PYP... Vol. Halloween Costumes

Tical is so ignorant. I'm glad this thread is getting back on track. Most of these costumes are
This was some of my friends, Dont know what Blade was thinking, he must not have got the memo.

Pretty sick IMO
Originally Posted by Sno Nuff

Bosshog outlaws!

When I first saw that pic, I thought it he was trying to be Slim thug since he looked so much like him, But I think he's supposed to be 50 Cent with thevest and vitamin water.

hello officer



These are wild.

Dude went all in with the lights, I wonder if he can fly too.

Im waiting for friends to upload to facebook, i hope this doesnt get locked.
Originally Posted by T i c a l

Originally Posted by FreddyPee

however Im quite offended by Ticals comment...only because of his wording could have chose a much better way of saying that....
I agree. Double standards piss me off, especially the race ones, so I lost my cool and expressed my opinion in a harsh manner. I now realize that I could've gone about this discussion in a far more productive manner. I doubt it would do any good at this point, but I apologize to anyone I offended.

And for the record, I'm not a skinhead, I was Agent 47 from Hitman, that wasn't my girl posting on that other board, and any other jokes that I may have scanned over were untrue as well.

- Tical.
I don't believe you are a skin head lol...the rest of NT i dunno bout...but I've been on NT for years and I doubt many on here truly haveracial hatred in their hearts....sometimes we let our emotions play puppeteer with our words....I'm sure NT will get over this....

as for the guy that said "The blacks"....... you can say that to any of our faces dude....its whatever.....
Originally Posted by jessie48484848

edited yall cant play nice with my friend. haha.

im the all white costume. you cant really see it but on the hat is a russian symbol thing. so i was russian.
sounded funny for some reason

hey boo
Yeah, usher had way better execution than me.

I had the idea for a couple weeks, but I waited too long to look for clothes and just hit up my local Goodwill an hour before that pic was taken.

Procrastination ftl... but I had fun that night anyway
15+ pages of 'smh' for a white dude who dressed up as a black dude

but Pookie got laughs for doing the opposite

btw what's wrong with saying the blacks?

NT is soft as hell lol..

props on dude's lil bro who was The Joker
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

15+ pages of 'smh' for a white dude who dressed up as a black dude

but Pookie got laughs for doing the opposite

btw what's wrong with saying the blacks?

NT is soft as hell lol..

props on dude's lil bro who was The Joker

Uhhhm, Thank you.

It's the overall black mentality of " Woe Is Us"

Double standard at it's finest
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