Publicly Reminiscing Over A Past Lover

Jabs being thrown early.
poem from tupac's book
u r the omega of my heart
the foundation of my conception of love
when i think of what a black woman should be
its u that i first think of

u will never fully understand
how deeply my heart feels 4 u
i worry that we'll grow apart
and i'll end up losing u

u bring me 2 climax without sex
and u do it all with regal grace
u r my heart in human form
a friend i could never replace

Kinda sucks...she went for the Prince instead of the Thug.
Publicity. She needed it.

Besides, like everyone has been saying, it seems as though they have an open relationship, so...
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I saw this on another board.
The picture posted below was posted by Jada Pinkett on FB. The caption read, "I miss him." Now, whether you want to believe her and Mr. Tupac were just friends isn't what is being discussed here. I know if I was Mr. Tupac being a friend would be the furthest thing from my mind when talking about that woman. 

But anyway, I feel that posting that picture is disrespectful to her current situation with Will. She is a married woman and there is no reason that she should be publicly reminiscing over a past lover. I am not telling her to not miss him but why pull this? Why do you need to make it a public thing? I feel it is disrespectful and I am sure some of you will use the insecure card and rightfully so. 

What are your thoughts on this?

What are my thoughts?

That you're making an assumption about the relationship of two people you don't know and never will know and taking offense over it, when in actuality, it COULD just be (and VERY MOST LIKELY is) that they are just two people who grew up together and went to high school together, and as such she misses her murdered friend -- particularly now that a hologram of him is pasted over the media and being discussed everywhere she turns.

I'm just saying, you ever hear the adage "you know what happens when you assume?"

NOW if this is an excuse for you to rant about women (and I mean women specifically since most of your posts seem directed at knocking them down and praising masculinity - read: misogyny) posting on networking sites about their exes while actively in relationships then I think you should make that clearer.  The Jada Pinkett example is shaky.

If however you're specifically talking about Jada, then my further thoughts are that you spend too much time worrying about other people.
By far the most sensible statement in here.
DC probably never been in relationship. Dude probably just sits on park benches over analyzing other couples and then comes on NT to post about it.
Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I saw this on another board.
The picture posted below was posted by Jada Pinkett on FB. The caption read, "I miss him." Now, whether you want to believe her and Mr. Tupac were just friends isn't what is being discussed here. I know if I was Mr. Tupac being a friend would be the furthest thing from my mind when talking about that woman. 

But anyway, I feel that posting that picture is disrespectful to her current situation with Will. She is a married woman and there is no reason that she should be publicly reminiscing over a past lover. I am not telling her to not miss him but why pull this? Why do you need to make it a public thing? I feel it is disrespectful and I am sure some of you will use the insecure card and rightfully so. 

What are your thoughts on this?

What are my thoughts?

That you're making an assumption about the relationship of two people you don't know and never will know and taking offense over it, when in actuality, it COULD just be (and VERY MOST LIKELY is) that they are just two people who grew up together and went to high school together, and as such she misses her murdered friend -- particularly now that a hologram of him is pasted over the media and being discussed everywhere she turns.

I'm just saying, you ever hear the adage "you know what happens when you assume?"

NOW if this is an excuse for you to rant about women (and I mean women specifically since most of your posts seem directed at knocking them down and praising masculinity - read: misogyny) posting on networking sites about their exes while actively in relationships then I think you should make that clearer.  The Jada Pinkett example is shaky.

If however you're specifically talking about Jada, then my further thoughts are that you spend too much time worrying about other people.
By far the most sensible statement in here.


to answer your question in general it would be disrespectful to put up old pics like that when you're in a new relationship...

some girl on twitter one day said none of her man's old girls better not post any old pics of them...i was weak cuz i felt exactly where she was coming from...
Dc analyzes everything lol but to answer your question, I don't think of it as that big of deal honestly.
Originally Posted by blacklion23

I have no problem with this. Whether they were more than friends or not they maintained a good friendship up until his signing with Deathrow. Even though she wasn't happy with a lot of his actions around that time she still loved him dearly. It's almost as if you're assuming she misses being with him when she may only miss her friend. Jada knew the side of Pac that a lot of people fail to see. She knew that he was capable of accomplishing more. I see nothing more here than a friend missing a friend.
I don't care about her feelings. I don't know that. My issue is just with the public display of it all. Like what point does it serve?

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

DC you talk a lot about relationships in here when was your last one?

  Why ask me a question you wouldn't believe my answer to?

Originally Posted by xilegacy

DC probably never been in relationship. Dude probably just sits on park benches over analyzing other couples and then comes on NT to post about it.

Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

who cares

This. Why do such things bother you DC?
The same reason that things bother you. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by blacklion23

I have no problem with this. Whether they were more than friends or not they maintained a good friendship up until his signing with Deathrow. Even though she wasn't happy with a lot of his actions around that time she still loved him dearly. It's almost as if you're assuming she misses being with him when she may only miss her friend. Jada knew the side of Pac that a lot of people fail to see. She knew that he was capable of accomplishing more. I see nothing more here than a friend missing a friend.
I don't care about her feelings. I don't know that. My issue is just with the public display of it all. Like what point does it serve?

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

DC you talk a lot about relationships in here when was your last one?

  Why ask me a question you wouldn't believe my answer to?The same reason that things bother you. 
you do it damn near every time you ask a question

but i think its different for her b/c her friend was a public figure also maybe she just wanted to share it w/everyone else...

chances are you wouldnt even have made this thread if you didnt know who the other guy in the pic was...
Originally Posted by Nako XL

What are my thoughts?

That you're making an assumption about the relationship of two people you don't know and never will know and taking offense over it, when in actuality, it COULD just be (and VERY MOST LIKELY is) that they are just two people who grew up together and went to high school together, and as such she misses her murdered friend -- particularly now that a hologram of him is pasted over the media and being discussed everywhere she turns.

I'm just saying, you ever hear the adage "you know what happens when you assume?"

NOW if this is an excuse for you to rant about women (and I mean women specifically since most of your posts seem directed at knocking them down and praising masculinity - read: misogyny) posting on networking sites about their exes while actively in relationships then I think you should make that clearer.  The Jada Pinkett example is shaky.

If however you're specifically talking about Jada, then my further thoughts are that you spend too much time worrying about other people.

1. Your assumption is just as good as my assumption about their relationship. Neither of us know, we both have assumptions. So hey.
2. I asked what I was trying to ask and that was do you think it is ever ok to publicly reminisce over a past lover. Dead or alive.

3. So no, I was not specifically talking about Jada, she was just the example on deck. And even if I were referring specifically about Jada, why does that mean I spend too much time WORRYING about others? It was just a simple discussion. I could see if I am posting non-stop in any and every celebrity thread on NT but I don't. It is just a discussion, nothing further. Nice try though.

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

chances are you wouldnt even have made this thread if you didnt know who the other guy in the pic was...

If he was a documented past lover I probably wouldn't have even seen the picture on my FB timeline so you are probably right. But what does that change? I don't think him being a public figure matters. It is still reminiscing over a past lover which I feel is disrespectful to your current lover. Him being famous doesn't change that in my eyes. She still did it for the public. She can cry on her own shoulder, she obviously wanted some, "Awwww yall were cute"'s or something along those lines.
Nah. Don't mind her doing it. Seems to be more about a Pac thing as a person than anything else. Plus it was never publicly confirmed they were ever involved like that. If I remember correctly from the numerous 2Pac documentaries I've watched they became friends at a very young age, so it's even more understandable even if Pac was hitting that.

As for the general question it's pretty cold blooded to see your wife or s/o publicly reminiscing over a past lover like say on facebook if he's alive. I'm pretty sure everybody would agree doing that publicly is wrong. Dead on the other hand, is okay. +%@%% dead. I aint about to compete with a dead guy.
I think the point of posting was to give us an idea of the type of relationship they had. IMO the pic looks innocent. It looks more big brother and little sister than yeah we doing it. Jada is a public figure and like most public figures have done, she's sharing how she feels. Im quite sure there are young women that have seen this pic and could definitely relate. I know women that have lost big brother figures, whom they may have or not had deeper feelings for. The mention of that persons name could lead to tears. Putting myself in the shoes of their husband or boyfriend, there's no way I'd feel disrespected knowing that this person that is no longer living still holds a piece of her heart. This would only be a problem if the person was still alive and I knew she could contact him easily.
There was this woman that I worked with. Her husband got killed in a motorcycle crash. That was 2 years ago. She has a new dude now and I honestly feel for dude. In my opinion, her husband will always be a fallen hero. He went out on top. I don't think his legacy can be taken over by the new dude. I was discussing this with someone and we talked about how this woman should go about grieving. I feel that she shouldn't grieve publicly. I don't feel she should grieve to her new man. But if she does, the new man will probably not say anything because no matter what, if he says, "I'm not trying to hear that" he will be perceived as a jerk. But I don't think many people would want to hear someone talk about their dead ex-husband. I couldn't deal with that and I would respectfully request that I am not part of that grieving process. You have female friends for that. Go visit the grave. That is fine but I wouldn't be cool with having a discussion about how much you missed/loved him.

What are your thoughts on that situation?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

There was this woman that I worked with. Her husband got killed in a motorcycle crash. That was 2 years ago. She has a new dude now and I honestly feel for dude. In my opinion, her husband will always be a fallen hero. He went out on top. I don't think his legacy can be taken over by the new dude. I was discussing this with someone and we talked about how this woman should go about grieving. I feel that she shouldn't grieve publicly. I don't feel she should grieve to her new man. But if she does, the new man will probably not say anything because no matter what, if he says, "I'm not trying to hear that" he will be perceived as a jerk. But I don't think many people would want to hear someone talk about their dead ex-husband. I couldn't deal with that and I would respectfully request that I am not part of that grieving process. You have female friends for that. Go visit the grave. That is fine but I wouldn't be cool with having a discussion about how much you missed/loved him.

What are your thoughts on that situation?

Kinda heartless to tell your woman you don't want to hear her feelings on someone she lost even if it is the one before you. Just because she misses him doesn't mean she can't love and care for you. Will it be the same probably not but that doesn't mean its less than. Hopefully by the time you get into that relationship she's as over it as much as you can be in a situation like that but to say you don't want to be a part of that process if it does come up is a jerk move.

There's not proper way to grieve.
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