Quick lil gems on dealing with women.

These lists are genreally BS. But I do agree with the point of whining and crying in a relationship. I don't think that is exclusive to male-female relationship though. If you do that with anybody, no matter what type of relationship, they'll view you as weak if you cry all the time. I agree with Panarican, it all changes once you mature. Compromise is part of life, deal with it.
I'm usually the first one to condemn any list that tells men what they should and should not do around women because let's face it, women are non-sensical creatures and their actions are based on their moods (atleast a lot of them). You'll find some women from time to time that stand outside the realm of women that need to be controlled but it's been a long time since I found one of those.
i agree
The post has some decent points, but the main take away is merely to be confident in yourself and to learn to have conviction.

All that other stuff about "skinny jeans" is just an attempt to make it sound like a man should do XYZ, and thats just outdated gender role perception.

You can't read ALL of that seriously and feel like the person who wrote that really feels secure, themselves.

"be traditional?" What does that even mean? 
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You just gotta be a man in every sense of the word
Yeah but the problem is that you might as well say that being a "man" is just a made up set of rules that you want other people to follow so you can classify/qualify them. 

What does "be a man" even mean? 

You just gotta be a man in every sense of the word

Yeah but sadly alot of dudes haven't been taught or learned to be one. This list is basically stuff a father, uncle, older brother, or friend should be telling these young dudes. All this instagramming pics, lip rings, skinny jeans and sagging, etc. stuff is for the birds literally. No respectable young MAN should take part in alot of this 2012 behavior.
[COLOR=#red]The majority of dudes can't follow those steps.

Then when they try to fake how dominate they are it just looks even worse.[/COLOR]
Yeah but sadly alot of dudes haven't been taught or learned to be one. This list is basically stuff a father, uncle, older brother, or friend should be telling these young dudes. All this instagramming pics, lip rings, skinny jeans and sagging, etc. stuff is for the birds literally. No respectable young MAN should take part in alot of this 2012 behavior.
This is true I dont get how dudes can think to themselves "hey I wanna take a picture of myself and post it on instagram"

That's the type of stuff my sister would do :smh:
The majority of dudes can't follow those steps.

Then when they try to fake how dominate they are it just looks even worse.
This is less about being "a man" than it is learning to be accountable and responsible.

I could care less how you dress or how many pics you have on instagram. Anyone who DOES care really makes me suspicious.

How can you seriously be concerned about how other men live their lives? Do you gain something out of forcing others to fall into line?

Everyone seems to apparently value the freedom to do what you want, but on the flip-side, but then these "guys" then want everyone to live up to the same standards of what a "man" is.

If you teach people that its more important to be honest with yourself and confident in asserting yourself then you'll address most of these concerns in the first place.

No one i've ever met who apparently fulfilled these qualities ever thought of themselves better than anyone else, they simply lived their lives without regard for how others would feel about it. 

Do you all want more lumberjacks or are you so insecure that having OTHER dudes post pics of themselves makes you feel less of who you are as a person?

Retitle this thread from "how to deal with women" to "how one person thinks men should act"

There is very little in this thread pertaining to understanding women than it is trying to get men to change their behavior. 
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Yeah but sadly alot of dudes haven't been taught or learned to be one. This list is basically stuff a father, uncle, older brother, or friend should be telling these young dudes. All this instagramming pics, lip rings, skinny jeans and sagging, etc. stuff is for the birds literally. No respectable young MAN should take part in alot of this 2012 behavior.
my man speaks the truth..its sad, some of the cats i hang with be like "i gotta tweet tha" when sumn funny goes down or sumn..i tell dudes, u aint gotta tweet every thought that comes to mind...show some discretion.. nope..

sad part is truth, some of the lip ring havin, skinny pants saggin clowns be real live getting buns...i NEVER hate on a dude getting yams, be it thru money, status, athletics, gear, etc...cause everybody gotta have their lane...

but i get truly irked seeing these sheep wit the bad ones..lol..

standing o for truthgetsbusy...best response here..

edit: NO REAL N' CARES HOW MANY FOLLOWERS HE HAS!! PERIOD!! hate when my dudes get riled up about followers, or who gets the most views on a instagram pic or sumn..soooo middle school girlish...
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I mean, all this stuff depends on the woman. Being dominant is cool and all, but I think its more of just toeing that fine line between not just doing everything she says and not being too rigid where as you boss her around

It just seems to me that the author of the article is basically writing for a "male cosmo" etc. Like, be yourself. If your not a dominant guy, dont fake it. Youll find a girl eventually that fits
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those steps have alot of truth to them but you gotta be yourself at the same time as well imo
This was written by someone single. Guarantee it. These rules will help you as long as you just want to deal with jumpoffs and stay single. Even if you have a main girl, and you're not in any hurry to settle down/move in, it's fine, but it all changes when you're married. I agree that you want to establish your beliefs, your opinions, and speak up when you want to about the things you want and want to do, but all the extra posturing isn't gonna work in the long run. You're just gonna end up with a girl that's too insecure to decide things for herself. Women are fickle enough as it is, you take a really insecure/submissive woman and dominate her like that, she'll eventually get fed up, and then after you're married for like 10 years you find out little Julio jr. should have been little Malik Jr. and his afro is not from shorties great grandpops. Take it all with a grain of salt.
That list sounded a little too much like DC wrote it.
This was written by someone single. Guarantee it. These rules will help you as long as you just want to deal with jumpoffs and stay single. Even if you have a main girl, and you're not in any hurry to settle down/move in, it's fine, but it all changes when you're married. I agree that you want to establish your beliefs, your opinions, and speak up when you want to about the things you want and want to do, but all the extra posturing isn't gonna work in the long run. You're just gonna end up with a girl that's too insecure to decide things for herself. Women are fickle enough as it is, you take a really insecure/submissive woman and dominate her like that, she'll eventually get fed up, and then after you're married for like 10 years you find out little Julio jr. should have been little Malik Jr. and his afro is not from shorties great grandpops. Take it all with a grain of salt.


List like this are ok but you you have to react to certain situations the way you see fit. Use some things but I doubt those things work 100% of the time. Do what you feel is the right thing to do.
OP, you post on The Coli too? There's an exact same thread about this on there
Yeah from time to time, I mostly lurk though. There was too much knowledge dropped in that one thread, I had to come share the wealth with my NT brethren.

Yeah but sadly alot of dudes haven't been taught or learned to be one. This list is basically stuff a father, uncle, older brother, or friend should be telling these young dudes. All this instagramming pics, lip rings, skinny jeans and sagging, etc. stuff is for the birds literally. No respectable young MAN should take part in alot of this 2012 behavior.

Exactly. I know you had a thread like this way back in the day with a ton of knowledge. Chime in.
This is less about being "a man" than it is learning to be accountable and responsible.

I could care less how you dress or how many pics you have on instagram. Anyone who DOES care really makes me suspicious.

How can you seriously be concerned about how other men live their lives? Do you gain something out of forcing others to fall into line?

Everyone seems to apparently value the freedom to do what you want, but on the flip-side, but then these "guys" then want everyone to live up to the same standards of what a "man" is.

If you teach people that its more important to be honest with yourself and confident in asserting yourself then you'll address most of these concerns in the first place.

No one i've ever met who apparently fulfilled these qualities ever thought of themselves better than anyone else, they simply lived their lives without regard for how others would feel about it. 

Do you all want more lumberjacks or are you so insecure that having OTHER dudes post pics of themselves makes you feel less of who you are as a person?

Retitle this thread from "how to deal with women" to "how one person thinks men should act"

There is very little in this thread pertaining to understanding women than it is trying to get men to change their behavior. 

:pimp: :pimp:

This generation is devoid of emotion ..

Really is :smh:
-When it comes to women, pay ZERO attention to what she says she wants/is looking for in a guy. What a woman SAYS she wants =/= what she actually responds too.
That's why you see women who say they want a guy to text them good morning/good night, bring them flowers, etc. messing around with dudes who treat them like TRASH (and they love it)
Actions speak louder than words.
This generation is devoid of emotion ..

I disagree. This generation is too quick to act on emotion as opposed to rational thought. As Tony used to say on The Sopranos, "whatever happened to the strong and silent type?"
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