Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained (a Spaghetti Western) scheduled for release Christmas 2012

A movie about the abolishing of slavery, and he hardly needed to cast a single black actor. And yet, Spike Lee says nothin. No one is angry with Steven. I don't understand.

Yes. That's what I've been saying. Spike is mad that he didn't have the opportunity to make this film, that Tarantino did and that he didn't make it the way Spike would've wanted to.

That's why Spike kills the conversation, cuz you're basically rewarding someone for dodging racially fragile situations. I guess it's fine, because this isn't about slavery...just a slice of Lincoln's life and old American politics. But that's why I admire Django. It had its cake and ate it too. It made entertainment out of something as painful and racially charged as slavery, with a black hero that wasn't pathetic, waiting for a hero, or seen as angry and unrealistic by American audiences.

That's why this movie is so rare. Cuz the Spielberg's are always gonna take the easy way out.

One token scene and call it a wrap. Call it history. :smh:
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I don't understand the backlash that is coming Spike's way...here you have a director with knowledge of self and he directed Malcom X which has been added to the Library of Congress, preserved as part of the National Film Registry.

I finally watched "Django unchained" and my thought's on the film is simple put without knowing the correct wording when it comes to film talk,but I loved the way the movie was shot first of all,beautiful the way the scenery choreographed with the music at certain points in the movie and I can't wait to hear the soundtrack.
Now as far as the movie goes,I kepted an open mind,my judgement wasn't good or bad but I will say that I was looking for something more than what I actually watched,what that actually is,I couldn't tell you off hand but I do realize that it probably stems from all of the hype surrounding the movie that got to me,a little bit.
Jamie Foxx played a good role as Django,but so did the actor who played Dr. King Schultz and at certain point's in the film I was more interested in Dr. King Schultz than I was Django because of the natural attraction some of us have toward's the character whose the neccassry evil.Which isn't a good thing because the film is called "Django Unchained",not "Dr. King Schultz Unchained",I was kinda drawn into him early on and Django kinda of took on the role of Robin in Batman & Robin.But that was ok,it continued on and nothing really kept me interested in the movie ( some of it could have been edited out,added some action to it or something) until Samuel L. Jackson's character came into the picture.Stephen the servant,Mr. Sambo himself,Samuel Jackson played the hell out of that character and I don't think he could of done a better job than he did in playing Stephen.He did such a good job,again to the point where he over-shadowed the over the character's and it turned,for me into a vandetta where I wanted Django to kill him more than I did anything else in the film and when it happened,I was ecstatic.I also didn't draw nor see the correlation between Stephen and Uncle Ruckus,as some have made because one is of our time and the other supposably of 1885 ,even though Stephen slipped up a few times and lost that southern,yes sir master vocab and I couldn't tell if it was on purpose or that's the way it was scripted.
Other than that the movie was ok,was it over hyped,of course it was,did it show certain thing's in the pre-veiw to make out to be something it wasn't hell yes,did
Quentin Tarantino use the N-word and his friendship with his long lost black relative Spike Lee to sell his product,no doubt about it.
It's not a bad film,it's ok,do you need to continuelly watch it more than a hand full of time's probably not because it's a spaghetti western and it stick's to the principal of being just that(love story)and there's nothing more to it.

I'm also hyped to see whose going to win big when it comes to award's because if Samuel.L.Jackson doesn't win big and someone like Leonardo Dicaprio does,oh my,Hollywood should be set ablaze with the spirit of Stephen in control of the match,that will burn their(you know who they are)***** up like dry wheat grass.QT better speak up too and don't hold his tongue and if he doesn't I expect to see some lashing from the same folk who are here complaining about other's....an injustice is an injustice and that damn sure will be one.

I could go on and on about where QT stole his idea from but I won't because we all know his idea's really isn't his.But I will suggest that people search out,if you want to, for Lious Gossip Jr and a movie he did called "Skin Game" that was produced in 1971;And also,if you would like you can search for a televsion show called "Django" that also came out along time ago before I'm sure most NTer's were born,including myself and you can kinda see where QT's the idea's for a ,western, action,slave movie comes from.
Because like I always tell myself all the time,to be able to appreciate the NOW you also have to be able to appreciate the PAST.....there's nothing wrong with doing so and I know with me it set a standard,when it comes to actor's and acting that I hold high now because of looking back.That's why the action,overly humorist act's don't appeal to me hardly anymore.....good acting is good acting whether it's Paul Newman or Sidney Poitier.

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I've went and seen the movie twice already . I think it is one of tarantinos best movies, although Pulp Fiction has got to be his best ever, this is a close 2nd. By far better than Inglorious Bastards. I will definitely be picking this one up on bluray. If you havent seen it yet, I advise you to. Granted it does have alot of dialogue, so most chicks wont respect it. My wife thought it was boring, but shes not a fan of his movie to begin with. It is rather funny for a tarantino movie though.
I don't understand the backlash that is coming Spike's way...here you have a director with knowledge of self and he directed Malcom X which has been added to the Library of Congress, preserved as part of the National Film Registry.

Only on Niketalk can a director who has been regarded to be at the forefront of black cinema for the past few years/decades be considered a "hater" in the eyes of some.  For some of these dudes, it's not even about Spike Lee, it's about somebody black speaking out against somebody white that has these dudes heated.  Gotta protect the white man at all cost, they are no better than Stephen from Candieland regardless of their color.
Only on Niketalk can a director who has been regarded to be at the forefront of black cinema for the past few years/decades be considered a "hater" in the eyes of some.  For some of these dudes, it's not even about Spike Lee, it's about somebody black speaking out against somebody white that has these dudes heated.  Gotta protect the white man at all cost, they are no better than Stephen from Candieland regardless of their color.

I'm sorry but Spike's status in the black community doesn't exempt him from criticism. I know a hater when I see one. If it look like a duck, if it sound like a duck it's a damb duck. It's about Spike Lee's hate SPECIFICALLY, stop Jack Reachin' tryna extrapolate people's thoughts on the issue to the entire black community.

It's like when Ice-T was hatin' on soulja boy, I can't stand Soulja boy but I criticized him for being a damb hater and being jealous because he is irrelevant. Doesn't take away from the fact that Ice-T is a legend but he isn't immune to criticism.
"Lious Gossip Jr"
I wouldn't even take the time out to qoute you because I see your intent(troll),but I did spell his name wrong,LOUIS GOSSETT Jr. and nothing was ment by it at all,it was a mistake.I'm not going back to edit anything more....take it as it is.
I type alot so you can understand me,clearly without having to come to your own conclusion,if you agree,fine,if you don't,fine.

That's all I have to say about this.....peace
Only on Niketalk can a director who has been regarded to be at the forefront of black cinema for the past few years/decades be considered a "hater" in the eyes of some.  For some of these dudes, it's not even about Spike Lee, it's about somebody black speaking out against somebody white that has these dudes heated.  Gotta protect the white man at all cost, they are no better than Stephen from Candieland regardless of their color.

I'll just leave these, cuz this topic. :smh:

When director Spike Lee publicly criticized Quentin Tarantino’s slavery-themed film Django Unchained last week, the real surprise for some was that anyone was actually shocked. As one prominent female African-American actress noted, Lee “always goes after Tarantino. So I expected that from him. I wasn’t surprised.”

Others, including African-American director Antoine Fuqua, were less charitable. “That’s not the way you do things,” Fuqua said of Lee’s two very public swipes at the Tarantino film. “If you disagree with the way a colleague did something, you call him up, invite him for coffee, talk about it. But don’t do it publicly.”

Spike is essentialy being used as a scapegoat so nobody can criticize this movie and to say black folks shouldnt be offended by this movie

That's what happens every time. He has to get a word in and hijack the conversation. It's 2 weeks too late, cuz of him.

There was something to be said, before most of the people who wanted to see the movie, saw it. Now we can have a slow...half-conversation that most people don't care about or notice, because all they got out of it was "if you're too sensitive to hear the n-word, don't go see it." And black people's response was "Spike's still angry, but he doesn't represent all of us."

That's the Spike Lee effect.

Spike won't grow up or won't get self-aware enough to see that he hurts the conversation. Yall act like he's the only person who would say anything, but look how his is the only opinion that comes out of anyone's mouth on things like this. Because he's been branded as THAT guy, so when he does the typical Spike thing, it makes it easier to put all black people who feel some type of way about it in a box.

You can say, he's just speaking truth, but do I need to dig up the mountain of headlines before Django dropped of Spike being the beginning and the end of the conversation? If this was the first time, then shame on the media...but it for damn sure ain't. :smh:
^^^Wasn't he hatin' on Tyler Perry as well? Stop hatin' and get money my.... :smh::smh:

Like you said if this were the first time he's done something like this I wouldn't care, but dude is a repeat offender. I don't see Stephen Spielberg shutting down other up and coming producers/directors or beefing with the Coen brothers. Have some class and work on your craft. :smh:
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I don't understand the backlash that is coming Spike's way...here you have a director with knowledge of self and he directed Malcom X which has been added to the Library of Congress, preserved as part of the National Film Registry.

Only on Niketalk can a director who has been regarded to be at the forefront of black cinema for the past few years/decades be considered a "hater" in the eyes of some.  For some of these dudes, it's not even about Spike Lee, it's about somebody black speaking out against somebody white that has these dudes heated.  Gotta protect the white man at all cost, they are no better than Stephen from Candieland regardless of their color.
Agreed. No grown man with any intellect should be using the word "hater" anyway. Spike has an opinion and some agree, some don't.  But to say he's "hating" or "jealous" is silly.  Its really sad that anybody that shows QT any criticism is attacked.  Whether it be Spike or NTers.  I gave up on this thread along time ago because this isn't the demographic that I can have this discussion with.  I'd love to have pics and bios attached to all members and their comments in this thread. 
You right, PowerBallin. That's it. Not the pages and pages of people asking you to stop trolling.

Seeing as now "I'm not in your demographic." We just can't agree. |I

If only I didn't get at someone for riding QT a little too hard, we'd agree.

If only I wasn't black, we could see eye to eye.

If only.
Please spare us your sanctimonious attitude. No one buys it at all. You "gave up" on this thread but you're back here... you complain about NTers yet you're still here. You can disagree with the majority of people in the thread but saying it's not the right demographic and you want to know people's pictures and bios? 
 There's irony in you saying that, considering the assumption that you're Truth and your continued denial, now you want to know what people look like and their personal history? 
I figured somebody would go that route.

I'm gonna say this and I don't care who is offended.  There's alot of people in this thread who would never understand the "criticism" for a film like this.  Alot of members just don't have the connection to being African-american in America.  Also age playes a factor.  And worse of all we have real life Stephens that will co-sign anything QT does no matter what.  I enjoy a good conversation but I like to know who I'm talking to when discussing certain topics.  I'm not gonna let teenagers, Uncle Rukus types, Mitt Romney supporters, and people who don't understand what its like to black besides watching TV/Movies rile me up while discussing racial undertones.  

If you have a differing opinion then thats cool.  But I know where I stand and what I believe to be true.  There's alot of good points that have been raised by the "minority" no pun intended in this thread that have been overlooked or attacked. 

Being told how to feel about things concerning my race by other races is something I don't really rock with.  Peace
I figured somebody would go that route.

I'm gonna say this and I don't care who is offended.  There's alot of people in this thread who would never understand the "criticism" for a film like this.  Alot of members just don't have the connection to being African-american in America.  Also age playes a factor.  And worse of all we have real life Stephens that will co-sign anything QT does no matter what.  I enjoy a good conversation but I like to know who I'm talking to when discussing certain topics.  I'm not gonna let teenagers, Uncle Rukus types, Mitt Romney supporters, and people who don't understand what its like to black besides watching TV/Movies rile me up while discussing racial undertones.  

If you have a differing opinion then thats cool.  But I know where I stand and what I believe to be true.  There's alot of good points that have been raised by the "minority" no pun intended in this thread that have been overlooked or attacked. 

Being told how to feel about things concerning my race by other races is something I don't really rock with.

Yet you insist on telling other individuals how they should feel about certain racial topics. Not everyone shares your view of what it means to be "African-American". You can be an aggressive social liberal and a staunch Romney opponent and not have to support the stupidity associated with certain people within your "race". The black experience isn't monolithic, if it were we would all be doomed to a dismal future.
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I'm sorry but Spike's status in the black community doesn't exempt him from criticism. I know a hater when I see one. If it look like a duck, if it sound like a duck it's a damb duck. It's about Spike Lee's hate SPECIFICALLY, stop Jack Reachin' tryna extrapolate people's thoughts on the issue to the entire black community.

It's like when Ice-T was hatin' on soulja boy, I can't stand Soulja boy but I criticized him for being a damb hater and being jealous because he is irrelevant. Doesn't take away from the fact that Ice-T is a legend but he isn't immune to criticism.

You couldn't be more lost .
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