R.I.P Trayvon

Heliumcl going back and forth with with him is useless .The trolls love this thread always the first ones to post once it hits the first page

If you are referring to me as a troll, what exactly makes me one?
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C'mon man. You gotta try harder than that. You can't just pick and choose parts of a response and restructure them the way that you like.

This is what I said:

During my first semester freshmen year, one of my buddies was got ticketed for minor consumption and public intoxication. They cuffed him and sat him on the curb. We were on our way to a party, so the rest of us are standing to the side waiting for this to be over. Once finished, they stand him up and proceed to walk him towards the squad car. I then walk over and let the cops know that there's no need for that and that I'm going to walk him back and make sure he gets back to the dorms safely. They hand me the ticket and we proceed to the party.

That's almost getting arrested.

In response to this, which was asked by you:

Let me ask you since you seem knowledgable. What equates to almost being arrested?

I gave you a situation in which someone was almost arrested. In the story you shared with us, you were never going to be arrested. You were just scared.

I don't understand why you chose to focus on the handcuffs. That was just a small detail.
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"Versace, Versace, Versace, Versace,Versace, Versace. This is a gated community, please get the efff off the property" - Drake
This line always remind me of Zimmerman.
You consign all the racist in this thread

But you aren't as bad as the others

Water,ninja etc
^^ Calling someone racist isn't name calling.

Name calling would be something like *******, *******, ******, ect.

Notice how those get censored.
Some members are quick to call other users out for being "racist" when in actuality its moreso differences of opinion then that member being racist.

Are there members on here that have racist views? I'm pretty sure so and its not limited to strictly white members but to call someone out and accuse them of being racist just because you disagree with their views is extreme when that calling out of them lacks any real substance.
Racist has become a buzzword on NT that's used in attempts to discredit someone with a differing opinion.

It is absolutely name calling, but it won't be treated as such.
so "idiot" wouldnt be name calling since its not censored?
The definition of name calling is:

verbal abuse; a crude substitute for argument; "sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me".

As far as I know, calling someone a racist is not verbal abuse, whereas calling someone an "idiot" is.
I honestly do not know why "Stand Your Ground," has become one of the primary targets of black civil right advocates.

Florida's "Stand Your Ground Statute," was not used as part of the George Zimmerman's legal defense. I also do not see how SYG is inherently racist. The reason why George Zimmerman felt like he could pursue, shoot and be excused of any legal wrong doing has more to do with a legacy and mentality of white supremacy than it has to with SYG. A suburban, center-right, soccer mom, consensus that exults law enforcement and self appointed parapolice in the fight against the other, often times an other that takes the form of a young black man, is another driving force behind Mr. Zimmerman's actions.

If anything, a more robust stand your ground should have existed in Florida because black people are more likely to be victims of violent crime than white people and black people should have a lot of legal leeway when they fight back. A more robust SYG could have spared a Marissa Alexander from prison. A weak SYG law or no SYG law puts more discretion in the hands of prosecutors and juries, who have biases against black, youth and male defendants.

Those of use who care about civil liberties should support any measure that reduces court room discretion and does so in a manner that reduces the power of prosecutors and pro prosecution judges (which are now the majority of criminal courts due to the fact that Republican and Democratic politicians have deliberately and proudly appointed prosecutors and the most ruthless and vindictive prosecutors that they could find to become judges).

I was especially surprised that Al Sharpton lumped anti-voter laws and "stop and frisk" with "Stand Your Ground." Even if you disagree with "Stand Your Ground,: it is nothing like those other two things. Voter ID and the rest of those suites of voter suppression measures are targeting measures that try to make voting as onerous as possible short using the Klan to "guard" polling stations.

Stop and Frisk is the polar opposite of SYG, in my view. Stand Your Ground extends to a person of any age, race or station in life, the same "castle" rights that Home owners enjoy, the ability to suffer a far smaller risk of criminal sanctions after using self defense against a threat to life and limb. Stop and Frisk does the exact opposite, it disrespects the personal space of every citizen, who is out in Public and New York City and in practice it is used to violate the personal space young, minority males.

Sadly, we live in a society that still experiences the effects of White Supremacy, patriarchy and stark social class division. As long as all of that exists, black people, poor people and young people are more likely to suffer unsatisfactory legal outcomes compared to a wealthy, white middle aged soccer mom. Given those problems, i would rather that the law err on the side of respecting people's personal space rather than disrespecting it and giving license to law enforcement, one of the most racially and socially biased institutions that we have, to invade personal space on the basis of inchoate notion of a pseudo probable cause.
Funny how a white girl can smoke weed and wear gold teeth and she is just expressing herself.

Trayvon does it and he is profiled as a criminal even in death.

I live in BIZARRO world
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