PYP..Vol.Its Almost Christmas!! update

Originally Posted by Chico Dusty

Uhhh.. you lost me there

You made a thread showing how excited you were to make a few stacks or whatever it was. A look at me thread none the less homie ...

How is this the same as pretending you're a female online..? Who does that, like for real for real?
Are people seriously talking about investing in THB, and his "potential to become a great NTer?" I didn't know people really thought that muchabout NT...

It may be time to get off the internet, go outside, and interact with people face to face.
Originally Posted by JPTHE3

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by FlyNY

Originally Posted by Lazy B


C.Os lettin inmates use laptops now??
Sing Sing Correctional Facility FTW
There was a few funny jokes that could have been made about that picture. That was not one of them.
The dog on his shirt.. The Monitor facing the wall?

Any more ?

But its Lazy B he cool
1. thats a polo bear FAIL
2. thats a flat screen tv facing his bed DOUBLE FAIL!
Originally Posted by Chico Dusty

Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

Originally Posted by Chico Dusty

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Chico Dusty = THB.

ban him.

you believe in something that you know has unrealized potential. you can see the potential, but you know it hasn't been realized.

I invest in Jamba Juice not because they're at .66 a share right now, but because I know for a fact that one day, it's potential will be realized, sooner or later.

what potential to become a great NTer/person do you see in THB? his avy making abilities? what positive contribution does he make to this message board?

you answer that question, and I'll edit my posts and rescind my criticism.

I'll play. Greart person he may become? I dont see that far

Facts change cuz, especially dealing with stocks ... I digress.

Youth to me have all kinds of potential & alot is wasted. I know nothing about THB but I do believe that if he see's a stranger on an internet board that belives in him, it could spark somethin, maybe not. One day he might contibute to society in a positve way .. the return on my investment we'll say.

As far as what he contributes to NT? Never thought about it really. NT is a stage & everyone plays its part ( Shout out Andre3K) is how I go about it. Not one is better then another ...

i'm a firm believer in each-one-teach-one, but seriously... dude is a lame, and there's no saving him.

but anyway, more pics...


and after...

DAYTONA 5000 wrote:
Originally Posted by Chico Dusty

Uhhh.. you lost me there

You made a thread showing how excited you were to make a few stacks or whatever it was. A look at me thread none the less homie ...

How is this the same as pretending you're a female online..? Who does that, like for real for real?

Answered that. In context, very different but the two still have the same underlying effect. "Look at me."

I thought I was done but I liked the convo & I'm over it. Back to our regular scheduled program gents ...
Originally Posted by kaleidAsc0pe


looks like picknroll's chick...


Are people seriously talking about investing in THB, and his "potential to become a great NTer?" I didn't know people really thought that much about NT...

and i didn't know you thought that much about THB, but obviously so.

anyway, the investment comparison was a comparison, not that i wanted to invest in dude.

you miss him already, huh?
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