R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

pretty good summary of kellz on vox

“But he is also correct in observing that, within his bubble, a different reality exists,” Heath continued. “One in which he still gets plenty of invitations and approval, his records still sell, and the crowds still turn up. I can think of no plausible reason for some of the answers he has given me over the past three days, other than that he's shielding himself from some unpalatable guilty truths. But he seems oblivious to this, perhaps because his life gives him no particular reason to confront them. I wonder whether he's been around so many people for so long who either pretend to believe him, or who simply don't care, that he's learned to take that as evidence of his own innocence.”

"It seems that in ignoring the charges against Kelly, we have not only signaled to Kelly himself that his behavior is acceptable or at the very least forgivable, but also created an atmosphere in which young women feel safe with him, and in which mothers have felt safe leaving their daughters with him. It suggests that if Kelly wanted to continue in his alleged patterns and escalate his behavior, it would be easy for him to do so."

i blame the parents, they know better, they wanted a check, but it aint turn out the way they wanted

that reminds me of the "we should tell rapists to stop raping" logic that feminists love to use

if someone is already mentally ****** up to where they want to rape someone what makes you think telling them to stop raping is gonna make them just chill lol

except in this case kelly has managed to finesse his way out of the system so why would you still put your daughter in that position

people like being right on the internet more than they like actually avoiding ****** up situations...
The protective paternal instincts never kicked in. Son is a grown lil pervert boy and has all the fame and fortune to fulfill dark desires.
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Does the woman not being able to disclose her location not bother Kellz supporters?

Location thing doesn't bother me as much, knowing the media parade would be coming her way. It's not commenting on who she's living with or if she's free to leave whenever she wants which is scary. Some dude's are actually giving him props for his perceived puppeteering, grief
also people are acting like 18 is some fresh outta math class type **** but this chick just turned 18

i was born mid 90's so maybe i dont understand how you change mentally as u get older yet

but i dont see how kelly would be a creep or unusual for wanting some **** like this

nice young firm tenderoni who does as she's told and doesnt bring you many problems

let that man cook

Uh, yeah...

She getting pipe, dawg...
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