PYP VOL ......odd times

Being 7 foot tall on a day to day basis has to be annoying. Having to duck in order to enter building and not being able to shop for normal brands is a deterrence too.
I'm 6'2. went to Japan for the first time last year. I was warned about doorways being shorter since their average height is shorter so I might need to duck. low and behold....
anything over 6’6 you start looking doofy, hunching over when you walk through doors and can’t even sit properly inside an average sized car, feet be looking WILD big too....being regular tall is cool 6ft - 6’3 MAX

Height really a touchy subject for you I see. How tall are you?

The way you love to post pics I’m gonna say around 5’9?

keep it funky too


ohhh no wonder my mans activated a nerve with you.

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average height for men in america is 5'9
5'4 for women

would hate being below average
Uh huh. Sure you did.

So in your athletic prime, you just got fat and weaker?

Man get yo “Back in HS.....” *** up outta here. Sounding like my Uncle.
I repped for giving me a good laugh. The dunking got harder as I gained more weight, I didn’t say it stopped me from doing it. Besides, I knew shorter cats who could dunk. Why is 5-10 impossible to you?

Lacking reading comprehension skills should not be something attached to a “Supreme being”:lol::smh:

EDIT: Just realized you were the same person who said only 6 foot or taller can pull girls :lol:
This is when “goon height” was established :rofl:

friscostylez friscostylez , is correct. You need at least the full hand above the rim in order to bend the wrist downward, Ball can’t go in by itself.
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I'm 5'11" and will go to the grave having never dunked

do you lift? i think if you cared enough & put in sum hard & diligent work in the weight room, you have a good chance at dunking.

Being able to palm the ball makes it easier in my opinion to dunk.

Otherwise you're going for the throw, bounce then dunk option.

or you gotta get up a lil higher to make up for not being able to palm the ball.
i brought up my height cause its my number one trait im not gonna be in here saying how good i look wtf, these oes (ksleezy & his booty goon) started tripping cause they thought i was saying something about short dudes. the fragility is sus as hell. and the co singing is pitiful.:rofl:

I do love the height. i fit everywhere i need to. ifykyk
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Being able to palm the ball makes it easier in my opinion to dunk.

Otherwise you're going for the throw, bounce then dunk option.
Most def helps to palm the ball, all truth. I used to like doing the “in-game put back”off a teammate miss. All you had to do was time it right and hopefully the bounce went your way.
Shopping for clothes gotta be annoying too. I’m fat and it’s slightly annoying, fat and tall you gotta wear bargain bin **** or custom **** only
You gotta lose a few pounds so you can have more options clothing wise and the clothes will fit and feel better.
I’m 5’10 but I never really seriously tried to dunk

I could grab net with both hands and smack the backboard with my palm but I never went further than that

I remember my 5’8 Mexican homie made a bet that he’d be able to dunk in a year. Still make fun of him for that :rofl:
I've been lurking but seeing this thread take a turn towards a completely unrelated subject is hilarious.

What is the "short" cut off?
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