R.I.P. Alton Sterling..Shot by BRPD..Point Blank, While Restrained.

I'm sorry fellas, I know this has nothing to do with Alton but it speaks to how white people are when it comes us. I don't know what it is but they hate us and fear us to the core. It's as if they think we are plotting against them so every time they encounter one of us we are going to spazz on them. Anyway, this video show a nosy *** white woman getting up in a chicks face, instigating **** then attacking her. When the tables turn she is screaming bloody murder. Kind of like Zimmerman and Trayvon.

Mojito was def. bout that action.
old white people are the worst 

 then the old lady also screaming "You hit me"
“How many of you think there is white racism?”

“How many of you think there is black racism?” 

“How many of you believe that as a result of black racism black lives are adversely affected?”

“As the result of black racism, how are the masses of white people adversely affected?”
I'm sorry fellas, I know this has nothing to do with Alton but it speaks to how white people are when it comes us. I don't know what it is but they hate us and fear us to the core. It's as if they think we are plotting against them so every time they encounter one of us we are going to spazz on them. Anyway, this video show a nosy *** white woman getting up in a chicks face, instigating **** then attacking her. When the tables turn she is screaming bloody murder. Kind of like Zimmerman and Trayvon.

At least they arrested the right person that time.
I'm sorry fellas, I know this has nothing to do with Alton but it speaks to how white people are when it comes us. I don't know what it is but they hate us and fear us to the core. It's as if they think we are plotting against them so every time they encounter one of us we are going to spazz on them. Anyway, this video show a nosy *** white woman getting up in a chicks face, instigating **** then attacking her. When the tables turn she is screaming bloody murder. Kind of like Zimmerman and Trayvon.

Good riddance to that *****
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