PYJ (Post Your Jokes)

whattayou call a gay dinosaur?
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tyrana-sore-+*+ rex

whattayou call a lesbian dinosaur?
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whattayou do if you happen to come across an elephant?
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wipe it off
So, this is my second time going to the doctor this week.

The doctor says to me: James, you have to stop sticking cats up your #+#.

I say: Doctor, how else am I supposed to get the gerbil out of there?

Why do students like white teachers better than black teachers?
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Because it's easier to bring an apple than a watermelon
why do prostitutes make more than drug dealers?

because they can wash their crack and resell it
So, I was making out with this girl the other night. 
Things seemed to be going well, so I decided to skip 2nd base and go straight to 3rd.
She stopped and said "That is a little presumptuous of you."
I said, "Presumptuous?  That is a big word for an 8 year old."
I got a pretty racist don't highlight below unless you can deal with it.

Why do they put cotton in asperin bottles?

To remind black people they were cotton pickers before they were drug dealers.

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by Orangatrang

What kind of pants do Mario and Luigi wear?

- Denim, denim, denim. [color= rgb(153, 153, 255)](Say it out loud) [/color]
You corny.  If you gotta give instructions in a joke, then it's not funny. [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)] Go home, Roger.[/color]
I say that $+#$ religiously.

Why do students like white teachers better than black teachers?

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Because it's easier to bring an apple than a watermelon
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What did the five fingers say to the face?

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yo i am DYING
this thread is killing it
too much to quote
and smh at people getting sensitive over the racist jokes....they're called JOKES for a reason
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

I got a pretty racist don't highlight below unless you can deal with it.

Why do they put cotton in aspirin bottles?

To remind black people they were cotton pickers before they were drug dealers.

Originally Posted by pip777

Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

I got a pretty racist don't highlight below unless you can deal with it.

Why do they put cotton in aspirin bottles?

To remind black people they were cotton pickers before they were drug dealers.

Funny huh
So, there are 3 people and they are shipwrecked. They meet a cannibalistic tribe. The tribe tells the people to find 10 of a kind of fruit on there island and maybe they'll spare that person. The first guy comes back with 10 apples. The tribe tells him to stick all ten up his butt without laughing or making a noise and he can stay alive. He manages to get one up before laughing and so the tribe eats him. The second guy comes back with grapes. He sticks 9 up his butt without saying anything but then on the tenth one, he starts laughing like crazy. In heaven, the first guy asks the second one, "Why did you laugh? You could have stayed alive!" 2nd guy: "I saw the third guy coming back with pineapples!"
Originally Posted by calibeebee

Did anybody know that diarrhea is hereditary?  Yeah it runs in the jeans.

Why don't they have the Olympics in Mexico?Everyone who can swim, jump or run already crossed the border.
Three nuns all die at the same time. Standing at the gate to heaven is St. Peter. He tells them before he lets them they must dip whatever body part they have ever touched a penis with in a fountain off to the side. The first nun goes and dips her hand in. She then walks through to heaven. As the second nun is walking up to the fountain the third nun quickly cuts in front and shouts to St Peter "If you think I'm drinking that water after she puts her %*@ in it you must be crazy!"

This guy goes to jail. He's thrown in a cell that already has an inmate in it. After about 3 mins of awkard silence he finally turns to him and asks "So, what do you do for fun around here?" The inmate replies "We play jail football." "What's that?" "Oh, you run around the cell three times, naked. That's your touchdown. You fart and that's the extra point. First to 49." The newcomer pauses for a minute, then decided to do it. So he scores his touchdown and is trying for the extra point. He's grunting, and pushing, and his face even starts to change color. Finally he turns around and screams "WHAT THE %!%@ ARE YOU DOING?!" The inmate replies, "I'm blocking your field goal".

A blind man, a man with no arms, and a man with no legs are sitting at a bar. The armless and legless man start to argue. The legless man yells "I'm about to kick your %*@!". The armless man replies, "I'm gonna knock you out!". The blind man says, "I gotta see this *#*$!".
Originally Posted by Mr718

A lot of Black, Mexican, and Jewish jokes in here. Let me even this out.

How many white girls does it take to screw in a light?
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None, white girls can’t screw

What did a white guy see when he looked at his family tree?
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A straight line!

What do you call a bunch of white guys sitting on a bench?
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What does a white woman make for dinner?
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What do you call 300 white men chasing a black man?
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The PGA Tour

What do you call a White man with a sheep under each arm?
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A Pimp

What do you call a white chick shaking her butt?
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An ironing board with massage features

Why do white people like to have sex in front of the mirror?
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Objects may appear larger than actual size

Why cant white men jump?
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They were too busy making racist jokes

this dude CLEARLY caught feelings
why dont aliens eat clowns?
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cause they taste funny
whats the difference between st patricks day and martin luther king day

on st patricks day everyone wants to be irish
Pretty racist joke so don't get offended. Highlight for answer

Why are there only two pallbearers at black people's funerals?

Cause a trash can only has two handles.
Originally Posted by Derek916

Yuku joke I made up

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A woman wants to make herself an egg when her husband enters in the house and starts screaming at her:
- Be careful!!! Be careful!!! More oil!! We need more oil!! It’s going to burn!! Be careful!! Turn it!! Turn it!! Turn it!! Come on!! Be careful!! Are you crazy?!! Oh my God!! Don’t forget the salt!!
- Why do you scream like that? Do you think I am not able to make an egg?
Very calm the man says to her:
-This is to give you an idea of how I feel when I’m driving the car and you sit right next to me...
I feel bad for the Mexicans on Cinco de Mayo. While the Americans will be drinking and trashing restaurants and bars....the Mexicans will be cleaning it up. Its like white people celebrating Black History month.
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