QUESTION FOR NT GUN OWNERS Vol. What Purchases Since the Election?


I'm not "trying" anything.

get off your high horse, anyone can shoot an animal. it aint that hard.
better to shoot dasher and dancer than have them starve to death.. deer reproduce like rabbits...thats why youre allowed to hunt them
Originally Posted by FifthName

I'm not "trying" anything.

get off your high horse, anyone can shoot an animal. it aint that hard.
I like my deer meat to taste like gun powder and have shell bits in it, that's why i use the fully auto shotty. I take out whole family'sat a time.
Who was on their high horse to begin with?

Sure, some people might not like the sight of a shot deer, but after I let that deer hang and drip out, I skinned it, and quartered it..Took half to the NYSVenison donation program and kept the other half...

That same deer might've gone through someone's window and killed the driver...

Plus, that little guy looks DAMN good mounted.

And sure, anyone can shoot an animal...But you've gotta be lucky enough to see one in the woods with an open shot to harvest it.
Venison is a delicacy that many Americans will never get the chance to eat. I had some in Sweden with lingenberries. !$%* was bomb.
Alright i feel you, cant knock the hustle.

But im still
@ the sight of the deers hangin up like that.
Originally Posted by FifthName

Alright i feel you, cant knock the hustle.

But im still
@ the sight of the deers hangin up like that.


I've had the neighbors call my mom one time 'cause me, my brother and my pops all had one hangin from that same tree.

No offense at that "wimp" shot my dude
That's a nice buck!

I really want to go hunting but due to lack of guidance I do not know where to begin! I have fishermen as friends, not hunters.

And to shoot a deer isnt as easy as shooting a squirrel in your backyard, trust me. One wrong take of breath or a blink and your entire day of tracking downyour trophy is gone.

i had deer, elk and wild boar. All are delicious! The gamey taste sets it apart from domestic animals, I love it.
havent bought anything in a while, but i do have a few guns. i have a springfield 30-06 sniper, custom made 7mm MAG sniper (it doesnt even have a name),winchester .270 sniper, an SKS, a baretta .22 pistol, a colt 9mm pistol, and a .357 magnum.
i do plan on buying a desert eagle in the near future

while on the subject, does anyone know where i can get a deagle in cali??
Originally Posted by Yoda

Originally Posted by FifthName

Alright i feel you, cant knock the hustle.

But im still
@ the sight of the deers hangin up like that.


I've had the neighbors call my mom one time 'cause me, my brother and my pops all had one hangin from that same tree.

No offense at that "wimp" shot my dude

None taken.

U ever get out to get some big game? like some bears or elks or somethin?

I know nothing about hunting, i have no patience
Originally Posted by Seattle206

That's a nice buck!

I really want to go hunting but due to lack of guidance I do not know where to begin! I have fishermen as friends, not hunters.

And to shoot a deer isnt as easy as shooting a squirrel in your backyard, trust me. One wrong take of breath or a blink and your entire day of tracking down your trophy is gone.

i had deer, elk and wild boar. All are delicious! The gamey taste sets it apart from domestic animals, I love it.

Well, I'm assuming you're from the Seattle area, so I'm not much help there..but..

Do any of your friends have property? If so, start there.
If not, many owners don't mind if you ask to hunt their land..Always ask first though 'cause the last thing you wanna do is be on someone's landwithout permission...Do what I do..If they agree to let you hunt their land for the day, give them something in return...A cheap little bottle of wine alwaysdoes the trick for us.

Check out Washington's DFW site ...Try and see where you could hunt that's closeto you..If you do:

Try not to go alone.
Buy a compass and know how to use it....WELL.
Try and look for a spot where you can get out by walking in ANY direction....Where I got that buck, it's basically a triangular piece of land thats gotstreets on 3 sides...Really reassuring that if anything were to happen, I could walk in any direction and get help..



Do I get a chance to take BIGGER game? Where I hunt (Central NY), there are chances of Black Bear, but from what a family friends that live up there/stay upthere often say, its RARE to see one in the same woods we hunt in. They're up there, but it's reaaaaal rare..Moose is protected in NYS so thats a no gounless you wanna pay for my bail and fines

I've seen a few turkeys up here, but they're outta season..I wanna take a cougar or something though..Theres plenty of them up there.
Originally Posted by The Rat Pack Is Back

Seattle206, what shops in the Seattle area should I check out that have decent prices? I'm looking to buy a Sig P229...

try out ben's loan in renton or federal way discount guns, they have the best prices generally.

and yoda,

in wa state i need to take a hunter's education 3-day course and pass before i can buy a hunting license & tags. i thought about taking a class lastsummer but some friends flaked out so i never took the class. only if i found somebody that can take me out on a hunt and get a hands on experience to see howeverything is done. i know there is a lot of public land to hunt, just dont have have a truck or the right people to show me. maybe in the near future.
Plus I gotta make use for some of my guns. I have a mosin m44, and a couple sks's that would make excellent deer guns.
Seriously, if it's anything like the NYS exam, it's a joke. Really.

Ask around your fishing buddies. Usually if they fish, they hunt. Ask and see if they have any friends that wouldn't mind showing you the ropes. After youdo that, maybe join a Gun club. They've usually got they're private land for you to hunt on.

Just never go in the woods by yourself. Especially up in your neck of the woods. I could only imagine how haggard it is up there...

If you've got any more questions, PM me..I'm going to bed for now.
I'm tired of just shooting down the range, can any of you gun experts recommend me a good shotgun to start clay shooting? It's hard talking to peoplewho clay shoot at the range I go to, they're so uptight compared to the pistol/rifle dudes I talk to over there
I'm tired of just shooting down the range, can any of you gun experts recommend me a good shotgun to start clay shooting? It's hard talking to peoplewho clay shoot at the range I go to, they're so uptight compared to the pistol/rifle dudes I talk to over there
Nothing yet. Hopefully I can get some more pmags and ammo with my christams money tho. Seattle206 your rifle kits are Del-ton if I'm not mistaken correct?

SpringfieldXD if you ain't bull ++%@*$%! about your mac 90 and it is full auto, I hope you went through all the BAFTE paper work to get it done legally also sinceyou did your purchases face to face

if either of your aks have this third hole BATFE will classify it as a machine gun and BAFTE doesn't care if you didn't know.

haha, I didn't even notice the other guy clamied his mak90 was full-auto. get rid of thumbhole!

and yes, that first AR upper is by del-ton. it's a mid-length. the two on backorder is a del-ton 16" m4 1x7 and other is a RRA 20" standard1x9. still have the last reciever to build, can't decide on what though. maybe a pistol or a match rifle.
I aint got any pics but I bought a Springfield XD 45 a year and a half ago. I'm tryna cop a Kel-Tec SU16 but my girl won't let me.
Thats a nice buck Yoda. I invite you down my way any time we got monsters. this one was taken about a mile from my mothers house. She lives in KY, but we gotbig ones in OH 2. Its a good time out tehre in the woods and not nearly as easy as people think it is. you snappin a twig one time could ruin a whole day. nosmoking, usein the bathroom nothin for 8 or so hours. sittin and waiting.

I ask this in just about every gun thread but I never get a reply. just want a honest answer from gun owners. I can't legally own a gun b/c I have afelony on my record. I never realized the importance of my gun rights till they were taken away. I just want to know this.. If a person commits a felony thatwas non violent and didn't invovle a firearm do you think they should still be denied there right to own a gun? I really don't feel this should be thecase due to the WIDE range of things consided a felony now days. any input is welcome.
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