R.I.P Trayvon

You may not think so but there is relevance there.

Black on black crime = no one cares

PERCEIVED White on Black crime = national news. 

You need to change that

black on black crime = most white people don't care

Stop telling us what we care about, it's the epitome of the white privilege and racist mentality that exist in this country.
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Following someone, although stupid, is NOT A CRIME.  ANYWHERE!  It is not a crime.  By the way, I don't hear very many of you crying over the 20 homicides in Chicago in the first week of July.  Some of those victimes were way younger than Trayvon.  

The reason why you barely hear anything from Chicago is because the story doesnt fit the agenda.

Not surprised by the decision. The hypocrisy of Bernie De La Rionda, John Guy, and Angela Corey on the subject of "profiling" is comical considering they put young Black males in prison for long sentences all the time.
Word you know everyone in this thread personally?? Didn't know that, tell me, are those victims publicized 1/10th as much? HELL NO because the media doesn't care about black people killing black people, that's the sad truth. The only murder that got major pub was that young 3 yr old girl (Jonaylah) who was unfortunately shot when goons came to get her dad. People spilling this nonsense about outrage not being there are either ignorant of facts, or just in denial. Tell me, what have you done personally or shown outrage about the millions killed in rawandan genocide or the millions of other people killed worldwide in senseless violence since you want to try and guilt people you don't know nor know what they do outside of a damn message board.

"Oh y'all can only be outraged about one thing at a time" seriously anyone saying this or claiming there is no outrage about murders in Chicago or anywhere else may not have the mental capacity to absorb multiple tragedies of senseless violence but other people do, so you don't see the outrage because you choose not to, period. Because if you even spent 5 minutes on google you'd find evidence of a strong out crying and outrage,but y'all don't wanna do that, instead you'll come in here and try and be all high and mighty when in the end you sound foolish.

You didn't know, white people know us better than ourselves.
The only time I hear about people caring about what's going on in Chi is in rap songs.


If I'm wrong I apologize but maybe all this focus and energy should go into those deaths.

Maybe you should stop displacing your ignorance on others then.
so how is he absolved of the end result simply based off the fact that it wasnt illegal to get out a car?

1. It is not illegal to get out of the car
2. It was not illegal to see what Trayvon was doing
3. It was not proven by the prosecution that Zimmerman started the confrontration
4. It was not proven that Zimmerman threw that first punch.
5. It was not proven that Zimmerman was or wasn't in life threatning danger, all that was proven is by the medical examiners who stated that Zimmerman could have died/knocked unconsious simply from having his head knocked against concrete.
6. Self Defense is not illegal, Prosecution failed to prove otherwise.
7. Blame the prosecution, not every white person in the country.

Basically.. Trayvon brung a knife to a gun fight

When he decided to approach george zimmerman

To confront him on why he was being followed..

Zimmerman was a *** hole using da burner but

It was well within his right.
I have to ask and I am not trying to be a jag....

but why does everyone say zimmerman is white (half white/half peruvian) and obama is black (half white/half black)?

is it context? media?
This country is where your culture dies for da

Most part because idiots dont understand or

Respect multiculturalism...

i guess my thing is that he isn't JUST white.... the perception shouldn't be "white" but Peruvian/German(not sure what his white heritage is)....
white is white dawg... Just like how amerikkka say black is black... Don't let the media decide what u think

Umm you're SUPER uninformed... You're a example

Why i gotta explain what makes me a hispanic every

Week :smh: :lol:
Following him was not stupid. he was trying to be a responsible citizen which is more than anyone knows about TM. Everyone should know that not minding your business is dangerous. GZ took a stance.. If someone came up to me talkin about "Hey your the one who stole my stapler!" If I didn't steal it, he can call and say whatever he wanted. Im not gonna put hands on him for accusing me of something I didn't do. ALL of you would do the same. STOP DEFENDING ONE MANS IGNORANCE BECAUSE HE IS BLACK.

but no Al Sharpton, how is he not green lighted?

Have you watched Al Sharpton's show on MSNBC?

In reality instead of some of you saying people don't care. You should be saying Faux News doesn't care until they want to use that silly defense for Zimmerman.
Following someone, although stupid, is NOT A CRIME.  ANYWHERE!  It is not a crime.  By the way, I don't hear very many of you crying over the 20 homicides in Chicago in the first week of July.  Some of those victimes were way younger than Trayvon.  

No one cares because those aren't "white" on "black" crimes.

The same re-hashed argument. It's not a "no one cares" situation. Half the time there is no defendant so why would there be media coverage of a non-existent trial? Would these be cases of self defense or is it drug/gang/money related?

What about the Hadiya Pendelton(sp) case? That received media attention and public outrage.

Let me go around following people in my neighborhood and questioning them because hey "it's not a crime". How do we know ZIm did not grab at Trayvon causing him to react? We don't know because there's only one side to this story
This is a Trayvon Martin thread, not a Chicago killing thread

You may not think so but there is relevance there.

Black on black crime = no one cares

PERCEIVED White on Black crime = national news. 

Tell me how you know that nobody cares. What determines "caring" to you? And after you establish that, again, tell me how YOU know that nobody cares.

Give me legitimate, concrete examples of how nobody cares about black on black crime.

but no Al Sharpton, how is he not green lighted?

Have you watched Al Sharpton's show on MSNBC?

In reality instead of some of you saying people don't care. You should be saying Faux News doesn't care until they want to use that silly defense for Zimmerman.

...that's because it's a show he gets paid for.

he only shows up to events when he's paid for.
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yall are autmatically assuming that TM put hands on GZ first tho arent you? that TM was really getting ready to kill or knock out this dude on this sidewalk and just walk home casual after that?  i think GZ started it by grabbing him, threw the first punch and got caught. TM was prolly just gonna defend himself tryna make sure GZ wasnt gonna be able to follow him at that point, but not to the point of cracking his skull on cement.
This is a Trayvon Martin thread, not a Chicago killing thread

You may not think so but there is relevance there.

Black on black crime = no one cares

PERCEIVED White on Black crime = national news. 

Tell me how you know that nobody cares. What determines "caring" to you? And after you establish that, again, tell me how YOU know that nobody cares.

Give me legitimate, concrete examples of how nobody cares about black on black crime.

You know cant be this naive...more people die

In Chicago then Afghanistan...huge outrage over

Da war on terror...chief keef lookin cats wasting

Each other? Mehh not so much...
:smh: I'm glad I was away for a few days.. This just sucks for everyone involved... Botched charges, botched investigation.

I had some family do jury duty and got onto some cases where they simply had to let the guy go even with so much evidence against him. The laws and the lawyers make it quite a challenge to accomplish things as a team/unit. They had to answer like 8-9 questions and if one was 'wrong', they had to let the guy go.. It's all a bunch of BS technicalities.

Sadly now Don West thinks he's actually a good lawyer. A laborador retriever could have won this one for GZ. West was the worst attorney I have ever seen on these 'tv trials' that I have ever seen.
Following him was not stupid. he was trying to be a responsible citizen which is more than anyone knows about TM. Everyone should know that not minding your business is dangerous. GZ took a stance.. If someone came up to me talkin about "Hey your the one who stole my stapler!" If I didn't steal it, he can call and say whatever he wanted. Im not gonna put hands on him for accusing me of something I didn't do. ALL of you would do the same. STOP DEFENDING ONE MANS IGNORANCE BECAUSE HE IS BLACK.

You know cant be this naive...more people die

In Chicago then Afghanistan...huge outrage over

Da war on terror...chief keef lookin cats wasting

Each other? Mehh not so much...

And people are asking for the national guard, why?

Because you are ignorant and don't know about it or what they're trying to do or doing, doesn't mean it's not being done.

Some of you can't seem to get that through your skulls.
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