PYJ (Post Your Jokes)

Originally Posted by JordanPP30

An airplane is decreasing speed very rapidly going downward, the pilot
comes over the intercom and says I'm sorry it had to come to this folks, but
unfortunately we're going to have to let some of the luggage go'.... the
plane continues to decrease speed. Again you hear the pilot over the
intercom 'I hate to have to do this but now we're going to have to start
releasing passengers by alphabetical order beginning with the letter
'A!!!..... Africans, any Africans!?.... No one answers
'B!!! 'Black People, any Black People!? again, silence.
'C!!! 'Colored People, any Colored People!?... silence.
A black little boy in the back turns to his mother and says 'but mom, ain't we African American? aren't we Black? aren't we Colored? 'the mother turns to her son and says 'Yes son, but today we're Ni**as!!!!... Mexicans go first!.. The little black boy turns to the little Mexican kid seating next to him and laughs....!!!
The Mexican kid laughs back and says today I'm a wet-back my ni**a.

Originally Posted by cgutta

Originally Posted by heartofthacity

Originally Posted by JordanPP30

An airplane is decreasing speed very rapidly going downward, the pilot
comes over the intercom and says I'm sorry it had to come to this folks, but
unfortunately we're going to have to let some of the luggage go'.... the
plane continues to decrease speed. Again you hear the pilot over the
intercom 'I hate to have to do this but now we're going to have to start
releasing passengers by alphabetical order beginning with the letter
'A!!!..... Africans, any Africans!?.... No one answers
'B!!! 'Black People, any Black People!? again, silence.
'C!!! 'Colored People, any Colored People!?... silence.
A black little boy in the back turns to his mother and says 'but mom, ain't we African American? aren't we Black? aren't we Colored? 'the mother turns to her son and says 'Yes son, but today we're Ni**as!!!!... Mexicans go first!.. The little black boy turns to the little Mexican kid seating next to him and laughs....!!!
The Mexican kid laughs back and says today I'm a wet-back my ni**a.


Originally Posted by heartofthacity

Originally Posted by JordanPP30

An airplane is decreasing speed very rapidly going downward, the pilot
comes over the intercom and says I'm sorry it had to come to this folks, but
unfortunately we're going to have to let some of the luggage go'.... the
plane continues to decrease speed. Again you hear the pilot over the
intercom 'I hate to have to do this but now we're going to have to start
releasing passengers by alphabetical order beginning with the letter
'A!!!..... Africans, any Africans!?.... No one answers
'B!!! 'Black People, any Black People!? again, silence.
'C!!! 'Colored People, any Colored People!?... silence.
A black little boy in the back turns to his mother and says 'but mom, ain't we African American? aren't we Black? aren't we Colored? 'the mother turns to her son and says 'Yes son, but today we're Ni**as!!!!... Mexicans go first!.. The little black boy turns to the little Mexican kid seating next to him and laughs....!!!
The Mexican kid laughs back and says today I'm a wet-back my ni**a.


Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by heartofthacity

Originally Posted by JordanPP30

An airplane is decreasing speed very rapidly going downward, the pilot
comes over the intercom and says I'm sorry it had to come to this folks, but
unfortunately we're going to have to let some of the luggage go'.... the
plane continues to decrease speed. Again you hear the pilot over the
intercom 'I hate to have to do this but now we're going to have to start
releasing passengers by alphabetical order beginning with the letter
'A!!!..... Africans, any Africans!?.... No one answers
'B!!! 'Black People, any Black People!? again, silence.
'C!!! 'Colored People, any Colored People!?... silence.
A black little boy in the back turns to his mother and says 'but mom, ain't we African American? aren't we Black? aren't we Colored? 'the mother turns to her son and says 'Yes son, but today we're Ni**as!!!!... Mexicans go first!.. The little black boy turns to the little Mexican kid seating next to him and laughs....!!!
The Mexican kid laughs back and says today I'm a wet-back my ni**a.


i am at work and i've been in this thread for the past hour and a half readind and cracking up. real productive day huh?
Originally Posted by calibeebee

Did anybody know that diarrhea is hereditary?  Yeah it runs in the jeans.

I doubt any of you will get (let alone, read) this one but I enjoyed it. I love puns!

As a young boy, Joe was completely obsessed with tractors. He had pictures of tractors all over his bedroom walls; he had tractor toys, tractor T-shirts, a tractor carpet, and duvet cover, the whole works. He ate, drank and slept tractors. On his 17th birthday he was thrilled to get an invitation to go to a tractor factory nearby and test-drive a brand new tractor.

His excitement was incredible as he told his family and friends. The great day came and he went to the factory for the test-drive. Unfortunately something went terribly wrong with the tractor when Joe was driving it and it flipped over, trapping and breaking Joe's leg and fracturing his skull.

He was so upset and tried to sue the tractor company for negligence. But the company would have none of it and told there was no liability and He could get lost!

You can imagine he was very annoyed with tractors after this and vowed to shed them from his life completely and forever.

All the posters came down, the toys were given away - tractors were GONE.

Many years later, Joe went into a bar for a drink. Inside, the cigarette and cigar smoke was terrible but through it he saw a beautiful girl seated at the bar on her own. Tears were streaming down her face.

Joe asked her what was wrong and she said that the smoke was making her eyes sting and stream with tears.

With that, Joe looked around and then took a huge breath, sucking in all the smoke. He then walked outside into the car park and blew all the smoke out again. He goes back into the bar where the air is now clear and sweet and sits down next to the girl.

"That was amazing!" she said, "How did you do that?"

"No problem", said Joe

"I'm an ex-tractor fan"
Originally Posted by ellimaCecyoJ

Originally Posted by calibeebee

Did anybody know that diarrhea is hereditary?  Yeah it runs in the jeans.

I doubt any of you will get (let alone, read) this one but I enjoyed it. I love puns!

As a young boy, Joe was completely obsessed with tractors. He had pictures of tractors all over his bedroom walls; he had tractor toys, tractor T-shirts, a tractor carpet, and duvet cover, the whole works. He ate, drank and slept tractors. On his 17th birthday he was thrilled to get an invitation to go to a tractor factory nearby and test-drive a brand new tractor.

His excitement was incredible as he told his family and friends. The great day came and he went to the factory for the test-drive. Unfortunately something went terribly wrong with the tractor when Joe was driving it and it flipped over, trapping and breaking Joe's leg and fracturing his skull.

He was so upset and tried to sue the tractor company for negligence. But the company would have none of it and told there was no liability and He could get lost!

You can imagine he was very annoyed with tractors after this and vowed to shed them from his life completely and forever.

All the posters came down, the toys were given away - tractors were GONE.

Many years later, Joe went into a bar for a drink. Inside, the cigarette and cigar smoke was terrible but through it he saw a beautiful girl seated at the bar on her own. Tears were streaming down her face.

Joe asked her what was wrong and she said that the smoke was making her eyes sting and stream with tears.

With that, Joe looked around and then took a huge breath, sucking in all the smoke. He then walked outside into the car park and blew all the smoke out again. He goes back into the bar where the air is now clear and sweet and sits down next to the girl.

"That was amazing!" she said, "How did you do that?"

"No problem", said Joe

"I'm an ex-tractor fan"
C'mon Son!!
Originally Posted by ellimaCecyoJ

Originally Posted by calibeebee

Did anybody know that diarrhea is hereditary?  Yeah it runs in the jeans.

I doubt any of you will get (let alone, read) this one but I enjoyed it. I love puns!

As a young boy, Joe was completely obsessed with tractors. He had pictures of tractors all over his bedroom walls; he had tractor toys, tractor T-shirts, a tractor carpet, and duvet cover, the whole works. He ate, drank and slept tractors. On his 17th birthday he was thrilled to get an invitation to go to a tractor factory nearby and test-drive a brand new tractor.

His excitement was incredible as he told his family and friends. The great day came and he went to the factory for the test-drive. Unfortunately something went terribly wrong with the tractor when Joe was driving it and it flipped over, trapping and breaking Joe's leg and fracturing his skull.

He was so upset and tried to sue the tractor company for negligence. But the company would have none of it and told there was no liability and He could get lost!

You can imagine he was very annoyed with tractors after this and vowed to shed them from his life completely and forever.

All the posters came down, the toys were given away - tractors were GONE.

Many years later, Joe went into a bar for a drink. Inside, the cigarette and cigar smoke was terrible but through it he saw a beautiful girl seated at the bar on her own. Tears were streaming down her face.

Joe asked her what was wrong and she said that the smoke was making her eyes sting and stream with tears.

With that, Joe looked around and then took a huge breath, sucking in all the smoke. He then walked outside into the car park and blew all the smoke out again. He goes back into the bar where the air is now clear and sweet and sits down next to the girl.

"That was amazing!" she said, "How did you do that?"

"No problem", said Joe

"I'm an ex-tractor fan"
Lol, I knew I was gonna get those type of responses! Oh well

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

what does smoke have to do with tractors?
It's a pun. "Ex-tractor fan" = extractor fan (used for ventilation)
Originally Posted by ellimaCecyoJ

Lol, I knew I was gonna get those type of responses! Oh well

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

what does smoke have to do with tractors?
It's a pun. "Ex-tractor fan" = extractor fan (used for ventilation)
How does Lady Gaga like her steak?

Raw raw raw ah ah...

Why can't we hear rabbits $!%$%*$?

Cuz they got cotton balls...
A mom comes home and catches her daughter getting gangbanged by 2 Mexicans. She says "OMG what are you doing?!" The daughter says "The teacher told me to go home and do two essays."
An elementary teacher starts a new job at a school in St. Paul, Minnesota and trying to make a good impression on her first day explains to her class that she's a Viking fan.
She asks the class to raise their hands if they too are Viking fans.
Everyone in the class raises their hand except one little girl.
The teacher looks at the girl with surprise and says: "Mary, why didn't you raise your hand?"

"Because I'm not a Viking fan," she replied.

The teacher, still shocked, asks: "Well, if you're not a Vikings fan; then who do you support?"

"I'm a 49ers fan, and proud of it," Mary replied.

The teacher could not believe her ears. "Well Mary, might you explain why are you a 49ers fan?"

"Because my mom and dad are from San Francisco and my mom is a 49ers fan and my dad is a 49ers fan, so I'm a 49ers fan too!"

"Well," said the teacher, in an obviously annoyed tone, "that's no reason for you to be a 49ers fan. You don't have to be just like your parents all of the time. What if your mom was a prostitute and your dad was a drug addict and a car thief, what would you be then?"

Mary said, "I'd be a Raiders fan."
Mother's have Mother's day...
Father's have Father's day...
Lover's have Valentine's day...

What do Masturbaters have?.........


A 90-year-old man said to his doctor, "I've never felt better. I have an 18-year old bride who is pregnant with my child. What do you think about that?"

The doctor considered his question for a minute and then said, "I have an elderly friend who is a hunter and never misses a season. One day when he was going out in a bit of a hurry, he accidentally picked up his umbrella instead of his gun. When he got to the Creek, he saw a rabbit sitting beside the stream. He raised his umbrella and went, 'bang, bang' and the rabbit fell dead. What do you think of that?"

The 90-year-old said, "I'd say somebody else killed that rabbit."

The doctor replied, "My point exactly."

Q:what did the filipino statue say to the other statue?

A:Is statue ( in a fobby accent)
How did Freddy Krueger kill Martin Luther King???
Spoiler [+]
He had a dream!
whats the difference between a straight rooster and a gay rooster??

Spoiler [+]
the straight rooster says "c*ck-a-doodle-doo"

the gay one says "any-c*ck-will-do"
Originally Posted by jordan723

An elementary teacher starts a new job at a school in St. Paul, Minnesota and trying to make a good impression on her first day explains to her class that she's a Viking fan.
She asks the class to raise their hands if they too are Viking fans.
Everyone in the class raises their hand except one little girl.
The teacher looks at the girl with surprise and says: "Mary, why didn't you raise your hand?"

"Because I'm not a Viking fan," she replied.

The teacher, still shocked, asks: "Well, if you're not a Vikings fan; then who do you support?"

"I'm a 49ers fan, and proud of it," Mary replied.

The teacher could not believe her ears. "Well Mary, might you explain why are you a 49ers fan?"

"Because my mom and dad are from San Francisco and my mom is a 49ers fan and my dad is a 49ers fan, so I'm a 49ers fan too!"

"Well," said the teacher, in an obviously annoyed tone, "that's no reason for you to be a 49ers fan. You don't have to be just like your parents all of the time. What if your mom was a prostitute and your dad was a drug addict and a car thief, what would you be then?"

Mary said, "I'd be a Raiders fan."
nah you'd still be a lame Niners fan.....from NY
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by jordan723

An elementary teacher starts a new job at a school in St. Paul, Minnesota and trying to make a good impression on her first day explains to her class that she's a Viking fan.
She asks the class to raise their hands if they too are Viking fans.
Everyone in the class raises their hand except one little girl.
The teacher looks at the girl with surprise and says: "Mary, why didn't you raise your hand?"

"Because I'm not a Viking fan," she replied.

The teacher, still shocked, asks: "Well, if you're not a Vikings fan; then who do you support?"

"I'm a 49ers fan, and proud of it," Mary replied.

The teacher could not believe her ears. "Well Mary, might you explain why are you a 49ers fan?"

"Because my mom and dad are from San Francisco and my mom is a 49ers fan and my dad is a 49ers fan, so I'm a 49ers fan too!"

"Well," said the teacher, in an obviously annoyed tone, "that's no reason for you to be a 49ers fan. You don't have to be just like your parents all of the time. What if your mom was a prostitute and your dad was a drug addict and a car thief, what would you be then?"

Mary said, "I'd be a Raiders fan."
nah you'd still be a lame Niners fan.....from NY

u like 76ers, Rams, Sharks, and Giants??????

Curious to how you became fans of the 76ers and Rams especially the Rams, Niners spank them all the time.

Agree with Giants and Sharks though
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by jordan723

An elementary teacher starts a new job at a school in St. Paul, Minnesota and trying to make a good impression on her first day explains to her class that she's a Viking fan.
She asks the class to raise their hands if they too are Viking fans.
Everyone in the class raises their hand except one little girl.
The teacher looks at the girl with surprise and says: "Mary, why didn't you raise your hand?"

"Because I'm not a Viking fan," she replied.

The teacher, still shocked, asks: "Well, if you're not a Vikings fan; then who do you support?"

"I'm a 49ers fan, and proud of it," Mary replied.

The teacher could not believe her ears. "Well Mary, might you explain why are you a 49ers fan?"

"Because my mom and dad are from San Francisco and my mom is a 49ers fan and my dad is a 49ers fan, so I'm a 49ers fan too!"

"Well," said the teacher, in an obviously annoyed tone, "that's no reason for you to be a 49ers fan. You don't have to be just like your parents all of the time. What if your mom was a prostitute and your dad was a drug addict and a car thief, what would you be then?"

Mary said, "I'd be a Raiders fan."
nah you'd still be a lame Niners fan.....from NY

u like 76ers, Rams, Sharks, and Giants??????

Curious to how you became fans of the 76ers and Rams especially the Rams, Niners spank them all the time.

Agree with Giants and Sharks though
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