Public Bathrooms Vol: DAT MUD BUTT

Originally Posted by FourReal

Originally Posted by MrBrown

Originally Posted by FourReal

Originally Posted by The Notorious Bum

Speaking of secret restrooms, back in HS I would sneak into the teachers joints mad clean with spacious stalls
i never using the secret restrooms ever again ever since middle i told myself that was the last time going their
i still remember that day

Sounds like rape
did you get raped....... son?
uuhhh... like no really blown
like my stomach was killing me i didn't want to take that mean *$# dump in the boys restroom so i asked the clinic if i can use the teacher staff restroom shes like ok so im their for like a min so a girl is waiting outside i didn't even know i walked off like nothing happen she walks in then 1 min later walks off with a smile like eww son you took a mean as dump face i was blown cause she was pretty plus i find that really embarrassing cause round 2 was like in 5 min damn

Are you related to nter cash is clay?
I remember my sophomore year in Highschool. It was state testing week and i had burger king the night before. I had to eat something so i wouldnt be starving during the test. So i fixed me a bowl of milk and cereal.... BAD IDEA. Left the house for school, and during the ride to school bubble guts kicked in. I told my mom and she asked me if i wanted to go back. I man'ed up and sealed my crack tight
.... 30 minutes in the test, i'm focused, the room is all silent. Suddenly, i felt some clogged-intestine-actions happening. Then huge bubble guts exploded (Not the starving bubble guts, but the gaseous ones). It was so loud it was like a THX surround-like. The students were quickly alarmed and started giggling. One dude asked "What the hell is that". I was heated as @#%$ cuz i couldn't concentrate, especially since i was crossing my feet in excruitiating pain
. I sucked up my pride and asked my teacher if i could go to the bathroom. As soon as i stepped foot in the bathroom, the pain gone away. So i pretended i took a piss and headed back to class. Write when i sat back down, the pain started again
 and this time, silent-meaty-hot farts started creeping out. The constipation broke down the doors of my crack
. I asked my teacher if i could go again, he probably knew i had level 10 mud butt syndrome, so he let me go. The bathroom was all free, no kids, no pissed-on toilet papers, no flooded toilets, no burnt up dro on the ground, no piss puddles, etc.. The only problem i had was that their was no stall door
. So i dropped my pants, and crouched, and blasted a nuke-worth of mud butt
. I didnt even bother to look at the mess and cleaned myself with loads of toilet paper. The session lasted in a minute, it was certainly a fast one and could have been disguised as a piss break
. After the test, i called for my bro to pick me up, cause i was so embarassed 
. I find it embarassing to poop in public

- Bad combination of food
-state testing
-had to poop really bad
-Surround sound bubble guts. Kids giggling
-swallowed my pride and finally pooped
-nuked the toilet
-went home after the test because i felt embarassed
i remember some guy at my job went in one and a spider bit his penis
I trained myself so that i can only go at home or at worse a close friends house. NEVER in public, i had a really bad stomach ache once and to avoid *@+#%@*@ myself i was forced to go in a public place.....never again..EVER.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

man im telling you, im use to it to using portable toilets since tha'ts what my work was early in the season and we didn;t have any and i had to go baaaaaad...i didnt care, i went behind the semi truck, got 4 bricks, 2 on top of each other and did my business while it was was cold but i couldn't hold it any longer

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Is it true that you can get STD's from usin' a public bathroom?

i highly doubt it
there's one STD that can jump on your genitalia, but when you standing its highly improable 
Originally Posted by MINOTAURO NOGUEIRA

I remember my sophomore year in Highschool. It was state testing week and i had burger king the night before. I had to eat something so i wouldnt be starving during the test. So i fixed me a bowl of milk and cereal.... BAD IDEA. Left the house for school, and during the ride to school bubble guts kicked in. I told my mom and she asked me if i wanted to go back. I man'ed up and sealed my crack tight
.... 30 minutes in the test, i'm focused, the room is all silent. Suddenly, i felt some clogged-intestine-actions happening. Then huge bubble guts exploded (Not the starving bubble guts, but the gaseous ones). It was so loud it was like a THX surround-like. The students were quickly alarmed and started giggling. One dude asked "What the hell is that". I was heated as @#%$ cuz i couldn't concentrate, especially since i was crossing my feet in excruitiating pain
. I sucked up my pride and asked my teacher if i could go to the bathroom. As soon as i stepped foot in the bathroom, the pain gone away. So i pretended i took a piss and headed back to class. Write when i sat back down, the pain started again
 and this time, silent-meaty-hot farts started creeping out. The constipation broke down the doors of my crack
. I asked my teacher if i could go again, he probably knew i had level 10 mud butt syndrome, so he let me go. The bathroom was all free, no kids, no pissed-on toilet papers, no flooded toilets, no burnt up dro on the ground, no piss puddles, etc.. The only problem i had was that their was no stall door
. So i dropped my pants, and crouched, and blasted a nuke-worth of mud butt
. I didnt even bother to look at the mess and cleaned myself with loads of toilet paper. The session lasted in a minute, it was certainly a fast one and could have been disguised as a piss break
. After the test, i called for my bro to pick me up, cause i was so embarassed 
. I find it embarassing to poop in public

- Bad combination of food
-state testing
-had to poop really bad
-Surround sound bubble guts. Kids giggling
-swallowed my pride and finally pooped
-nuked the toilet
-went home after the test because i felt embarassed

If your'e on the move, just find the nearest hotel and do your business there...

Of course, most hotels pride themselves on customer service/hospitality, and they keep their bathrooms super clean...

(I learned this from an NT Thread)

yea that video was a little ratchet. I will be checking under all of the seats i use because i try to use as many bathrooms as possible just for the experience
This is hilarious. I normally run to the bathroom on the 4th floor of buildings on campus or the bathroom in the back of the book store. Silence and clean.
James Earl Zones wrote:

I haven't hovered over or sat on a public toilet (papered or not) since 2006 when my **** touched a toilet seat and gave me a UTI. Explaining that to my mom at 16 was hell. !%#@ you Walmart.

ahahahah ewwww, but yo seriously i dont even mess with public bathrooms anymore, last year i went into wawa (gas station in PA, they have sandwiches and stuff, its usually pretty nice) and there was a log just laying in the middle of the bathroom floor, like dude didnt even attempt to shoot for the toilet 
Ive never hoverbutted a dump in public. I have put down TP protection in a few suspect areas.

At work we got locking single bathrooms so I can take the infamous 15 min bathroom break without interruption.

When at school and I gotta drop one not a damb is given. Bathrooms are clean and they are plentiful. Theres like 2 large mens bathrooms per floor in each building.
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