R.I.P Kobe Bryant.

Just woke up.. Slept for like 3 hours. Cant stay asleep.
Wanted to wake up like yesterday never happened.. Wanted to see a big fake news soon as i opened my phone. Man this one hurts, like losing someone close.

Will be giving my girls hugs and kisses before i head out for work. Cherish love ones every single second.
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Never met Kobe in real life but when I saw dude jump over that Aston I was gone! I think I was in high school at the time and really believed he made the jump. Watched that video over and over. I grew up watching all of his games man. Can’t believe he’s gone....I’m still shook.

I remember wanting the Carpe diem 4s so bad and moms came through with a fresh pair. I put in work with them joints...felt like I powered up every time I laced them up.

In memory of Kobe Bryant, today I’m wearing the Zoom Kobe Icon. While I was not the biggest Kobe basketball fan, I was a fan of his work ethic and his attention to the detail of his craft. Like my friend, I too thought of the final moments that he and Gianna shared: “What was he saying to her as he comforted her in those final seconds?” When I saw the confirmed report of this tragic event I thought I was experiencing shock, but in hindsight, it was heartbreak. And while I didn’t have the strongest connection to Kobe, a dark moment like this makes me wonder how I’d feel if a tragic death were to strike a figure I truly admire: Jay Z, Denzel Washington, Michael Jordan or even worse, my mother. Wow. Often times it takes a death to remind us that death is in fact THE inevitable. I told my fiancé that I knew one day Kobe would leave the earth, but not like that. From what I understand this method of transportation wasn’t anything new to him. He died doing something he did almost everyday. That means you could die taking the train, at your place of work, taking a shower etc. At the fear of sounding cliche, go out and live your life. Sleep in peace king.

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I really hope someone lays hands on dude. Wouldn’t lose sleep if more than that happened.

Wouldn't be surprised if a few people get the ish smacked out of them in the next couple of days for speaking ill of the man in a supporter's presence.

Not an advocate for it but that's just the unfortunate reality when you have people riddled with this much grief and emotion.

If you're on the outside looking in it can be difficult to grasp how big a deal this is for people!
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People really showing themselves right now.

That pos is going to be “performing”at the Skirball Center in NYC Feb 7th and 8th. Would be elated if someone put hands on him. He’s been a clown. Those amazing racist vids he did in the early 2000’s is an example of the type of person he is.
Here come the “but what about all the marines that died in the helicopter crash” people on FB. Yes Sharon. All lives matter huh? Despicable. Rest In Peace mamba.

That stuff is so corny. And RIP to those marines from that helicopter crash. But when that happened if me or anyone else pulled some “hOw cOmE mY fRiEnD wHo DiEd iN a cAr aCciDeNt nO gEt aTTeNtiOn tHe mAriNes gOt”, it would be lame.

Same way people are trying to be contrary and go against the grain for attention bringing up other tragedies.
i cant believe this ****. how the **** do i exist in a reality where this **** happens? kobe bryant is dead? that’s not something im supposed to hear. i was supposed to either hear that when im old grey or balding and on a rocking chair, or I was supposed to die and never hear that...

we were supposed to see his daughter carry on his legacy, we were gonna all tune in to the wnba because she’s lil mamba, we were supposed to see kobe at her games her making him proud, we were supposed to see the fatherhood the parenting for years to come. we were supposed to see more moments.

their family was supposed to grow with them in their lives, nurturing each other... wtf man. HOW TF DID THE HELICOPTER CRASH!?! HOW?!? WTF !!!! I cant process this ****. How TF IS THIS POSSIBLE!?! WHY!?! THE WORLD HAS BEEN STRIPPED OF PERSONIFIED GREATNESS, AND EVEN WORSE, i cannot imagine how his wife feels, 20 years together since high school, and their baby, im not a parent but as a potential parent i know that no one ever forgets the day they bring their children into the world, and then all the memories you have with them. WTF....... the children, how can they digest that their father, WE LOOK AT KOBE AS SUPERMAN, IMAGINE THEM!?! THAT WAS THEIR FATHER THAT WAS THEIR SUPERHERO MORE THAN HE WAS OURS, ueeossuesnisivdjhsissodusis AND HOW TF DO THEY PROCESS THEIR SISTER DYING?? HOW CAN YOU EVEN digest that? they’re just kids, all they’ve known is each other. life is cruel. holy ****. **** the epidemics and all that ****, yesterday is historically one of the worst days ever. one of the worst days in all of history. this is ********!!!! BULL ****! ********. The scenario of what was going in the heli keeps being simulated in my mind being in their shoes and listing out every possibility is crippling me. she mustve felt scared, even with kobe hugging her telling her it’s gonna be alright, ughhhhhhhh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn noooooooooooooooooooooo.8 other people too? a mother & father coupled with each other with a daughter, leaving behind 2 daughters.... mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn now those 2 kids are parents-less and without their sister this is HORRIFYING and we dont even know all the victims yet

and nobody’ll know what went wrong for weeks. forget about us, it’s a closure that none of these families will have... like wtf went wrong? how? are there even going to be any answers?

guys... we have so much left to do on this earth. we think we’ve come so far, we think we know everything, we think our technology is so high tech.... LOOK AT THIS ****. God damn it. A HELICOPTER ACCIDENT!?!?! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON rest in PEACE yooooooooo man
This is so surreal to me. I can’t even see his name associated with “RIP” and “remembering Kobe” without it cutting deep. **** just isn’t adding up in my mind.

I’m devastated for Kobe but I can appreciate the fact that he maximized his 41 years in full. His kid and the other kids dying is killing me. I just became a father last March and I can’t imagine the fear he felt for his daughter in those last seconds.
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