R.I.P. Alton Sterling..Shot by BRPD..Point Blank, While Restrained.

At least Dame admitted he was wrong, that counts for something. #butimprobablybiasedcauseblazers
Just be weary of these NTers man...

We all might have shoes in common but a majority of NTers are closeted racists.

Meth been serving bloc for years in these type of threads.
Just be weary of these NTers man...

We all might have shoes in common but a majority of NTers are closeted racists.

Meth been serving bloc for years in these type of threads.

Maybe I'm being unrealistic, but do you really think the majority of NT is racist?
Maybe I'm being unrealistic, but do you really think the majority of NT is racist?
It all started in the Ferguson thread...that made me open my eyes.

Some of the things said in that thread were just uncomfortable to read.
trayvon and mike brown also exposed a lot of people on my Facebook timeline 
I try to suppress TM thread too.

I don't have social media accounts other than NT but the screen shots would make me lose a lot of friends and jobs.

I work kids so I'm biased.

No child deserves to be killed.
Just be weary of these NTers man...

We all might have shoes in common but a majority of NTers are closeted racists.

Meth been serving bloc for years in these type of threads.

Maybe I'm being unrealistic, but do you really think the majority of NT is racist?

Getting older, I no longer just view those posters as just people trolling and trying to get a rile out of people. They say it because it is their view, whether exaggerated or not.

I wouldn't say the majority of NTers are racist. There are just a lot of posters who are ignorant with some of their statements.

This **** is real. People can try to dance around it however they want to, but this **** is VERY real. I've NEVER felt safe around cops as a black man or even as a boy growing up. Even if they weren't messing w/ me. Them being around always gives me this unsafe feeling.
This **** is real. People can try to dance around it however they want to, but this **** is VERY real. I've NEVER felt safe around cops as a black man or even as a boy growing up. Even if they weren't messing w/ me. Them being around always gives me this unsafe feeling.
Actual pics:
Off the top that whole he is reaching or a gun **** is such bs. I've seen other videos and police dash where they yell that **** out outside the view of the camera and use that as justification. :smh:

This video is the owner of the store talking about the incident. Cops took the surveillance video from his store that shows what happened. He never got a chance to see it either, the cops confiscated. Both body cameras fell down during the scuffle, but what about the footage prior to that? They got a call about a man with a gun, so I want to know how they approached him. The entire encounter looked like nothing was ever even said to him about a gun. The witness says Alton was confused about what was happening so Im sure they stepped to him on some **** boy **** too.
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I'm sorry fellas, I know this has nothing to do with Alton but it speaks to how white people are when it comes us. I don't know what it is but they hate us and fear us to the core. It's as if they think we are plotting against them so every time they encounter one of us we are going to spazz on them. Anyway, this video show a nosy *** white woman getting up in a chicks face, instigating **** then attacking her. When the tables turn she is screaming bloody murder. Kind of like Zimmerman and Trayvon.

Is there an updated version to the Chris Rock cops skit?

I would have made the same "mistake" Alex made.
They recently shot & killed a Cambodian guy here in Long Beach,CA.

While he was running away the Cops sicked a dog on him...

The cops shot & killed their own dog
Mojito was def. bout that action.
I'm sorry fellas, I know this has nothing to do with Alton but it speaks to how white people are when it comes us. I don't know what it is but they hate us and fear us to the core. It's as if they think we are plotting against them so every time they encounter one of us we are going to spazz on them. Anyway, this video show a nosy *** white woman getting up in a chicks face, instigating **** then attacking her. When the tables turn she is screaming bloody murder. Kind of like Zimmerman and Trayvon.

When you murder, rape, etc a group for so long you expect them to strike back eventually and amazingly Black folks aint even thinking about anyone else.
i forgot what i was watching but i heard them say:

"white people live in a perpetual state of anxiety and their fear of black people is because they know we rightfully should be tearing this place down"
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