R.I.P Trayvon

See this is what i'm talking about. You defend this man-Trayvon Martin, with sword and shield while you don't even know the whole story.


"Kruidbos testified last month that he found embarrassing photos found on Trayvon's cellphone, including pictures of [COLOR=#red]a clump of jewelry on a bed[/COLOR], underage nude females, marijuana plants and a hand holding a semiautomatic pistol. Defense attorneys allege that data wasn't turned over to them as part of the evidence exchange process, known as discovery."

Thanks for supporting our argument regarding stereotypes in America.
"A clump of jewelry". You and ol' boy who got fired need to be slapped.
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They saw those pics when I forgot to log out of my FB and got irritated by them. "You think you're such a bad @#$ now huh :smh:" and gave me a hard time about it, but didn't @#$@% at me cause my dad, who is one of the most civilized people on earth today, used to be the same way at my age. Taking pics with cigars and hunting rifles, trying to look hard :lol: Besides, I wasn't harming anyone, I wasn't doing anything criminal (besides underage drinking, which 99.9% of kids that age take part in), etc.

If I posted that at my desk at work, that would show a lack of maturity and a need for attention, not that I'm an evil person who's heading down the wrong path and deserve to get shot.

One picture wont show you heading down a wrong path but multiple pictures in varying degree can suggest that person may not be making the smartest decisions in life and at 17 and under your are direct reflection of your parents. Suggesting that you may not have the strongest parental control, which could lead one to believe that just maybe this person has no one to guide them in the right direction.
Exactly what does any of that have to do with the case?

You don't know what the pictures were of and what they were from. They could have been some pics someone else sent him or pics from twitter.

Again, you fail to mention any of Zimmerman's past transgressions, his school record or his medication history.

Did you even read the article, if you READ the article you would know how damaging this is to the prosecution's case.

So much that they DID NOT give this INFORMATION to the Zimmerman defense, and handed it over ENCRYPTED in a manner that it will be impossible to identify.

That is why they might be facing some LEGAL CHARGES.

Jesus, if youre going to quote the article, at least read it.
i dont even think TM started the fight cuz really what black dude wants to go to jail for beating up a white dude?
the evidence wasn't there to convict him of murder/man slaughter in the court of law... they needed to prove he was guilty

it's really not about picking sides personally
Where that boys body was found is proof a nuff.  Body position is evidence too.  Excuse me for saying this, but an all women jury is where the prosecution went wrong.  Women are submissive, and think it's ok to be confronted and questioned by people that have absolutely no authority over you. 

Zimmerman had no right to question, follow, or confront Trayvon.  So there for Tray had the right as an American to act accordingly.
You really think that picture of him with the middle fingers up is the issue?

Let me help you out....It's the one of him holding a gun buddy.

Which was not given to the defense.

How is that even relevant to him getting murdered over nothing? Dude could've been catching bodies day and night, but that doesn't change the fact that he got murdered.

A lot of you were angels at that age, weren't you? :rolleyes And here's no way in hell TM could've been posing with a gun trying to look hard to impress his friends, like so many other people have done in the past :rolleyes
Thanks for supporting our argument regarding stereotypes in America.
"A clump of jewelry". You and ol' boy who got fired need to be slapped.

Yea, the clump of jewelry.

Let's just skip over the Gun part, and go straight for the jewelry, that'll get him.

Wow . . . 
wow what? wouldnt u think so, too?

a random guy who volunteered to be on night watch for his neighborhood and he decides to follow a potential criminal, despite what might happen to him. sounds brave to me...i know i wouldnt it because i dont have the balls to do that.
Yo ponder this though,
Black kills another black. Just another product of the hood life.
White kills black. Hate Crime, Racist, Murderer, throw out all facts.
All I'm saying is, next time another White on Black crime exists, or vice versa, you better be just as outraged, otherwise you're just sucked into what the media wants, Ratings.

This has been answered like 10 times for you but you keep ignoring it ,when people give you calm logical answers to why this is.

Just another example of the privilege they carry in their invisible backpack.

Sad :smh:

All this has taught me is I never want to have kids... I don't want to lose them like this, I don't want to have to teach them to be scared of walking around in a neighborhood I pay a mortgage in, I don't want to teach them the etiquette on how to deal with cops, I don't want to have to teach them that even if you defend yourself or raise your voice to a non-black person you are possibly going to die or go to jail, I don't want to have to teach them that no matter how successful you are as a man/woman your skin color dictates every move you make or the perception of you
This really hurts because this kid did absolutely nothing wrong and is dead and this man walks free, diddy bopping out of the courtroom with no remorse for what he did but people want to bring up black on black crime, smh...
I knew this dude was going to walk as soon as I heard this in the news
R.I.P. Trayvon Martin

Well said

We have that burden or representing every black person in America, good or bad.

In 2013 we're still being treated like it's 1913.

What are you doing here? Where are you going?

Our skin is our sin
so how is he absolved of the end result simply based off the fact that it wasnt illegal to get out a car?
1. It is not illegal to get out of the car

2. It was not illegal to see what Trayvon was doing

3. It was not proven by the prosecution that Zimmerman started the confrontration

4. It was not proven that Zimmerman threw that first punch.

5. It was not proven that Zimmerman was or wasn't in life threatning danger, all that was proven is by the medical examiners who stated that Zimmerman could have died/knocked unconsious simply from having his head knocked against concrete.

6. Self Defense is not illegal, Prosecution failed to prove otherwise.

7. Blame the prosecution, not every white person in the country.
So according to some NTers, it's ok to go out and murder kids who try to act hard in front of the camera. AKA 75% of 17 year olds :lol: I went to a good school at that age but it wasn't filled with all these wannabe Carlton Banks types on here.
The whole photos/Kruidbos issue is quite interesting/complex.  As far as the trial is concerned, unless the defense was arguing that Martin had a gun at some point during the altercation, I am not sure how they would bring that photo in as relevant evidence.  If Zimmerman had knowledge of the photo, then that could make it relevant because it would show that he had reasonable concern that Martin would be armed. I do not remember hearing that Zimmerman had seen any such photo.  Therefore, the importance of the photos seem more relevant to public opinion than to the trial.

The issue with Kruidbos is quite important. It will eventually come out whether he was being truthful or whether he was lying.  The importance of his claim is that the prosecution would be perpetrating a huge injustice to the trial system by hiding evidence from the defense.  There are many counterarguments to his claims that the state attorney's office can make. This situation will be interesting to see play out.
downtown miami
i dont care what race those rioters are. I want the police to use strong aggressive force to capture these criminals and send them to jail.
was manslaughter on the table?

and what the mandatory minimum?

i have a hard time believing you couldnt have a

manslaughter charge stick...then again im not exactly a law expert

probably woulda been better off doing 6-7 years.....people woulda just hit him with the

"he served his time and paid his debt to society" as opposed what i could only

imagine would be the worst quality of life a free man can possibly experience

...dude not even gonna be able to buy a big mac without the paranoia of someone

spitting on it
the evidence wasn't there to convict him of murder/man slaughter in the court of law... they needed to prove he was guilty

it's really not about picking sides personally
Where that boys body was found is proof a nuff.  Body position is evidence too.  Excuse me for saying this, but an all women jury is where the prosecution went wrong.  Women are submissive, and think it's ok to be confronted and questioned by people that have absolutely no authority over you. 

Zimmerman had no right to question, follow, or confront Trayvon.  So there for Tray had the right as an American to act accordingly.
he actually has all the right to do that. just as much as trayvon has the right to react how he wants to react to the situation. now im not saying theres no consequences on either side but they both have the right to do what they want
How is that even relevant to him getting murdered over nothing? Dude could've been catching bodies day and night, but that doesn't change the fact that he got murdered.

A lot of you were angels at that age, weren't you? :rolleyes And here's no way in hell TM could've been posing with a gun trying to look hard to impress his friends, like so many other people have done in the past :rolleyes

Right, because guns are sold at my local corner store. Let me save up and buy a pistol so my friends can all see my gun.

You cannot be this gullible.

Why would a young upholding citizen which happens to be a young little boy as many of you put it, ever need a pistol?

As for the mj plants, jewelry, girls; those were not the key words in that article, but many of you seem to cling onto it.. and that's alright, it just shows the ignorance on your part, just brushing off the gun part.
You really aren't saying anything thought provoking or deep. Black people discuss black on black crime.

So stop telling us what we should care about.

Since you like grouping all of us together as one as if you're talking down to us.

As if your opinion matters more, because you're white.

Why don't you care about a black kid being killed for once and bring him justice.
Justice that was never proven in the court of law? right?
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