R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

No one is arguing that R Kelly isn't a weirdo that is messed up. The guy was sexually molested for a year straight as a kid. He's got serious issues. He likes little girls so he can mold and control them. This video is just the media hunting him down like always. These broads are of age and they chose to be there. I'm sure it's weird as **** but I don't care about this ****.

The weirdest and most ****** up people are always the most talented and artistic. Michael Jackson, Prince, R Kelly and so on. You can suck a **** if you think I'm a fan of someone touching on kids. His music is fire and always will be. If I run into him today, he can come to the crib and party. Y'all buggin.
One of the best R&B songs ever made

Shame he was probably sitting at some playground writing it.

No one is arguing that R Kelly isn't a weirdo that is messed up. The guy was sexually molested for a year straight as a kid. He's got serious issues. He likes little girls so he can mold and control them. This video is just the media hunting him down like always. These broads are of age and they chose to be there. I'm sure it's weird as **** but I don't care about this ****.

The weirdest and most ****ed up people are always the most talented and artistic. Michael Jackson, Prince, R Kelly and so on. You can suck a **** if you think I'm a fan of someone touching on kids. His music is fire and always will be. If I run into him today, he can come to the crib and party. Y'all buggin.

so you're not a fan of child molesters but you'd kick it with one.......

He's the most talented person in music today soooo yeah, come through and rap with the god. He can bring some 18-20 year old broads too if he wants.
How dudes keep coming back to the molestation situation instead of focusing on the "crime" he's accused of now makes no sense to me lol.
same way people bring up trayvon anytime zimmerman is brought up some things you just dont shake like being a serial pedophile
He's the most talented person in music today soooo yeah, come through and rap with the god. He can bring some 18-20 year old broads too if he wants.

sooo you don't support pedophiles unless they can sing? I'm saying you'd like to hang out with one and have an orgy with him if possible sounds like more than support to me, admiration is the word i keep coming back to....

you're probably trolling like usual but damn fam you might wanna talk to someone.
The women in this story are of legal age. If it was 11 year olds, it would be different but also R Kelly is mentally sick. I never denied it. He needs help but I gotta stop listening to his music because he has issues? No. Should I stop watching TV and movies because a lot of those people running them have had sex with underage boys and girls and have abused their wives? If y'all gonna boycott R Kelly, then you got a whole lot of other celebs to boycott as well.
Yeah, that **** is weird as ****. But she's grown and her parents wanted her to go there. She's enamored with money and fame. I should feel bad for her?
Dude really wylin if u thought I was for real bout ignoring all of Kelly's issues because he made TP2.com, but this particular case is no diff than a huge heff and buzzfeed making it more than what it is.
Ah the moral high horsing has commenced. How you wasting energy trying to make other people see your point of view like people should not be allowed to have their own opinion? Mad that people won't grab a pitchfork with you.
The women in this story are of legal age. If it was 11 year olds, it would be different but also R Kelly is mentally sick. I never denied it. He needs help but I gotta stop listening to his music because he has issues? No. Should I stop watching TV and movies because a lot of those people running them have had sex with underage boys and girls and have abused their wives? If y'all gonna boycott R Kelly, then you got a whole lot of other celebs to boycott as well.

Fam...he MARRIED 15 year old. 15.
Did I disagree and say he wasn't sick and didn't have any mental issues and doesn't he have a thing for young girls?
Does the woman not being able to disclose her location not bother Kellz supporters?

I been said if they really cared about the girls and not appearing morally superior/their personal emotions and getting reps they would be focused on this.

It looks weird to me but just like this whole situation...so far it's just "weird". The evidence of foul play hasn't appeared yet.

I'm feeling like this rabbit hole goes way deeper than R. Kelly and has since the initial allegations which is why he's been stepping in the name of love so cleanly through all of this.
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