R.I.P Trayvon

Underage nude pics
dude was 17 he got some hs girls to sext him what's the big deal.. the other pictures are serious stuff but don't bring up "underage pics" he was a kid too
You dont see anything wrong with a underage girl or boy sexting. So if this was you daughter sexting you see nothing wrong with it.

You say underaged, he died at 17 so everything we see is of him when he was underaged and in my book none of it is how a underaged kid should be acting.
Obviously I don't want my daughter sexting but c'mon.. adding that to pictures of weed plants, jewelry, and whatever else bad thing he had isn't that big of a deal.

Sexting is like normal these days when it comes to teens.. is it right no. But you can't stop them from doing it. I guess unless you don't give them a phone to begin with.

But saying he's a bad kid cause he sexted is crazy.. the weedplants and all that I understand but sexting nah
What you expect Meek?
Dude cannot believe what he's saying . . .

Zimmerman: my brother had the right to defend himself

Piers Morgan: Did Trayvon Martin have the right to defend himself?

Robert Zimmerman: From What Piers, Trayvon Martin had the right to go home


As if Trayvon Martin wasn't trying to do that in the first place when he left 7/11 . . . this wouldn't have happened if Zimmerman either minded his own damn business or called the cops if he was legit concerned

i gotta turn off the tv
if a 17 yr old kid knocked you down and he started banging your head against the concrete, would u shoot him with your gun?
You can't get to this point in the story without going over what happened leading up to it . . . Zimmerman should have never got out of the car to approach dude . . . he should have called the cops . . . for someone walking back from the gas station
. . . now once he's beating your ***, you fight this 17 year old kid with your MMA trained 29 year old hands . . . you don't shoot him in the chest . . .
Would u be suspicious of a kid wearing a blk hoody in the middle of the night? I dont care what race the kid is, but if I see a kid wearing a hoody with previous reports of robberies in the neighborhood, I would keep an eye out on him.
Can see glimpses of that stereotyping and arrogance shining through.

No I would not be suspicious of anyone wearing a hoodie at night in the middle of February.
. It's extremely ignorant of you to assume that anyone wearing a hood in the winter is a thief.

If my family members were in this predicament, the blame would ultimately fall on them for getting out of the car after 911 told them not to pursue. It would not have been illegal for them to ignore the 911 operator and pursue the dude, but nothing good could come of that. It would have been in their best interest to stay in the car and call the cops . . . on someone coming back from the gas station with a bag of candy.

I really hope you're just playing devil's advocate and don't really believe what you're typing right now man.

If someone was following me, in the middle of the night I'm not about to wait and see what they are trying to do. For all Martin knew, Zimmerman was trying to rob/assault/abduct him.
lol sure, i may be stereotyping, but everyone does. I lived in the bronx for 21 years (not anymore) and i always kept an eye out for suspicious ppl. If I see someone with a hoody over their head with the news of robberies in the neighborhood, then of-effin-course im gonna suspect the person with hoody over their head walking in the middle of the night as being a criminal. No, im not playing devil's advocate. GZ did not provoke the fight. He asked trayvon what was he doing.
Zimmerman provoked the fight by getting out of that car. Dude wouldn't have got out if he was unarmed. If he stayed in the car and called the cops Trayvon would still be alive. But since he had that gun he felt like he could play policeman that night.

Bottom line, dude should have called the cops on the 17 year old kid walking back from the 7/11 with candy and tea.
yea, of course the reason why he got out of the car was because he had a gun. He felt safe and protected, but his plan wasn't to murder a kid. His initial plan was to see what Trayvon was doing in the middle of night, because he looked suspicious (keep in mind that there were robberies in the neighborhood the previous weeks) He volunteered for a night watch due to criminal activities occuring in the night. He didn't want to lose sight of Trayvon by staying in his car and waiting for the cops and I think he was brave to get out of the car and follow a potential criminal. I know I wouldnt have the balls to do that nonsense....maybe if I had a gun, but I most likely wouldn't.

im gonna be honest. When I first heard about this case, I didn't really care. I didn't know what was going on and I was actually on Trayvon's side. I'm korean, so I thought this was another white vs black race bullsshhhit. I've been watching the trial these past 2 weeks, since I found it interesting. It turned out GZ was not white at all and I learned the full story from each side's perspective. Like I said before, I thought Trayvon was wrongfully slayed, but I found it to be an act of self-defense.

Inb4 i get called racist
Trayvon was going to hit him with the ice tea can?
IF Martin was indeed smashing his head into the cement, that has the potential to cause a lot more harm than simply knocking him unconscious.. :smh: A lot of emotions clouding people's common sense on the whole situation. How anyone can stick up for a kid so adamantly who they do not know, down right hate a man who they have never met, and assume so much about a situation they were not a part of simply amazes me.
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Jeez, you really can't be serious? Where was this outrage when a black killed another black? You act like Whites are racist, but you turn a blind eye to the killings of your own race.
Trayvon landed punches, that is a proven fact.

I hate when white people tell black people what we care about.

Please do not do that.

Many of us do care, and do things. You just don't care, and neither does the media. So you don't see what we do.

So what have you done, we're all American's right? So until you do something, don't ever question what someone else is doing or has done.

I'm gonna leave this here as a reminder why people are upset about this case, when rulings like this come down:


Wow :smh:

Dudes came to their house at night shouting insults. Didn't this fool up here just mention respecting elders?

Dude comes out with a gun, and he hits at the gun?
So, if you parents saw that picture you took the day after you took it, they would have nothing to say about it. They would be totally cool.

Another question would you display that picture on your desk in your office at work.

They saw those pics when I forgot to log out of my FB and got irritated by them. "You think you're such a bad @#$ now huh :smh:" and gave me a hard time about it, but didn't @#$@% at me cause my dad, who is one of the most civilized people on earth today, used to be the same way at my age. Taking pics with cigars and hunting rifles as a 16 year old, trying to look hard :lol: Besides, I wasn't harming anyone, I wasn't doing anything criminal (besides underage drinking, which 99.9% of kids that age take part in), etc.

If I posted that at my desk at work, that would show a lack of maturity and a need for attention, not that I'm an evil person who's heading down the wrong path and deserve to get shot.
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zimmerman also saw these pictures I assume, before he shot Trayvon?

gentleman, the typical Trayvon Martin supporter.

At least some of you are finally looking at some of the facts/evidence and possibly seeing how Trayvon wasn't at all as how he was portrayed by the media or refuting outright which is normal.
so if you post sketchy pictures on instagram you deserve to die?
Yo ponder this though,

Black kills another black. Just another product of the hood life.

White kills black. Hate Crime, Racist, Murderer, throw out all facts.

All I'm saying is, next time another White on Black crime exists, or vice versa, you better be just as outraged, otherwise you're just sucked into what the media wants, Ratings.

Jeez, you really can't be serious? Where was this outrage when a black killed another black? You act like Whites are racist, but you turn a blind eye to the killings of your own race.
Trayvon landed punches, that is a proven fact.

I hate when white people tell black people what we care about.

Please do not do that.

Many of us do care, and do things. You just don't care, and neither does the media. So you don't see what we do.

So what have you done, we're all American's right? So until you do something, don't ever question what someone else is doing or has done.

I'm gonna leave this here as a reminder why people are upset about this case, when rulings like this come down:


Wow :smh:

Dudes came to their house at night shouting insults. Didn't this fool up here just mention respecting elders?

Dude comes out with a gun, and he hits at the gun?

NY laws different man, if zimmerman did this in NY he'd get booked too
I really don't understand how anyone could be on Zimmerman's side.  It would be one thing if Tray was killed within the vicinity of Zimmerman's vehicle, but this boy's body was found in between the back of homes on a dimly lit pathway.  That's enough to say Zimmerman got out of his vehicle in pursuit of trouble, and found it.  This just ensures me that black people have absolutely no rights at all.  This really sickens me.
the evidence wasn't there to convict him of murder/man slaughter in the court of law... they needed to prove he was guilty

it's really not about picking sides personally
all you guys saying zimmerman should have never approached trayvon orgot out of his car are correct but does that mean he is not allowed to do so.

pretty simple trial if you ask me.

Just another example of the privilege they carry in their invisible backpack.
Obviously I don't want my daughter sexting but c'mon.. adding that to pictures of weed plants, jewelry, and whatever else bad thing he had isn't that big of a deal.

Sexting is like normal these days when it comes to teens.. is it right no. But you can't stop them from doing it. I guess unless you don't give them a phone to begin with.

But saying he's a bad kid cause he sexted is crazy.. the weedplants and all that I understand but sexting nah

No you cant stop all of it but you can let them know what will happen if you found out.
I never paid full attention to this case but I don't agree with this verdict.

The teen was being followed by an armed stranger. Zimmermman was looking for a confrontation.

The teen was unarmed and was killed.

This guy goes vigilante on someone who had not done anything to provoke being followed or assaulted.

Did trayvon steal anything? Was he a robber?

Seems like he was a victim of zimmermans anger and misplaced frustration.

Trayvon was at the wrong place at the wrong time and died for no plausible reason but by zimmermans assumption that he was a criminal.

Zimmerman should be in jail.
All this has taught me is I never want to have kids... I don't want to lose them like this, I don't want to have to teach them to be scared of walking around in a neighborhood I pay a mortgage in, I don't want to teach them the etiquette on how to deal with cops, I don't want to have to teach them that even if you defend yourself or raise your voice to a non-black person you are possibly going to die or go to jail, I don't want to have to teach them that no matter how successful you are as a man/woman your skin color dictates every move you make or the perception of you
This really hurts because this kid did absolutely nothing wrong and is dead and this man walks free, diddy bopping out of the courtroom with no remorse for what he did but people want to bring up black on black crime, smh...
I knew this dude was going to walk as soon as I heard this in the news
R.I.P. Trayvon Martin
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Yo ponder this though,

Black kills another black. Just another product of the hood life.

White kills black. Hate Crime, Racist, Murderer, throw out all facts.

All I'm saying is, next time another White on Black crime exists, or vice versa, you better be just as outraged, otherwise you're just sucked into what the media wants, Ratings.

well will talk about that when we get to that bridge, but right now we are on this bridge...deflecting discussion to other incidents does nothing but ensure that nothing will ever be discussed.
Vick slays dogs, JAIL
Plaxico shoots HIMSELF, JAIL
Zimmerman... :smh:

Yeah, I don't know if those are great examples to be using. Those guys def broke the law, and there was more than enough evidence to convict them.

In this trial there was just no definitive piece of evidence to convict GZ. (Thanks to FLA's ****** up laws and GZ killing the only other person to witness the entire ordeal.)
You dont see anything wrong with a underage girl or boy sexting. So if this was you daughter sexting you see nothing wrong with it.

You say underaged, he died at 17 so everything we see is of him when he was underaged and in my book none of it is how a underaged kid should be acting.
You must of been a virgin through high school
i didn't want to be the guy who said something like this . . . but dude is really trying to take down martin's character because girls sent him pictures
Hold on, HLN just said that the jurors don't get the instructions in writing. So when they requested clarification of manslaughter and didn't get it, they had to just use their own judgment?

Is this right?

The guy on there was saying that the judge should have just re-read the manslaughter instructions.
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What does this prove or disprove?​

"A hand holding a semi automatic pistol?"​


Could not have even been him and if it was, that has nothing to do with him just buying some candy from the gas station that night.​

"Underage nude females"​

So girls sent him pictures? . . . So?​

"A clump of jewelry on a bed"​

What does this even have to do with anything?​

"Marijuana plants"​

. . . Okay​

Dudes reaching to make it seem like Trayvon had no business doing what he was doing that night . . . If someone is following me at night and they aren't police I'm not waiting to see what they want . . . and I'm sure none of you would either.​

Like I said I hope y'all are just trying to play devil's advocate​


Youre just going to throw that in the river?

Picture of him holding a gun, you're just going to throw that out like that, it just cant be him? And you follow that with 'if it was him, that has nothing to do with what happened that night". You cannot be serious as you type that.

Underage pics of females have to be sent to him right? But that picture of him holding the gun, definitely not him or can not even be related right?

See this is the type of logic many of you have, it's sad, you can't argue against it. He says the pictures of the females are his, but throws out the most damaging piece of evidence the picture of him brandishing a pistol, as "it can't be him" or if it was "it has nothing to do with what happened that night".

No way to argue against an idiot.
you would know what im talking about if u have been watching the trial.
You would also know that rachel heard trayvon say get off too
true and this is where I thought GZ was in the wrong. But we dont really know what actually happened besides the conversation. Trayvon prolly kept walking away and GZ grabbed his shoulders to prevent him from walking away. This is when Trayvon reportedly hit GZ first (GZ probably did not expect the attack), knocking him to the ground and started pummeling/banging his head against the concrete.

What we do know is that Trayvon reportedly said 'something something crackers', which shows that he had some hate towards white people. Sure GZ shouldnt have held trayvon, but Trayvon was the one that initiated the attack. GZ wanted to question trayvon, but he unexpectedly got attacked.
IF Martin was indeed smashing his head into the cement, that has the potential to cause a lot more harm than simply knocking him unconscious..
A lot of emotions clouding people's common sense on the whole situation. How anyone can stick up for a kid so adamantly who they do not know, down right hate a man who they have never met, and assume so much about a situation they were not a part of simply amazes me.
Zimmerman chased dude when he had no busy doing so...He got served...The rest is history. I'm out...going to some appreciation threads....Ain't **** else to discuss without ruining my night and my burn...
Yo ponder this though,
Black kills another black. Just another product of the hood life.
White kills black. Hate Crime, Racist, Murderer, throw out all facts.
All I'm saying is, next time another White on Black crime exists, or vice versa, you better be just as outraged, otherwise you're just sucked into what the media wants, Ratings.

You really aren't saying anything thought provoking or deep. Black people discuss black on black crime.

So stop telling us what we should care about.

Since you like grouping all of us together as one as if you're talking down to us.

As if your opinion matters more, because you're white.

Why don't you care about a black kid being killed for once and bring him justice.
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