R.I.P Trayvon

if you think GZ had a right, as in a plausible belief that TM was IN THE ACT OF committing a crime, that GZ had a plausible reason to believe that on that night at that time that TM was a CRIMINAL, then I believe you are a racist. Is that fair to say? 
but still he's white and a judge boy gonna pull strings... He got off on 3 arrest already, including battery on an officer

i guess my thing is that he isn't JUST white.... the perception shouldn't be "white" but Peruvian/German(not sure what his white heritage is)....

George Zimmerman himself sees and describes himself as white. As I said in here before, Zimmerman has the complexion for the protection....for the collection.
if you think GZ had a right, as in a plausible belief that TM was IN THE ACT OF committing a crime, that GZ had a plausible reason to believe that on that night at that time that TM was a CRIMINAL, then I believe you are a racist. Is that fair to say? 

but you said white mentality.

you cant change what you wrote, it's quoted.

come on, stop trying to change things, you can't switch to a "closet racist" now.
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it's too late, you equate 'white' with 'racist'

you already showed your "true colors"

but it's ok, until you're banned everyone will agree with you, because you being openly racist towards whites is leaps and bounds better than the "closet racists" NT seems to find every time someone disagrees with them.
dont make base assumptions for me.

i said a white mentality, as in a certain, specific, racist mentality. Not THE all encompassing mentality for all white people as if there is only one mentality for a whole race of people. 
I wasn't being sarcastic. I don't know how my questions led you to believe that I don't care, or that I don't know about change.
They are legitimate questions that I wanted the answers to. 

I did not follow this case. I just want to know what the people that did follow the case, participate in rally's, and change social media pictures who do not agree with the outcome will do going forward. I want to know if the outrage was all for show, or if they are really about the change they want.

While the NAACP is doing their thing, what is the next course of action for the average citizen who had a vested interest in this case? 

What are you going to do instead of worrying what others are going to do?
Following someone, although stupid, is NOT A CRIME.  ANYWHERE!  It is not a crime.  By the way, I don't hear very many of you crying over the 20 homicides in Chicago in the first week of July.  Some of those victimes were way younger than Trayvon.  
This case should have never been in court. It is so disgusting how the media had a story line built for this case and they picked and chose what information to report, the edited msnbc police call for Zimmerman for instance. What is more surprising is how much influence has on people, intelligent people on this very board for that matter.

While its true Zimmerman is a hateable wanna-be-cop, his story and the evidence pointed to the fact that he was defending himself. Zimmerman is NOT a racist. The dude works with black youths. I cannot believe how racist some black folk are and NO ONE is calling them out. Talking about cracker this and cracker that and kill white people...

Why shouldn't it have gone to court?

Defending himself from what? Those life threatening scratches?

Zimmerman isn't racist? How do you know? At the very least he's prejudiced. So who are those people that always get away?

Black people can not be racist in this country.

I think you need to go to yahoo or cnn and read some comments from the comment section.
this is essentially about "some" white people privilege to profile and persecute and justify it as they overstep their bounds
Following you and talking to you is not against the law. If you have a problem with me following you, call the police. If everyone is able to star putting hands on people because they think the other person is doing isn't "right", what kind of world would we live in? You cannot take sides in any case based solely on the fact of race. "He was a young black man, what happened to him was wrong." Miss me wit that shallow, cry baby talk. His parents should have raised him better.
dont make base assumptions for me.

i said a white mentality, as in a certain, specific, racist mentality. Not THE all encompassing mentality for all white people as if there is only one mentality for a whole race of people. 

So why wouldn't you just say "racist mentality" instead?
what is profiling if not racist?
Profiling is wrong at times, but it is also effective.  If there is a red head, middle-aged man robbing people in your neighborhood, are you telling me you would not be suspicious of red-headed, middle-aged man walking around in your neighborhood?  if you say no, sir, you are a better man than I. 

I am Indian and I get profiled constantly at airports and the subway and randomly.  But you know what, I don't get upset or cry racism because the extremists that want to hurt people in this country kind of look like me.  

Profiling has its advantages.  
Following someone, although stupid, is NOT A CRIME.  ANYWHERE!  It is not a crime.  By the way, I don't hear very many of you crying over the 20 homicides in Chicago in the first week of July.  Some of those victimes were way younger than Trayvon.  

Shooting them dead with a gun is.

Here goes the typical white response they heard on Faux...I don't hear very many crying about Chicago blah blah. Has that been their talking point since last night, because at least five people have said this nonsense.

Many people do care about the violence in Chicago. Maybe you should read on it. No, the issue is, you really don't care.

What's wrong? I have cancer. That's too bad, well people die of cancer every day, you shouldn't be upset.

My friend died. Twenty people died in Afghanistan last month.


I love how racist are the first ones to try and call the other race with no power racist.
Following you and talking to you is not against the law. If you have a problem with me following you, call the police. If everyone is able to star putting hands on people because they think the other person is doing isn't "right", what kind of world would we live in? You cannot take sides in any case based solely on the fact of race. "He was a young black man, what happened to him was wrong." Miss me wit that shallow, cry baby talk. His parents should have raised him better.
TM should have called the police now?

at the end of the day why couldnt GZ just mind his own business?
Following someone, although stupid, is NOT A CRIME.  ANYWHERE!  It is not a crime.  By the way, I don't hear very many of you crying over the 20 homicides in Chicago in the first week of July.  Some of those victimes were way younger than Trayvon.  

I agree with you. Stupid, but not a crime. But with any stupid action you have to be prepared to face the consequences. GZ followed TM (a stupid decision), was confronted, got into a fight, was losing, pulled out a gun and shot and killed TM. GZ made a stupid decision, and was paying for it. But where in there did TM deserve to be killed? Personally I dont believe that winning a fight is grounds to get shot and killed, especially considering the preceding circumstances of being followed. We may have to agree to disagree, but I think its a damn shame that GZ was able to hide behind "stand your ground".
I wasn't being sarcastic. I don't know how my questions led you to believe that I don't care, or that I don't know about change.
They are legitimate questions that I wanted the answers to. 

I did not follow this case. I just want to know what the people that did follow the case, participate in rally's, and change social media pictures who do not agree with the outcome will do going forward. I want to know if the outrage was all for show, or if they are really about the change they want.

While the NAACP is doing their thing, what is the next course of action for the average citizen who had a vested interest in this case? 
What are you going to do instead of worrying what others are going to do?
In reference to the outcome of this case, I am not going to do anything. I wasn't at any rally's and didn't change any social media pictures though.

But for the people that did do those things and are apparently outraged... what are they going to do? 
Following someone, although stupid, is NOT A CRIME.  ANYWHERE!  It is not a crime.  By the way, I don't hear very many of you crying over the 20 homicides in Chicago in the first week of July.  Some of those victimes were way younger than Trayvon.  

Word you know everyone in this thread personally?? Didn't know that, tell me, are those victims publicized 1/10th as much? HELL NO because the media doesn't care about black people killing black people, that's the sad truth. The only murder that got major pub was that young 3 yr old girl (Jonaylah) who was unfortunately shot when goons came to get her dad. People spilling this nonsense about outrage not being there are either ignorant of facts, or just in denial. Tell me, what have you done personally or shown outrage about the millions killed in rawandan genocide or the millions of other people killed worldwide in senseless violence since you want to try and guilt people you don't know nor know what they do outside of a damn message board.

"Oh y'all can only be outraged about one thing at a time" seriously anyone saying this or claiming there is no outrage about murders in Chicago or anywhere else may not have the mental capacity to absorb multiple tragedies of senseless violence but other people do, so you don't see the outrage because you choose not to, period. Because if you even spent 5 minutes on google you'd find evidence of a strong out crying and outrage,but y'all don't wanna do that, instead you'll come in here and try and be all high and mighty when in the end you sound foolish.
can't control what happens in chriaq but Florida stupid law is the main concern it got the boy free with the help of his daddy

Actually it can be controlled what happens in Chi.

Problem is no one cares, see how everyone wants to become an activist when it's to their liking ?

People should be proactive all the time in dealing with hear matters, not just when it's trending on twitter.

People care. Like where do y'all get this from that NOBODY cares about people being murdered?!? The president of our country as well as the First Lady have BOTH spoken on this repeatedly and visited. Tons and tons of other people are outraged, including me and many others in here. It is not binary.
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