the bush, give us a #$@#@@% date you !*%+!.
Well, damn.

From  Joystiq:
[h1]PSN servers were 'unpatched and had no firewall installed,' security expert testifies[/h1]
by Randy Nelson on May 5th 2011 6:35PM

The House of Representatives Energy & Commerce Subcommittee onCommerce, Manufacturing and Trade continues to seek answers regarding last month's breachof the PlayStation Network's security. The one it got yesterday fromPurdue professor and security expert Dr. Gene Spafford is troubling, tosay the least, if the situation he detailed actually played out asdescribed.

Spafford told the subcommittee that, according to security mailinglists he subscribes to, "individuals who work in security andparticipate in the Sony network" had learned "several months ago" thatPSN was hosted on servers running "very old versions of Apache softwarethat were unpatched and had no firewall installed."

The professor continued, "they had reported these [issues] in an openforum that was monitored by Sony employees, but had seen no responseand no change or update to the software." The timeframe for theseevents was "two to three months prior to the incident where thebreak-ins occurred," according to Spafford.

It's important to note that his account of the situation andinformation is second-hand. Still, the potential for this testimony tocause the subcommittee, headed by representative Mary Bono Mack (R-CA),to demand more answers from Sony -- and, more specifically, theindividuals mentioned by Spafford -- does exist.

Sony could not be reached for comment.
On Sunday they said "this week" so I guess since they announced it on Sunday, it will be up by.. this Sunday? =/
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

Originally Posted by henz0

To: Anybody who I played black ops w/ on the regular .. If you're thinking about converting over to XBOX I will hook you up with my Green Halo Edition 360.. Only thing is it has the red rings and isnt under warranty anymore so you'll have to pay the $100 to get it fixed


bless me Henzgod
Henzgod make 2 out of one and send it this way.
I'll let you $+*+ my +*@#+... no wait, I don't have one, uuhhhhh. I'll be forever greatful?
RROD is damn easy to fix, i bought parts for a total of $20, youtube your instruction ...took maybe an 1hr to dis-assemble and re-assemble if your not really handy with tools, add additional 30min for burn in time for new thermal paste ...
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