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Hybrid, just a couple quick question on XIV...

Will the Beta be only PC, or might we see a Beta or Demo drop on PS3?

Also, I am expecting a monthly charge...  any idea on what that may be yet?

I know... E3. 4 days is a long time though.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Hybrid, just a couple quick question on XIV...

Will the Beta be only PC, or might we see a Beta or Demo drop on PS3?

Also, I am expecting a monthly charge...  any idea on what that may be yet?

I know... E3. 4 days is a long time though.

Beta 2 is coming soon to PC only. PC will launch in September. PS3 is delayed until December right now, but there will be a beta for PS3 soon. Price point for the monthly fee is undecided.
I don't own a PS3 currently.

Someone school me (briefly) on what the $299 version offers.
And, more importantly, on how the whole Netflix situation works with the PS3.

has anybody had a problem with MLB The Show where after the epilepsy waring screen, the screen just goes black and says that way? tryna do the stephen strasburg,this is makin me mad
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

I don't own a PS3 currently.

Someone school me (briefly) on what the $299 version offers.
And, more importantly, on how the whole Netflix situation works with the PS3.

Page 1 for model info, here for Netflix disc...

From the PS Blog, one less E3 announcement:
[h1]Introducing MotorStorm Apocalypse[/h1]
Posted by Matt Southern // Game Director, Evolution Studios

More than two years ago we decided where the MotorStorm festival should head next, and I’ve been itching to talk about it ever since. Now, as part of the global announcement, and with E3 just around the corner, it’s so exciting to finally be able to share some information about the MotorStorm Apocalypse.

Here are some of the headlines…

You May Have Heard…We’re Heading to the City!

But this is no ordinary city. In the same way that the first MotorStorm was set in Monument Valley, and MotorStorm Pacific Rift was set on ‘The Island’, inspired by Hawaii and other Pacific islands, we’ve set this MotorStorm in ‘The City’, inspired by the West Coast of America, and, in particular, the Bay Area of California.

MotorStorm’s brand of racing is not about ‘going urban’ though. We all know that the lunatic ‘Stormers would take every expectation about street racing and turn it upside-down. So this is what they’ve done. Welcome to Brutal Urban Off-Road Racing!

Post Apocalyptic? NO!

The city has been abandoned and somewhat damaged after a tremor. When the ‘Stormers find this out, they head straight in. Pretty soon, two things become clear: it isn’t completely empty and Mother Nature isn’t done yet!

Throughout the game the city will be ripped to pieces, in real-time, as you race. Routes will be affected, as will our emergent gameplay.

Buggies using collapsing walls as half-pipes. Big Rigs on the rooftops of skyscrapers as they collapse. Superbikes gunning into the basements of enormous rifts. Supercars flicking on their headlights to barrel through the subways and sewers. Multi-vehicle pile ups on giant bridges as they buckle and twist. Driving through someone’s office and smashing up their desks. It’s all there.

Two groups have also stayed behind, and neither takes too kindly to MotorStorm’s arrival. I’ll talk more about them another time, but for now I’ll say that when they realise there isn’t going to be much of a city left, they start to destroy it too.

This isn’t post-apocalyptic. It’s apocalyptic. You are there when it happens. It’s survival racing.

Variety, Chronology and Depth are King

We’ve listened to everything people said about our previous games and, as a result, one of our priorities is to make a more satifsying overall game experience. In our single-player mode, every race is unique. When a building comes down it stays down. When you race a track again, the buildings will still be down and the MotorStorm crew will have carved yet more routes into the ruined landscape. The only time you’ll see the same thing twice is when you choose to. Underscoring this chronology is the fact that you’ll get to see the game from three different viewpoints.

Nothing annoys me more than the notion that an accessible action racer must also be shallow or plain dumb. So once you have experienced the single-player journey, the true depth of our title will come to the fore. Our overhauled ‘Wreckreation’ mode has been heavily influenced by the best online titles: from shooters and action adventures, RPGs and platformers. It features:
  • Sixteen player online multiplayer.
  • Four player split-screen.
  • Combinations of the two. Play with three friends in the living room against 12 more online.
  • Massive vehicle customisation. Change vinyls, vehicle parts, vehicle shapes and more. Upload them to the community site and share them with others. They automatically work on all vehicle types, and include your PSN ID.
  • Vehicle perks. Modify your handling, boosting and offensive abilities as you unlock new perks.
  • A wealth of rankings to progess through online with associated rewards and recognition.
  • Stacks of online rewards to earn and persistent progress giving the most determined and successful racers the status and recognition they deserve.
  • Persistent matchmaking. Keep your party together throughout your gaming session.
  • A Game Mode Creator. From a completely blank canvas you can design your own game rules and victory conditions, play them online, and incorporate them into tournaments.
Lots More

We’ve got a lot more to reveal too; things like replacing loading screens with cut-scenes that finally reveal what it’s like to be a part of the MotorStorm subculture, to changes to handling and boosting, to the five completely new vehicle classes making their way to this festival.

The end of the world…is just the beginning.

Let me know your thoughts.


Real time environment destruction sounds dope..

[h1]Dead Space 2 online multiplayer still coming[/h1]Wednesday 9-Jun-2010 10:26 PM EA CEO John Riccitiello spills the beans

Dead Space 2's online multiplayer is still coming, according to none other than EA boss, John Riccitiello.

A job ad which cropped up late last year searched for a "Senior Online Level Designer" for the Dead Space series on 360 and PS3 platforms, pointing at online gaming for the sequel.

Now, speaking with Industry Gamers Riccitiello has re-confirmed the news, saying: "It's got some really innovative online gameplay."

He seems pretty excited about what's in store, too. "I'm personally a nut about Dead Space. Rare is it for me to finish a game on more than one platform, but I did in the case of Dead Space, and Dead Space 2 is more than a worthy sequel; it's going to be a monster. So I'm really, really pleased with that," he said.

We'll expect to see some MP action next week, then.
Yeah I got it...It's like a combo of Excitebike and Sonic...Totally worth $14.99

Edit: FIFA World Cup 2010 for the PS3 & 360 is going for $39.99 on Amazon now
Originally Posted by BlackMamba08

Originally Posted by Apollo Greed

Heads Up:

Gamestop is giving a 50% bonus to all games you trade in until the 13th. Makes their prices somewhat reasonable. I'm about to take a bag full of games over

Trade in ANY game and get 50% off a new game?
I think Its the additional 50% after you trade n a game.

e.g. Trade in a game for $8 and get an additional $4.
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

Anyone has uses Netflix on their PS3 how fast/easy is the streaming?

It's extremely easy. You just have to get the Netflix disc from them in the mail first. 
PS blog announcing a few incoming games..
[h1]Final Fantasy IX hits PSN Store this Tuesday[/h1]
Posted by Ami Blaire // Vice President of Marketing, Square Enix

We’d like to thank everyone who has patiently waited for the revival of one of the most anticipated classics in the Final Fantasy series, Final Fantasy IX.

Returning to the elements of what makes true role-playing games appealing — characters, grand story, engaging battles and an impressive presentation — we’re proud to offer PS3 and PSP owners a chance to relive what RPG fans have long considered a nostalgic masterpiece.

The wait is almost over and we’re proud to announce that Final Fantasy IX is finally here, again!



Look for Final Fantasy IX to hit the US PSN Store next Tuesday, June 15th for $9.99. For more information on Final Fantasy IX, please visit the official site.

[h1]Coming Soon to PSN: Tehra Dark Warrior for PSP and PS3[/h1]
Posted by Pilar Pino // Marketing Head, StormBASIC Games

Tehra Dark Warrior is an RPG hack-and-slash game set in the time of knights and dragons. As you navigate through each level, you encounter numerous enemies or varying size and strength. Using the power of your sword, you battle through while grabbing and slashing everything in your path.



The game is set in the land of Sistar, a city laid to waste due to endless war between the humans and a tribe of vicious mythical demons called the Urka’h. As Tehra, the main player in the game, you move through realistic 3D environments aiming to grow stronger and gain more skill to ultimately defeat stronger enemies. Throughout the game you’ll meet a number of creatures, including the likes of Orcs, the undead, Mages, enormous Trolls and some of which will be unknown to man. Tehra was created as a hybrid human-devil to mediate the conflict and maintain peace. With the help of demon blood, Tehra can switch from human to demon, wherein her attacks are stronger and deadlier but require more energy.

Check out Tehra Dark Warrior when it hits the PSN Store (soon!) for $4.99.

Sounds like a Mini which isn't a bad thing..
Rock Band 3 news from various places

[h1]Rock Band 3 Just Handed The Competition a Can of Whoop ***[/h1]
By sdr0079Published: June 10, 2010Posted in: PS3NewsTags: Activision, Guitar Hero, Harmonix, MTV Games, Rock Band 3

Development of Rock Band 3 began immediately after the release of Rock Band 2 in September 2008. During that time we’ve seen eleven different Guitar Hero installments. Twelve if you include Guitar Hero 6: Warriors of Rock to be released later this year.

Activision seems to be satisfied with over-saturating the rhythm game genre for the past 2-3 years while doing  nothing to improve it in any of their twelve Guitar Hero games. What’s new in Guitar Hero 6: Warriors of Rock?  A quest mode that tells an “otherworldly tale, narrated by KISS front man Gene Simmons.
Live in Cali?? Want to play the PS Move before anyone else?? Might have something for ya...

Stay tuned...
Originally Posted by NCTwin

Live in Cali?? Want to play the PS Move before anyone else?? Might have something for ya...

Stay tuned...

Damn you're invited to the Sony event? Hook me up
I'll trade you for the Natal event on Sunday!
Originally Posted by dvdjamm5150

Yeah I got it...It's like a combo of Excitebike and Sonic...Totally worth $14.99

Edit: FIFA World Cup 2010 for the PS3 & 360 is going for $39.99 on Amazon now
Nice, will definitely check that out this summer.
Just picked up the LittleBig Planet: GOTY edition + DualShock 3 bundle for $60. My controller just broke, so I needed a new one. Might as well get LBP for 6 bucks more.  Great value for the price. 
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