PS3 vs. XBox Elite

^^^ why did JROSE5 edit ur post 5 times

Easy choice, PS3

but someone is going to come in here and tell u Xbox because of Mass effect or Halo, dont listen to them because they dont know good games

Ps3 has the best games, a better console and better ADS
surprised nobody has said 360 yet.

Get a Ps3 OP.

it wont break down on you after two hours of gameplay like mines
Depends on what you like. I was in the same situation before. As far as gaming is concerned I wasn't much of a Halo fan and Gears was the only Xbox exclusive that I liked over the PS3's. While I preferred online games, I didn't want to pay a fee every month/year. I'm a casual gamer at most, so it might have gone unused for days or weeks. I also liked the built in wi-fi and blu-ray for the PS3. Other than the d-pad I much prefer the Xbox controller to the PS3, but it wasn't that much of a factor to me. In the end I chose the PS3 and have been happy with it.
the only benefit for Xbox360 is that its slightly cheaper...

I, still, to this day, regret gettin 360 over PS3
ps3 off of blu ray, free internet and exclusives like mgs4 and uncharted 2 alone but i'm not an avid online gamer. if you have 20 friends online with an xbox and are into online multiplayer, then get an xbox
Originally Posted by lovemysole

I want both badly but I'm only going to buy one for now ... which is better?
You came to the wrong place. You might get the mode... but you won't get much more than that. There is NO unbiased answer on NT.
I'd say go get what your boys have. If your into playin online it's only smart to get the same system right? Playing alone is not fun.
if most ur friends have an xbox get an xbox. If most of them have a ps3 get a ps3
I have all systems ps3 hardly gets any play at my crib aside from blu rays...but then again that is a plus
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