PYP VOL ......odd times

6 ft is the beginning of tall, 6 ft 3 is the beginning of straight goon height. If you're a man at least 6 ft and 200 lbs you should either be in physical/contact team sport or a combat sport if you're going individual. If you can't cut it in any of those you go to fake fighting aka pro wrestling. If you can't do that then the last resort is either porn or being a bouncer
you look like master splinter you ****ing rat


6 ft is the beginning of tall, 6 ft 3 is the beginning of straight goon height. If you're a man at least 6 ft and 200 lbs you should either be in physical/contact team sport or a combat sport if you're going individual. If you can't cut it in any of those you go to fake fighting aka pro wrestling. If you can't do that then the last resort is either porn or being a bouncer

Well that settles it. Solid explanation.

Lock up the thread.
I repped for giving me a good laugh. The dunking got harder as I gained more weight, I didn’t say it stopped me from doing it. Besides, I knew shorter cats who could dunk. Why is 5-10 impossible to you?

Lacking reading comprehension skills should not be something attached to a “Supreme being”:lol::smh:

EDIT: Just realized you were the same person who said only 6 foot or taller can pull girls :lol:
This is when “goon height” was established :rofl:

@friscostylez , is correct. You need at least the full hand above the rim in order to bend the wrist downward, Ball can’t go in by itself.

cuff the ball between hand and wrist. No need to palm. Or better yet have enough bounce to go with 2.
6 ft is the beginning of tall, 6 ft 3 is the beginning of straight goon height. If you're a man at least 6 ft and 200 lbs you should either be in physical/contact team sport or a combat sport if you're going individual. If you can't cut it in any of those you go to fake fighting aka pro wrestling. If you can't do that then the last resort is either porn or being a bouncer
How tall is ninja?
Height really a touchy subject for you I see. How tall are you?

The way you love to post pics I’m gonna say around 5’9?

keep it funky too


ohhh no wonder my mans activated a nerve with you.


My height has never been an issue in my life...lmaooo I’ve never been the “short guy” and have neverrrrr been look down by a woman, at worst been eye level when they wore heels :rofl:

then again I’ve never had to rely on athletics for my swag.....if anyone’s nerve was struck during this convo was you tall lanky cats who thought ya were doing it all this time :lol:


wife still under eye level even with heels and she’s 5’3 which is average height for women, clothes don’t fit awkward, I ain’t stumble over my own feet, at 5’8 I’m cool, I envy NOT A SINGLE thing from some goofy 6’8 cat
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there's no way you ever dunked lol if you think it takes only 4 inches over the rim to dunk.

you dumb as hell. You can easily catch an alley oop and dunk it if you’re touching 10’4.

I never said I dunked before either? Simply saying, if you’re 6ft a 28 inch vertical will get you there. That’s not a great V.L.
My height has never been an issue in my life...lmaooo I’ve never been the “short guy” and have neverrrrr been look down by a woman, at worst been eye level when they wore heels :rofl:

then again I’ve never had to rely on athletics for my swag.....if anyone’s nerve was struck during this convo was you tall lanky cats who thought ya were doing it all this time :lol:


wife still under eye level even with heels and she’s 5’3 which is average height for women, clothes don’t fit awkward, I ain’t stumble over my own feet, at 5’8 I’m cool, I envy NOT A SINGLE thing from some goofy 6’8 cat
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