PS3 vs. XBox Elite

^ thats how i have it right now..

i got a modded 360 for games cause im a broke college student...and i have ps3 with only one game...warfare 2...thats all i need tho..
Anyone know where I can trade in my 360 for a ps3? Or where to sell my 360 for enough money to buy a ps3?
Honestly, I have both and it ain't close.

PS3 all day.

Live is better because more people are on it and the Xbox controller is better for first person shooters but other than that PS3 is pretty much better in everyway
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

Anyone know where I can trade in my 360 for a ps3? Or where to sell my 360 for enough money to buy a ps3?

I sold mine to gamestop, they only gave me 90 bucks for it but with that i just paid the difference towards the ps3
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

i dont think ps3 supports netflix.

that alone

360 > ps3.

And dont say it supports it cause you have it with a cd brah. Being able to switch to movies and games on the fly = wins.

the PS3 supports HDMI 1.3. this allows it to output, both, Dolby TrueHD and DTS Master Audio HD.

i'll suffer with using the Netflix disc for a few more months to have ridiculously superior audio quality.

once Netflix starts streaming full 1080p HD movies later this year, it won't even be close.

People dont glitch as much on MW2 for the PS3

but I have had both systems and PS3 gets all my love and affection.
not gonna lie i somewhat regret getting a 360. i copped it a little before or after the ps3's release and the launch titles didnt really spark my interest. not to mention the general consensus around that time was 360>ps3.
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by UnderMedicated

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

To this day I still can't figure out why Live is >>>> PSN.
I play on the PSN with no lag for free.

I played on live with no lag for cash.

what was I paying for? 

the main thing theyre paying for is party chat
the @+!+ i need party chat for?

and everyone who says 360 either a) have never owned a ps3 or b) are just fanboys who's only reason for why its better is xbox live.
i say this because I own both consoles (hell i own all 3 next gen systems) and out of all of them, the ps3 gets the most PT. the 360 was just a cheaper alternative to the ps3 at first so i got that one first. but once i got a ps3 i realized, having a 360 was only good for 2 reasons, halo and gears of war.

xbox live is not that great. the media center on the 360 is horrible compared to the ps3, and online is the damn same.
but nobody has talked about how xbox live has downtimes
thats one of the main reasons why i left the xbox. almost everytime i used to turn around, xbox live would be down and i had a message in my inbox about it. like, im paying for dedicated servers, $#* kinda @#$+ is this?

the xbox 360 is a more restricted version of the ps3. and the sad thing is, I own both of them so its not like im taking sides. I just know which one is the better one out of the 2 for the price they both are.

real talk, the only thing th 360 has over the PS3 is Mass Effect and Left4Dead. THATS IT. because we know that hardware wise the ps3 %!%$! on the 360.
I own a 360 and recently in my college dorm i have been on a ps3. Id say i enjoy my 360 more i love its exclusives and the only games i really want from ps3 are uncharted 2 and heavy rain.
Xbox live is also a big factor to me liking the 360, live has its downtime's but i haven't ran into any for a few years. They have maintenance for a couple of hours every few months or so but the only way you would run into them is if you were gaming all week straight. maybe the downtime's you experienced were from your service provider?

And how is the ps3's hardware so superior the blu-ray?

Op either way you'll be getting a good system. In the end it depends on what type of games you want to play and what services you want from your system.
you can upgrade the hard drive, you can run external hard drives, you can connect to the REAL internet, of course blu-ray which is a huge advancement considering how much more you can do with games with that mush space on a disc, wireless wifi connectivity OUT OF THE BOX- no $100 accessories needed, dual shock 3 controller with sixaxis, should i even continue on with the list of things that the ps3 does out of the box that xbox 360 cant even do? aside from those things, the ps3 can do EVERYTHING an xbox can do.

if i were to think of one reason to play my xbox before my ps3 it would be because i have a crap load of friends with an xbox360. thats the only thing. i have certain games on xbox that i only play with my friends with a 360 at this point. because everything else i can just do on the ps3.

and to whoever said ps3 doesnt support netflix, you dont know what you are talking about.

game, set, match.
The 360 has all of that besides the internet, WIFI and bluray. I meant to mention before that the ps3 hasn't made any games that extensively use the ps3's blu ray technology to make better games. and the Si axis was a failure. why mention that?

If you cant agree that both systems are good i don't see the use of arguing about it. hes just looking for a new system and everybody acts like hes going to use all possible futures once he gets it.
Originally Posted by UnderMedicated

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by UnderMedicated

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

To this day I still can't figure out why Live is >>>> PSN.
I play on the PSN with no lag for free.

I played on live with no lag for cash.

what was I paying for? 

the main thing theyre paying for is party chat
the @+!+ i need party chat for?

and everyone who says 360 either a) have never owned a ps3 or b) are just fanboys who's only reason for why its better is xbox live.
i say this because I own both consoles (hell i own all 3 next gen systems) and out of all of them, the ps3 gets the most PT. the 360 was just a cheaper alternative to the ps3 at first so i got that one first. but once i got a ps3 i realized, having a 360 was only good for 2 reasons, halo and gears of war.

xbox live is not that great. the media center on the 360 is horrible compared to the ps3, and online is the damn same.
but nobody has talked about how xbox live has downtimes
thats one of the main reasons why i left the xbox. almost everytime i used to turn around, xbox live would be down and i had a message in my inbox about it. like, im paying for dedicated servers, $#* kinda @#$+ is this?

the xbox 360 is a more restricted version of the ps3. and the sad thing is, I own both of them so its not like im taking sides. I just know which one is the better one out of the 2 for the price they both are.

real talk, the only thing th 360 has over the PS3 is Mass Effect and Left4Dead. THATS IT. because we know that hardware wise the ps3 %!%$! on the 360.
I own a 360 and recently in my college dorm i have been on a ps3. Id say i enjoy my 360 more i love its exclusives and the only games i really want from ps3 are uncharted 2 and heavy rain.
Xbox live is also a big factor to me liking the 360, live has its downtime's but i haven't ran into any for a few years. They have maintenance for a couple of hours every few months or so but the only way you would run into them is if you were gaming all week straight. maybe the downtime's you experienced were from your service provider?

And how is the ps3's hardware so superior the blu-ray?

Op either way you'll be getting a good system. In the end it depends on what type of games you want to play and what services you want from your system.
you can upgrade the hard drive, you can run external hard drives, you can connect to the REAL internet, of course blu-ray which is a huge advancement considering how much more you can do with games with that mush space on a disc, wireless wifi connectivity OUT OF THE BOX- no $100 accessories needed, dual shock 3 controller with sixaxis, should i even continue on with the list of things that the ps3 does out of the box that xbox 360 cant even do? aside from those things, the ps3 can do EVERYTHING an xbox can do.

if i were to think of one reason to play my xbox before my ps3 it would be because i have a crap load of friends with an xbox360. thats the only thing. i have certain games on xbox that i only play with my friends with a 360 at this point. because everything else i can just do on the ps3.

and to whoever said ps3 doesnt support netflix, you dont know what you are talking about.

game, set, match.
The 360 has all of that besides the internet, WIFI and bluray. I meant to mention before that the ps3 hasn't made any games that extensively use the ps3's blu ray technology to make better games. and the Si axis was a failure. why mention that?

If you cant agree that both systems are good i don't see the use of arguing about it. hes just looking for a new system and everybody acts like hes going to use all possible futures once he gets it.
i never said the 360 wasn't a good console.
if the 360 wasn't somewhat good, i wouldn't own one.

and since when have you been able to upgrade your xbox 360 hard drive? im not talking about some wack ++% "go to gamestop and get the 120gb HDD" crap. im talking about go to best buy or somewhere and get a 1tb HDD and swap it out. 
No the 360 dose not have an  internal drive that you can remove . it has an external one but no its not 1tb
?  I really don't see the use of a hdd larger then 60GB.

Its just a game system which is why all that stuff you've mentioned dose not matter i really dont buy game systems because they can play blu ray dvd's and surf the web.
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