R.I.P. Alton Sterling..Shot by BRPD..Point Blank, While Restrained.

Paulwest1985, not sure if you're agreeing with me out countering what I posted. I said that there's a good number of white people who do care about black people's rights. It's just that there are many, many more white people who don't give a damn
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Paulwest1985, not sure if you're agreeing with me out countering what I posted. I said that there's a good number of white people who do care about black people's rights. It's just that there are many, many more white people who don't give a damn
I'm agreeing with you. Just trying to throw in some examples. I love seeing whites and blacks stand togheter against injustice. 
I'm agreeing with you. Just trying to throw in some examples. I love seeing whites and blacks stand togheter against injustice. 

Agreed, but it's sad that this is something that's a breath of fresh air to NTers like Ingenious Nick. You'd think that in 2016, a time in which we have access to all this knowledge about different cultures and the history of racism in the US, whites and minorities standing together against injustice would be the societal norm instead of a breath of fresh air. Nope :smh: Instead you have idiots saying "All lives matter!" when black people are being murdered for no reason.

"All lives matter" is a true statement, but apparently not to police in this country. "Black lives matter" doesn't mean that "All lives don't matter" or "black lives matter more". It's more like "black lives matter TOO". The "black lives matter" movement wouldn't even exist if black people were REALLY treated like "All lives matter", which is what so many white people either ignore or don't seem to understand
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Not trying to be that guy and I'm all for non African Americans speaking up on injustice and equality, but this happens every time a tragedy in the African American community occurs.

It's like part of the routine. Tragedy occurs. We march, pray and debate with racist people with egg and dog avys on twiiter. Then some non black person makes a video or long FB post admitting to white privilege and advocating for black justice and they go viral. And we start reposting it everywhere saying we are happy some of them understand. They get it. Again not saying it's anything wrong with it, but by now I just expect it and I've seen it happen every time since the Trayvon incident.
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Not trying to be that guy and I'm all for non African Americans speaking up on injustice and equality, but this happens every time a tragedy in the African American community occurs.

It's like part of the routine. Tragedy occurs. We march, pray and debate with racist people with egg and dog avys on twiiter. Then some non black person makes a video or long FB post admitting to white privilege and advocating for black justice and they go viral. And we start reposting it everywhere saying we are happy some of them understand. They get it. Again not saying it's anything wrong with it, but by now I just expect it and I've seen it happen every time since the Trayvon incident.

lol word, I`m like don't tell us that mess, talk to your people.
It's good seeing that and by him putting that out there, I would expect he's spreading the word. It's better than people complaining online yet do jack**** in real life.

Black folks been getting symbolic gestures for decades, aint nothing to talk about anymore.
Black folks been getting symbolic gestures for decades, aint nothing to talk about anymore.
Well having people understand our tribulations is never a bad thing. Good things are always worth mentioning and if it gets more minds open than why complain.
I'm a black person from the UK (well, mixed race but I see myself as simply a black man & always just say black on any forms etc) and i always tell people, I'm sure America is an extremely impressive country to visit but I would never in my life set foot in America. I think it's history of institutional racial prejudice, and the behaviour of the police are all an absolute disgrace.

Even just visiting New York or somewhere very mainstream as a tourist I would not feel comfortable, or able to trust an American police officer not to murder me for no reason. it's not like you need to even be doing anything suspicious. you can just be standing around minding your own business and get murdered by a cop

the racism is bad enough where I come from, bear in mind I don't come from London and am one of very few blacks about locally. and every once in a while there is a race murder in my city maybe once every 5 years or so. but it's the local population rather than cops to be wary of, and since nobody has guns, and I'm a pretty big guy I never really feel in danger. it's mainly only been random kids that give racial abuse to me, not adults. I have had 2 run ins with police both as I was just walking in my local area, but ultimately without guns there's nothing to fear. they don't even have anything to hurt like bats or tazers, most of them are just neighbourhood patrol, not even REAL police here. lots of them are just young women etc. they're a joke. I can honestly say I'm not scared of any of them the fat idiots [emoji]128526[/emoji]

I'm convinced if the 4 yo girl in the back of the car hadn't been there he'd have just shot the guy's girlfriend too in order for there to be no witness.
WE learned it from YOU, though 

We outgrew your rule and kicked you out, but don't get it twisted...EUROPE is the genesis of all things bad in modern day, government ruled society.
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WE learned it from YOU, though :lol:

We outgrew your rule and kicked you out, but don't get it twisted...EUROPE is the genesis of all things bad.

yeah, Blacks there aint catching hell like that because their numbers are so small meanwhile in America Blacks and Hispanics catch it hard because the #s are so large, meanwhile our Asian brehs catch it on a more limited scale because they arent seen as a threat. If the UK was 12-20% black it would be just as bad there.
I have family from London. There are lots of black people there.


Only 7 percent? That's surprising.
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What I do know is that Haiti for example didn't become free from standing in the street, marching, looting, holding up signs, picking off random folks who had nothing to do with their plight, turning their cheeks, etc.

Eyes wide shut...I'm sleep though...Iamjusayn...Louverture asf!

I would like to make a few comments concerning the difference between the black revolution and the Negro revolution. There's a difference. Are they both the same? And if they're not, what is the difference? What is the difference between a black revolution and a Negro revolution? First, what is a revolution? Sometimes I'm inclined to believe that many of our people are using this word "revolution" loosely, without taking careful consideration of what this word actually means, and what its historic characteristics are. When you study the historic nature of revolutions, the motive of a revolution, the objective of a revolution, and the result of a revolution, and the methods used in a revolution, you may change words. You may devise another program. You may change your goal and you may change your mind.

Look at the American Revolution in 1776. That revolution was for what? For land. Why did they want land? Independence. How was it carried out? Bloodshed. Number one, it was based on land, the basis of independence. And the only way they could get it was bloodshed. The French Revolution -- what was it based on? The land-less against the landlord. What was it for? Land. How did they get it? Bloodshed. Was no love lost; was no compromise; was no negotiation. I'm telling you, you don't know what a revolution is. 'Cause when you find out what it is, you'll get back in the alley; you'll get out of the way. The Russian Revolution -- what was it based on? Land. The land-less against the landlord. How did they bring it about? Bloodshed. You haven't got a revolution that doesn't involve bloodshed. 

And you're afraid to bleed. I said, you're afraid to bleed.

As long as the white man sent you to Korea, you bled. He sent you to Germany, you bled. He sent you to the South Pacific to fight the Japanese, you bled. You bleed for white people. But when it comes time to seeing your own churches being bombed and little black girls be murdered, you haven't got no blood. You bleed when the white man says bleed; you bite when the white man says bite; and you bark when the white man says bark. I hate to say this about us, but it's true. How are you going to be nonviolent in Mississippi, as violent as you were in Korea? How can you justify being nonviolent in Mississippi and Alabama, when your churches are being bombed, and your little girls are being murdered, and at the same time you're going to violent with Hitler, and Tojo, and somebody else that you don't even know?

If violence is wrong in America, violence is wrong abroad. If it's wrong to be violent defending black women and black children and black babies and black men, then it's wrong for America to draft us and make us violent abroad in defense of her. And if it is right for America to draft us, and teach us how to be violent in defense of her, then it is right for you and me to do whatever is necessary to defend our own people right here in this country.
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