Quick lil gems on dealing with women.

This generation is devoid of emotion ..

I disagree. This generation is too quick to act on emotion as opposed to rational thought. As Tony used to say on The Sopranos, "whatever happened to the strong and silent type?"

This generation too quick to act out on Emotion?

shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitt ..

This generation is desensitized to the fullest extent ..

Look at Instagram .. Look at Tumblr

**** Twitter should be the main culprit

Just cuz you show emotion doesn't make you weak..

Women Loved Teddy Pendergrassed and that ***** would cry his eyes out about a woman :lol:

Not saying be yuppy or extra sensitive on some Ralph Tresvant **** ..

But again I say this with the thought of choosing a women who you wish to make your girl ..

Basic Values in relationships and Love , simple male /female etiquette are damn near lost now ..

Dudes talk about if they ain't smashing in 2 weeks they dropping broads :lol:

I bet many of you are thinking in that mindframe .. Can't knock you for it , I was there at one point myself ..

This is the **** that confuses people , I believe and pretty much was the point of the OP IMO.

-When it comes to women, pay ZERO attention to what she says she wants/is looking for in a guy. What a woman SAYS she wants =/= what she actually responds too.
That's why you see women who say they want a guy to text them good morning/good night, bring them flowers, etc. messing around with dudes who treat them like TRASH (and they love it)
Actions speak louder than words.

Basically be Jerk and get the buns ..

Be an Alpha male ..

Chicks dig a-holes , they're unattainable , and they think they can be changed .. but then they get ruined by them , and all men are dogs from then on

Oh and they will get tired of that **** too ....

No way you're gonna treat your girl/wife or a chick you really are into like that ..

It's not gonna happen .. It's not 'posed to happen either ..

If thats the path you wanna take then you don't want a girl .. prepare to be an ain't **** ***** :lol:

But that **** gets Tiresome .. I've been around some of the coldest of players , "these broad ain't ****" type dudes and they all got tired of it

But hey, most you dudes aren't my age any way ( nor is even in a similar mindframe when it comes to this)

At the end of the day , I said all that to say this ..

You're better off being yourself man .. Just be you and find a broad or ( broads ) that compliments you

Ive been sipping dirty sprite since I got home so forgive me if this makes no sense .. it did in my head tho :lol:
This generation too quick to act out on Emotion?
shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitt ..
This generation is desensitized to the fullest extent ..
Look at Instagram .. Look at Tumblr
**** Twitter should be the main culprit
Just cuz you show emotion doesn't make you weak..
Women Loved Teddy Pendergrassed and that ***** would cry his eyes out about a woman :lol:
Not saying be yuppy or extra sensitive on some Ralph Tresvant **** ..
But again I say this with the thought of choosing a women who you wish to make your girl ..
Basic Values in relationships and Love , simple male /female etiquette are damn near lost now ..
Dudes talk about if they ain't smashing in 2 weeks they dropping broads :lol:
I bet many of you are thinking in that mindframe .. Can't knock you for it , I was there at one point myself ..
This is the **** that confuses people , I believe and pretty much was the point of the OP IMO.
Basically be Jerk and get the buns ..
Be an Alpha male ..
Chicks dig a-holes , they're unattainable , and they think they can be changed .. but then they get ruined by them , and all men are dogs from then on
Oh and they will get tired of that **** too ....
No way you're gonna treat your girl/wife or a chick you really are into like that ..
It's not gonna happen .. It's not 'posed to happen either ..
If thats the path you wanna take then you don't want a girl .. prepare to be an ain't **** ***** :lol:
But that **** gets Tiresome .. I've been around some of the coldest of players , "these broad ain't ****" type dudes and they all got tired of it
But hey, most you dudes aren't my age any way ( nor is even in a similar mindframe when it comes to this)
At the end of the day , I said all that to say this ..
You're better off being yourself man .. Just be you and find a broad or ( broads ) that compliments you
Ive been sipping dirty sprite since I got home so forgive me if this makes no sense .. it did in my head tho :lol:

Nah man the point was to basically tell men to VALUE themselves. A lot of cats out here groveling to these females just because they look good....AND THAT'S IT. A chick can be broke, boring, stupid, unloyal, can't cook, no ambition, but as long as she has a nice face, firm ****, or a fat !$$ dudes will go out of there way and bend over backwards for them. Peep what this chick on twitter said today

Ugly guys always have the constant fear that you'll leave em... They never mess up...They just treat you like royalty.


as if she is some goddess that blessing lowly dudes with her presence

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once you get your heart broken, you learn to not trust these ******, i rarely even look at chicks all google eyed anymore, it takes alot for me to even notice a chick(no homo) just picky as hell, especially after my last girl, a man will neverreally find a chick until he values his mind and body before some breezy, now if you are lucky to find a chick that cooks, cleans, sows, have good random conversations, actually takes care of you and your thoughts, don't **** over her, wife that **** up, until then **** em and duck em, what i have been doing for the last couple of years, trying to find a woman of substance is hard but hopefully one day,lol
if your texting a chick and everytime either she takes forever to reply, doesnt reply at all, or is boring. cancel her, you know how easy it is to reply to a message, if shorty cant atleast do that it will only get worse, save yourself the stress
So being sensitive or crying are emasculating? :smh:

Sounds like buddy been hurt before...

However, I do agree with some things that were written.
Good list...will most nt'ers learn something from this list nope...they still will hound ol girl on instagram if mass is rotund enough...I feel like one has to be bout this life since birth... A simp cannot simply read a list and change 180.
once you get your heart broken, you learn to not trust these ******, i rarely even look at chicks all google eyed anymore, it takes alot for me to even notice a chick(no homo) just picky as hell, especially after my last girl, a man will neverreally find a chick until he values his mind and body before some breezy, now if you are lucky to find a chick that cooks, cleans, sows, have good random conversations, actually takes care of you and your thoughts, don't **** over her, wife that **** up, until then **** em and duck em, what i have been doing for the last couple of years, trying to find a woman of substance is hard but hopefully one day,lol

once you get your heart broken, you learn to not trust these ******, i rarely even look at chicks all google eyed anymore, it takes alot for me to even notice a chick(no homo) just picky as hell, especially after my last girl, a man will neverreally find a chick until he values his mind and body before some breezy, now if you are lucky to find a chick that cooks, cleans, sows, have good random conversations, actually takes care of you and your thoughts, don't **** over her, wife that **** up, until then **** em and duck em, what i have been doing for the last couple of years, trying to find a woman of substance is hard but hopefully one day,lol

its been said in here already but im gonna say it again anyway...

it comes down to just being yourself and appreciating who you YOURSELF are as a person. some people are able to get yambs and some are not. it may be unfair be c'est la vie. Deal with it and move on. learn to love who you are and eventually youll attract someone. may not be a dime but the ones that are into you for who you naturally are as a person are the best ones IMO. no need to put on a facade for some play play.
And if youre around the age of 20 then you really shouldnt expect to find "the one" at that point in your life. women are seemingly most confused during that time period and dont really mean business until theyre about 25. be patient and live your life by yourself and enjoy it until you have to spend the rest of it dealing with someone else 24/7.
once you get your heart broken, you learn to not trust these ******, i rarely even look at chicks all google eyed anymore, it takes alot for me to even notice a chick(no homo) just picky as hell, especially after my last girl, a man will neverreally find a chick until he values his mind and body before some breezy, now if you are lucky to find a chick that cooks, cleans, sows, have good random conversations, actually takes care of you and your thoughts, don't **** over her, wife that **** up, until then **** em and duck em, what i have been doing for the last couple of years, trying to find a woman of substance is hard but hopefully one day,lol


this is why i will never find a girl. been hurt once and i'm off that. just pipe em down and fire them. i'm not out here trying to find a wife. the one girl i actually cared about didn't work so now i'm just pissed off and taking it out on them all even though it was a few years ago.
make it apparent that you'd LIKE to have them around but you don't NEED them around...and your more than alright with being by yourself.
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I don't buy that whole " Be yourself BS"

Because i see dudes who "be their self" and go year after year without getting buns or a girl. The way i look at it is if you want some thing you have to be willing to make the changes that are needed to get it. Am not saying change yourself completely but am saying change for the better to get the results you want.
I don't buy that whole " Be yourself BS"
Because i see dudes who "be their self" and go year after year without getting buns or a girl. The way i look at it is if you want some thing you have to be willing to make the changes that are needed to get it. Am not saying change yourself completely but am saying change for the better to get the results you want.
Too much real life for me
Too much real life for me

Exactly. Nobody is telling you what clothes to wear or what music to listen to. That's not "being yourself" but it comes a time when you have to mold yourself to become a desired and respected man. If you have to make changes then do it. "Being yourself" has dudes wearing Bowling shirts with Goku on it. "being yourself" has dudes only speaking to females behind a computer screen. "being yourself" has you dudes scared to take a drink, dance at a club, or go somewhere dolo. "Being yourself" has some dudes scared to check a female when she's being disrespectful, over dramatic, or lazy.
my man speaks the truth..its sad, some of the cats i hang with be like "i gotta tweet tha" when sumn funny goes down or sumn..i tell dudes, u aint gotta tweet every thought that comes to mind...show some discretion.. nope..

sad part is truth, some of the lip ring havin, skinny pants saggin clowns be real live getting buns...i NEVER hate on a dude getting yams, be it thru money, status, athletics, gear, etc...cause everybody gotta have their lane...

but i get truly irked seeing these sheep wit the bad ones..lol..

standing o for truthgetsbusy...best response here..

edit: NO REAL N' CARES HOW MANY FOLLOWERS HE HAS!! PERIOD!! hate when my dudes get riled up about followers, or who gets the most views on a instagram pic or sumn..soooo middle school girlish...

Bold part had me rolling. So funny, yet so true. And even more ironic when you see the girl that's with the lip ring, skinny pant drone talking about "Only REAL MEN need apply" 3 days prior >D.
Coming from a female.....YES! to the op. No woman wants to deal with an unconfident punk. Point blank.
The dopest part was discussing the dilemma of giving more for a more attractive female. I too have fallen to this fault in logic. I have since become wiser, for instance: I had a woman who I dated for a while (1.5) , and before hand made it clear that there were to be 2 designated nights for her, preferably tues,thurs. She began to raise concerns with this, and expressed interest in moving in together. I bolted. The overall point being, you don't owe these scallywags nothing. In the past I probably would have given in to one of the demands, but eff that mess nowadays.

I do want to make a quick point on social networking, there has been a recent trend in published articles about the effects of social networking on relationships. While I do agree with the sentiment that it does place women at an advantage on some levels, I feel it is exaggerated. Social media doesn't create culture, it just merely reflects it in a different form. In other words, the same dudes that are simpin on instagram, are probably the same ones simpin at your local mall.
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