R.I.P Trayvon

The people who are disappointed are looking at this as a black/white thing. The people who are not can see that its a simple right/wrong thing. If some people weren't so sensitive to star fighting over words than things like this wouldn't happen. Regardless of whatever it is I say, you have no right to put hands on me. If you do, I have the right to protect myself. THIS WAS A CLEAN SELF DEFENSE CASE. If you changed the people around, I would say the same thing.
dont follow and harass me, we wont have no problems
Im not saying he should go to jail for not listening to the dispatcher but if he called it in and someone told him to stay put, police will be on there way and he ignored, then how can he come out now saying " i was defending myself"

All of this could have been avoided if ZIm showed he had a gun on him or told TM that he had a gun on him. Would trayvon have attacked a bigger guy with a gun on him?

If I believe someone is in danger I am not waiting for the police to come...who knows how long that would be?

The real question is why would Zimmerman go up to him and pick a fight with him and then shoot him if he knew the police were coming?

But what danger was anyone in? Yea no one knows but the minute Trayvon throws a punch, boom he has the right to be killed per the law
you've been reported

this thread is going to be like shooting fish in a barrel

reported for what? should i edit it to say racist? there are white people who think like him, support has been shown in this thread

it's too late, you equate 'white' with 'racist'

you already showed your "true colors"

but it's ok, until you're banned everyone will agree with you, because you being openly racist towards whites is leaps and bounds better than the "closet racists" NT seems to find every time someone disagrees with them.
dont follow and harass me, we wont have no problems

this. you can say that GZ had the right to defend himself against getting a beatdown...well didnt TM have a right to defend himself against an armed man stalking him at night? he had no weapon, he was staying/living in the neighborhood, etc. and as much as it is racial profiling, i hate that its what people want to focus on. how about a young man being shot and killed for no good reason, and an ambiguous law out of the wild wild west saying that its all good and legal? RIP.
but still he's white and a judge boy gonna pull strings... He got off on 3 arrest already, including battery on an officer

i guess my thing is that he isn't JUST white.... the perception shouldn't be "white" but Peruvian/German(not sure what his white heritage is)....
im not being racist against all white people tho, im not stereotyping every white person and saying they are racist, only those that support profiling and harassment.
But zimmerman looks ethnic to me....he doesn't "look" white, where as obama "looks" black....

No he doesn't, because that's why so many people are defending him now. So people thought George Zimmerman was hispanic when it first happen?

You don't have to be pasty white to be white.

Saying his Peruvian is saying the country. You have white and black South Americans.

And IMO he looks more ethnic fat

View media item 494667
i guess my thing is that he isn't JUST white.... the perception shouldn't be "white" but Peruvian/German(not sure what his white heritage is)....
white is white dawg... Just like how amerikkka say black is black... Don't let the media decide what u think
it's too late, you equate 'white' with 'racist'

you already showed your "true colors"

but it's ok, until you're banned everyone will agree with you, because you being openly racist towards whites is leaps and bounds better than the "closet racists" NT seems to find every time someone disagrees with them.

Black people can't be racist towards whites in this country. Prejudice and bigotry are different from racism.

This case proves that we have absolutely no power.

You need to watch some Tim Wise comments on youtube
So yall gonna forget the fact he got in a scuffle with an officer.... If he got free then then killing a black boy is nothing to these kkk folks sitting behind the jury and judge
So whats happens now? 

I see there was a whole bunch of rallies with people saying "no justice, no peace" after the verdict was read. I guess a bunch of people also blacked out there social media pictures as well. 

What is the next step? Do people just go home after they are done chanting? Will people just change their social media profile picture back to normal now? 

I am curious to see what comes out of this, if anything at all. 
The NAACP on Saturday night posted a petition to the Department of Justice, asking Attorney General Eric Holder to file civil rights charges against Zimmerman.

And I'm pretty positive Florida's stand your ground laws will be changed now that everyone is aware how ridiculous it is.

But I love sarcastic comments like this, because you don't really care, or don't know about change doesn't mean it doesn't happen
I wasn't being sarcastic. I don't know how my questions led you to believe that I don't care, or that I don't know about change.  They are legitimate questions that I wanted the answers to. 

I did not follow this case. I just want to know what the people that did follow the case, participate in rally's, and change social media pictures who do not agree with the outcome will do going forward. I want to know if the outrage was all for show, or if they are really about the change they want.

While the NAACP is doing their thing, what is the next course of action for the average citizen who had a vested interest in this case? 
Can we do a "trade a state" program :lol: between floridas ridiculous laws and Texas banning pads and tampons in the Capitol yet allowing guns then Kansas proposing to force women into getting sterilized if they have an abortion, we are slowly going to ****. Ill take Puerto Rico as a state and trade Florida at this point smh Texas always tries to secede half heartedly as well.

(Not srs, but sort of srs) smh
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