R.I.P Kobe Bryant.

I had some kobe's listed on stockx for 5 months. Once the accident occurred I noticed that my item sold. I didn't think anything of it at the time because I was still in shock about the news. I feel bad the listing sold and I contacted stockx about it and offered to pay the cancellation fee but they didn't care. They said the order was made in "fairness":smh: and they wouldn't make any exceptions. I told them that it was unfortunate and that I would be deleting my account once my other transaction (non-Kobe) was completed.

If I would have known that people would raise the prices I would've taken my listing down immediately.
F stock x. Dont send the shoes.
Still feeling it today.

I was doing some deep thinking and it’s crazy to think that we won’t be seeing Kobe as an old man, being a judge in the slam dunk contest, with gray hair. taking group photos with players he played with and against. Smh.
Crazy to see his apparel and shoes uptick like that.

Most real fans would have already had his stuff. Lots of flaunting and fake tributes out there online. Pretty disheartening.

Reading some stuff about the helicopter. It looks like it was lacking in some basics. It was a 29 year old aircraft. Why take the risk?

Have Kobe's been releasing consistently still? I've been out of the loop since his retirement.

***** *** trying to say "what would Kobe say about people being negative towards someone trying to get shoes in the hands of fans"

Stupid *** thought he could ride the algorithm and it back fired.

I don't care where any stands on the issue, but **** you if you think it's cool to profit off 3 children's deaths. Take Kobe out of the equation for a second. 3 little girls perished. You're taking advantage of grieving FANS of Kobe at the expense of all those who died with him.

Have some class and tact. Wait a couple months to make your money. The prices will still be there, but you would have let it digest.
Looks like he deleted the video. But has another explanation video (stating hell put it back up in a week or two). The act is done Bozo. Flip it all back to The mamba sports
Academy and then we'll take you serious.

kobe iii’s were special to me. You either loved em or hated em.

loved those shoes and what kobe did in em in 08. Plus dude was rockin the black sleeve on away games. complemented the iii’s perfectly.

the white swoosh on the back >>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!

kobe iii’s were special to me. You either loved em or hated em.

loved those shoes and what kobe did in em in 08. Plus dude was rockin the black sleeve on away games. complemented the iii’s perfectly.

the white swoosh on the back >>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!

i hated these...i thought they such a step back from da II's...


people still stop my on da street when i wear these because they're so funky.
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