R.I.P. Alton Sterling..Shot by BRPD..Point Blank, While Restrained.

He trolled this thread:  


We don't ban people for their political views, and I think sometimes I can be patient to a fault with that.  Racism, however, is not a valid "political view," no matter how much certain politicians and voters would like to believe otherwise.  You can share different beliefs about the role of government, trade, immigration, gun control, and so on here on NikeTalk, but we will not allow people to post racist comments to our forums.  That has nothing to do with free speech.  He's not being arrested.  He just no longer has the right to use our private website due to his repeated violations of our terms of service.  

This user routinely attempted to toe the line and see just how far he could take it, and that, honestly, is trolling.  

I could say more but, frankly, he's not worth it.  If our society is what it pretends to be, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile must be remembered.  People like blwhatever deserve to be forgotten. 
I reported him in that thread for his insensitive trolling. Thanks for always protecting, and making NT better Meth...

[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] perfect execution.
Meth finally taking a stand
I don't think it's fair to say that I stood by and did nothing.  Those who've frequented general have likely seen me confront his views many times over the years.  Obviously I don't believe it was a coincidence that he suspects that every single unarmed person of color who's ever been killed be a law enforcement official (or wannabe law enforcement official) is a coincidence.  

The issue is that we don't ban people for what they THINK.  We ban people for what they DO.  

We don't ban people for being "conservatives," no matter how much this user would like to believe otherwise.  We don't ban people because they "fit the profile" when it comes to racist/White Supremacism.  We ban people for posts/behavior that directly violate our terms of service.  In attempt to be fair to this user and not ban this person simply for what he thinks, I was patient to a fault - even choosing to overlook direct personal insults and profanity sent to me via private message.  (I even continued to delete posts in which other users revealed his actual name to help protect his privacy - in attempt to "do unto others.") 

It would be easier and more convenient to just ban any "suspected" racists, but the absence of tension should never be mistaken for the presence of justice.  Again, it's our goal to enforce our terms as fairly as we can.  Ultimately, education and understanding - not forcible suppression - are the antidotes to ignorance and bigotry.  It's generally our preference to leverage the diversity of the community to encourage constructive dialog and allow our members to benefit from the perspectives of others.  This, however, requires people to act in good faith.  

As has been mentioned, the user was careful to try and toe the line - to say just enough without posting blatant hate speech on our forums.  Ultimately, he crossed that line repeatedly and that one user's rights do not and should not supersede the rights of others.

Racism is one of the PRIMARY reasons (if not THE primary reason) why we developed our own sneaker community in the first place.  
One down. So is @CAbased next ? Dude is more blatant with his racism.
He was banned yesterday. 
Listen, real life, if you said something then backpedaled, stand by what you said, don't come back and try to take the side of the popular opinion. Stand by your words, that were typed. We'd have more respect for you even if we don't agree. Hell I just got my first warning y'day, no love lost (Meth was fast) but I still believe in what I said. But don't come in here and spew ignorance and act like you better than everyone else, then you see/read about the case and want to change your script. We don't believe you need more people.
I don't think it's fair to say that I stood by and did nothing.  Those who've frequented general have likely seen me confront his views many times over the years.  Obviously I don't believe it was a coincidence that he suspects that every single unarmed person of color who's ever been killed be a law enforcement official (or wannabe law enforcement official) is a coincidence.  

The issue is that we don't ban people for what they THINK.  We ban people for what they DO.  

We don't ban people for being "conservatives," no matter how much this user would like to believe otherwise.  We don't ban people because they "fit the profile" when it comes to racist/White Supremacism.  We ban people for posts/behavior that directly violate our terms of service.  In attempt to be fair to this user and not ban this person simply for what he thinks, I was patient to a fault - even choosing to overlook direct personal insults and profanity sent to me via private message.  (I even continued to delete posts in which other users revealed his actual name to help protect his privacy - in attempt to "do unto others.") 

It would be easier and more convenient to just ban any "suspected" racists, but the absence of tension should never be mistaken for the presence of justice.  Again, it's our goal to enforce our terms as fairly as we can.  Ultimately, education and understanding - not forcible suppression - are the antidotes to ignorance and bigotry.  It's generally our preference to leverage the diversity of the community to encourage constructive dialog and allow our members to benefit from the perspectives of others.  This, however, requires people to act in good faith.  

As has been mentioned, the user was careful to try and toe the line - to say just enough without posting blatant hate speech on our forums.  Ultimately, he crossed that line repeatedly and that one user's rights do not and should not supersede the rights of others.

Racism is one of the PRIMARY reasons (if not THE primary reason) why we developed our own sneaker community in the first place.  

He was banned yesterday. 
Niketalk was developed because of racism? Can you expound Meth?
you have a gun, you are trying to restrain a guy bigger than you without using it, it's not working out, you see the guy reach for his own gun in his pocket. what do you do?
Not sure why so many ppl seem to think he was reaching for an imaginary weapon... The cop rolled off of him after the first 2 shots were fired. Maybe that's what made it seem so. But regardless, those first shots were fired before Alton Sterling was even able to move.
Got 2 dudes scratched off the list.

Bring @omariwestafari  back and we might as well have a NT Mardi Gras

Lost no reps. 
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Niketalk was developed because of racism? Can you expound Meth?
In the late 90's, NikeTalk's founders and original members initially congregated on a message board associated with a website called "NikePark."  

Unfortunately, the message board was unmoderated and the system lacked discrete user accounts - which allowed users to post comments under any name they chose. 

As you can imagine, the board was plagued with trolls, fraud, porn, impostors, flame wars - and, due to the nature of a message board dedicated primarily to Air Jordans, basketball, and athletic shoes, it was often targeted by White Supremacists.  

You can chalk some of the board's problems to unsupervised children acting like unsupervised children, but the attempts to harass community members and target the community on the basis of race was another matter entirely.

While I know that's something that motivated ALL of NikeTalk's original staff members, including our founder, Nelson C, it was one of the reasons that I was committed to putting in whatever time necessary to making sure that our team could provide sneaker fans from around the world with the safe, RESPECTFUL community environment they deserved. 

We've spent every day since attempting to do exactly that.  
Its 2016 , body cams on all officers with 24/7 recording while theyre enforcing our laws and routine audits on those routine stops , is that too crazy to ask for?

Not too mention we can train a 18 year old senior in high school how to be polite and keep his cool despite an irate customer at his 20 hour per week best buy job but departments cant all make bodycams mandatory and make being polite / staying cool a policy? Like they keep more track of what the people are saying on the phone at the call center that i used to work at years ago then they do law enforcement.

Certain cities and states have body cams, but the problem is a lot of these cops are finding ways to turn them off at convenient times.

Damien Lillard....120 million dollars....no sense
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In the late 90's, NikeTalk's founders and original members initially congregated on a message board associated with a website called "NikePark."  

Unfortunately, the message board was unmoderated and the system lacked discrete user accounts - which allowed users to post comments under any name they chose. 

As you can imagine, the board was plagued with trolls, fraud, porn, impostors, flame wars - and, due to the nature of a message board dedicated primarily to Air Jordans, basketball, and athletic shoes, it was often targeted by White Supremacists.  

You can chalk some of the board's problems to unsupervised children acting like unsupervised children, but the attempts to harass community members and target the community on the basis of race was another matter entirely.

While I know that's something that motivated ALL of NikeTalk's original staff members, including our founder, Nelson C, it was one of the reasons that I was committed to putting in whatever time necessary to making sure that our team could provide sneaker fans from around the world with the safe, RESPECTFUL community environment they deserved. 

We've spent every day since attempting to do exactly that.  

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