PYP VOL ......odd times

this thread is turning out pretty good.

u actually look how u type. in a good way.
Im 4'13"

for yall tall dudes what does the tops of peoples heads look like?

do yall get neck pain from looking down on people alll day?

your back hurt dont it?

you get outta breath tryin to tie your shoes?

do rain drops hit you first before everything else?

the tall guy at my job says doorways are his main concern in life.
6'3" and have always gotten exceptional meat feedback from the womens.

If no NBA, I'll have to settle for that I guess. Should've tried for the movies.
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I don’t feel like getting up and putting a bathrobe right now lol

I mean, that´s exactly what The Dude would have said tho.

tall shaming :lol:

that booty chatter got short-circuited fast...¨need help with **** on the top shelf¨ tho, got damn :rofl:

Mighty Mouse mfs in here just saying anything, tAlL mAn lOoK fuNnY wItH gUrLz tf type of foolishness :lol:

let me stop, you guys are fine at whatever height. over 5 foot 6.
yall big tripping about not wanting to be 6'8
capping about i wont be able to fit in my damn honda civic :lol:
brah setting urself up for failure, if u 6'8 u can fit in a rarri and da hem and thats all that matters

imagine going to a foreign country u 6'8 and tell everyone u played in the NBA, you going to be getting free meals for autographs.

think about the positives not da negatives
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